Mahmoud Said Kawash
2024 / 4 / 5
Poem by Mahmoud Said Kawash
Your morning is a new dawn
It is the longing of the heart and soul, which I speak about more and more
Your morning is a whisper in the world of embraces
An anthem
It is the voice of a singing angel
Going with the sails of thirst towards warm lips you want
Planting a kiss in the embrace of the swinging meeting
Playing on the string of wishes, and a nascent dream
Your morning is the whole life, with pride and dignity
As if everything around you comes alive and rises to the sky
You are the morning and the light
You are the splendour and the cure
You are the source of quenching and belonging
Your morning is a spring of water in the middle of the wilderness and the gardens
O kingdom of beautiful women
Your morning is a smile on the gap of time
I pick it and then kiss it kindly and tenderly
Your morning is my heartbeat
It is the sound of a dove which excites me
Sews me up
Surrounds me
Overwhelms me
Comforts me
Kills me
Revives me
Your evening is like your morning, pure, pleasant and reassured
The radiance of a sweet and joyful smile
Whispers that shower your heart with mercy, health, beauty, and all good things
Your evening is like your morning, honeycomb, amber, incense and perfumes
With smiles full of happiness, contentment and pleasure
Reassure me of you, O you who sits on the throne of my heart
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Lord of the universe reassure me of you
Passion calls me and insists on calling
Shall I repeat the visit and approach you with longing and splendour?
I wonder what you say, O all of serenity, goodness, purity, healing, and loyalty!!
I miss you, I miss you, how much I miss you!!
I wish I live with you happily till eternity!!
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