Salah El Din Mohssein
2024 / 4 / 21
New "Abraham Lincoln" world needs
By, Salah El Din Mohssein
From my blog : 12-9-2017
The late Lincoln. did free the persons (indeviduals)
Who will liberate peoples enslaved by rulers?! which They plunder , embezzle wealth , food, and stoped freedoms & all human rights. They rule by none laws . full the prisons, and detention centers.
All this happens against the poor peoples, with the blessing and friendship of a country of “Abraham Lincoln”! ..Unfortunately..America -
and its allies ( some European countries .. we not forget Russia and China also, which on way to join colonial countries using agents - who betray their peoples . and they sell their countries -
the rulers smuggle what they plunder and embezzle to the banks of America & other countries .... .
A new " Lincoln " is important now for Libaration of a many slaves peoples - and slaves nations , by the new colonizations with their bad agents
translated from my blog ( In Arabic ) 12-9-2017
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