Shorok Ahmed
2024 / 1 / 23
"Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness."
―-;- Maya Angelou
When darkness crashes the soul, only music and love can bring it back home, and when the world becomes dark, only music and loving other souls can give us hope, and when we want to understand the screams of our souls, nothing but music can light that hole we are in. And no nation ever failed while its people danced during their darkest hour. I always think that nations that learned how to dance and sing during their darkest hours are the nations that always prevail, nations that play music at their loved ones funerals and through dark moments are the nations to be feared, because just like what president snow said in Hunger Games "Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous." A nation that finds refuge in music is a nation that creates and never destroys because music is more powerful than politics and religion because music has no religion and no differences, and because music has no color, race,´-or-identity, it brings people together under one rooftop, and the minute we choose religion over love and music it becomes chaotic, we start to witness the rage and anger and everyone becomes violent, we start hearing how people want to destroy others religions because only one religion can prevail. Politics used it to divide the world, and terrorists and extremists choose it as a weapon to bring darkness and hate to the world, while music from the very beginning of the creation of the universe was and will always be the one thing that kills darkness to bring a light of hope.
When we hit rock bottom, nothing but a whisper of music can mend our open wounds, and when two people are in love they make love while the sounds of music are in the background. When you feel like the whole world is falling apart you put on your headphones and let the music wash the pain away, nothing in the world is better than music and love, I m writing this post because I m a musician, and because I realized lately that darkness seekers are using religion as a strategy in their politics to make us think that the enemy is the other, to create more hate and bring more division into the world, it travels faster than music and love, it starts wars inside our homes before the actual war that come later, but every time I put my headphones on and I play music, every kind of music Hebrew, Indian, Korean, English, Latino, Russian, Turkish, Arabic, African music, I forget all the hate and the differences I have with the people of any country, I start dancing´-or-crying because of the melody and the voice that shares the same pain´-or-happiness, music has the ability to transfer into the soul regardless of the language, because it touches the same universal pain, the same pain we all share and the screams we all hold, that religion and politics can never do.
I fear those who listen to music but still call it a sin and "Haram" I fear those who dance to music but call it the work of the devil, and one day they will stop listening to it, and I fear those who listen to music and in their heart, it s not the language of the lovers and medicine to the soul, music is the one thing that inspired all the greatest minds in history like Albert Einstein "If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think of music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music." - Albert Einstein.
Last but not least, I think that our souls are born from music, and that s why when melodies start to play all the sadness disappears.
"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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