The Anthem of the Galaxy

Hussain Alwan Hussain
2024 / 4 / 19

Listen, you god of the betrayed deities,
Betrayed before the interpretation of dreams,
Those who have left in silence,
Soaring with their deblossomed Secret,
Into the waves of the galaxy
To dip in bitter snow.

Lo, you god of the naïve teens -
Full to the brim with true love nowhere to be found -
You who dictate the tyranny of destiny-;-
You who heal pain with numbness-;-
Till when could you keep silent
Killing hunger with rest?
(That’s the best remedy:
Staging farce without comedy.)

You, the god of the insatiable gropers,
Who loathe the truth:
Can’t you see the lookers at mirrors,
Envying the father of patience,
Staid in numbness dull,
And with pain of despair at the end,
Devoid of peace´-or-lull?

You, god of prayers and tributes,
Tell me: How can I know my way?
How can I get on with the clash of life
While I roam in vain,
The unknown venues of the heights,
Without seeing rain,
Or port?

You who are in the habit of staying high,
---sleep---ing without ---sleep---´-or-dream,
Can I ask you through the darkness
When would this darkness bloom?
Do you know?
Or you don’t know
That after your flood
There are going to be numberless floods?
And that nothing would be OK?
So how would you do?
What do you intend to do?
Would you get down
And deliver your word for free creation anew?
Or do you still decree that patience begets salvation?

Tell me what would you say
When the heavy hearts knock at your door:
Give us the sign!
Would you honey warmth to the spirits of loss
Feeding them the flowers of fire?
Or would you fidget
And let them down to drown?
Would you tell them that you are too busy?
And that you were taken aback by the visit:
So, go now and come back tomorrow?
Or what?

Tell me, dear god,
What would you do?
What would you say?
Where is your sign?
Would you choose to vanish again in time of the insane,
since ancient swirling date?
(Business as usual.)

Oh my god,
Don’t you know that one word is enough
When uttered before it is too late?

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