Abdul-hamid Salloum
2023 / 10 / 14
:I do think, tens of millions of intellectuals in the Arab world share me the ideas: contained in this message
1- All the values that you have spoken about throughout your modern history, and you were proud of, and admired the peoples of the world outside Europe, have fallen within 24 hours.
There is no more sense,no longer effect to your rhetoric about human rights and freedoms that you have been working on and promoting for so many decades, after World War Two, and embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, in the Tehran Declaration of Human Rights in 1968, and in the Vienna Declaration of Human Rights in 1993.
All of those allegations have become meaningless after you unconsciously, thoughtlessly, walked behind the United States regarding what is happening in Palestine, taken by the herd instinct.
2- Where is the freedom of expression when you prevent the raising of the Palestinian flag in your countries, and prevent any demonstration in support of Palestine, while you all raise the flag of Israel in the most prominent landmarks of your capitals, And allow demonstrations in support of Israel, which still occupies the Palestinian territories, the Syrian Golan, and Lebanese lands?
3- Your unprecedented support for Israel,your negligence of all its crimes throughout its history to this day, and its constant violation of the United Nations Charter and the four Geneva Conventions, especially the Fourth Convention relating to the treatment of civilians under occupation,this proves as well that you turn blind eye to the United Nations Charter,international law, and international humanitarian law, when it comes to Israel.
4- Your double standard policies in dealing with international affairs, have made you lose credibility and exposed your terrible hypocrisy.
5- Your military buildups these days in the Eastern Mediterranean, bring back to the memory of the Arabs and Muslims the time of the Crusades, and what you are doing today is a new Crusade war against the Arabs and Muslims.
6- Your blind bias in favour of Israel will encourage extremism throughout the region and outside the region, even in the Islamic world, and will push even the moderates and centrists in the Arab and Islamic worlds to encourage extremist movements, as you have left no room for something called international justice, human rights, and international law.
7- You are responsible for every single of blood that has been shed since 1967. If you had implemented the Security Council Resolution 242, and Israel had withdrawn from the lands it occupied in June aggression, the October war in 1973 would not have happened.
8- If you had implemented the United Nations General Assembly Resolution No. 3236 of 1973, entitled “The Rights of the Palestinian People,” which affirmed the inalienable rights of the Palestinians, especially the right to self-determination, the right to independence and national sovereignty, and the right to return to their homes and properties from which they were expelled, and establish their own independent and sovereign state, we would not have reached where we are today.
9- The Palestinian people have the right under the United Nations Charter and international law, to regain their occupied lands by all means including armed struggle.
10- Resolution 3236 stipulates the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East, so why didn’t you accomplish that? .
11- You must realize that the first people who introduced terrorism into the Middle East were the Zionist gangs known by the names (Haganah, Stern, and Irgun). These gangs committed massacres that will not be erased through history, against the innocent Palestinians in order to terrorize them and force them to leave their homes and farms.. The Deir Yassin massacre in 1948 will remain alive in history. .
12- Britain ,the mandatory authority ,was the one that classified these organizations as terrorist organizations since 1931, and it was the one that demanded the arrest of Yitzhak Shamir as a terrorist. This terrorist later became the Prime Minister of Israel.
13- These terrorist organizations later formed what is known as the “Israeli Defense Army” and the spirit of these organizations remained alive in the mind and doctrine of this army.Thus, terrorism continued to be perpetrated in a systematic and organized manner, and became a state terrorism.
14- More than 200 resolutions issued by the General Assembly and the UN Security Council regarding the Palestinian question, Israel has not implemented one single resolution of them, and you in the west, still supporting it by all means.
15- Your support was the main factor for encouraging and inciting Israel for more stubbornness,intransigence, extremism, arrogance, expansion and occupation, and the practice of the policies of apartheid that prevailed in South Africa, with continued disregard of all United Nations resolutions, the Charter, and international law..
Thus, you are complicit in the crime
16- The Arabs extended their hands for peace with Israel, and went to the peace conference in Madrid in 1991, and president Yasser Arafat concluded the Oslo accords in 1993, and he passed away in 2005 with all that time Israel was procrastinating and didn’t implement that agreement. Despite that Arafat recognized the State of Israel, renounced terrorism and accepted to solve all issues through negotiations, but the Israelis cheated him and didn’t abide by the agreement.
17- President Mahmoud Abbas assumed power in 1995 and was very flexible, but Israel has not offered him anything regarding the establishment of a Palestinian state, until today.
18- Negotiations continued with the Syrian side for about twenty years, to withdraw from the occupied Syrian Golan, but throughout all that time Israel was procrastinating and did not accept to withdraw. They wanted to have normalization without withdrawing from the occupied Syrian Golan. And they say it very clearly, we make peace for peace, not for withdrawing from the occupied territories. So, how can you make peace with who is still occupying your land and dismissing your people?.
19 - The Arabs presented a peace initiative at their summit in Beirut in 2002, based on the principle of land for peace, that is, withdrawal from the occupied Arab territories in exchange for establishing peace between the Arabs and Israel, but Sharon immediately rejected this initiative and said that it was not worth the ink it was written with, then he attacked the city of Jenin in the West Bank and committed heinous crimes..
20- Nothing was left for the Palestinians and others, but armed struggle. Especially in the light of the ongoing Israeli attacks in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, the confiscation of lands, the demolition of homes, more sieges, imprisonment, arrests, displacement, oppression and humiliation and apartheid policies.
21- Resistance is a legitimate and legal right when you have occupation. The terrorist is the occupier and not the freedom fighter.
And here we must ask these questions:
- Was the French resistance against the Nazi occupation, terrorism?
- Was the resistance of the British people against the Nazi aggression terrorism?.
- was the resistance of the peoples of Europe against the Nazi, terrorism?.
Occupation is occupation regardless who is the occupier.
22- How much you have accused freedom fighter Nelson Mandela of terrorism?. You imprisoned him 27 years in a solitary confinement room, and after 27 years in prison your conscience awakened and you discovered that he is a freedom fighter, and you gave the people of South Africa their right to independence and freedom.
23- When will your conscience wake up and grant the Palestinian people their right to independence and freedom?.
If the Palestinian resistance is (terrorist) in your propaganda, what can you say about two billion Arabs and Muslims who support this resistance?.
Are they terrorists as well?.
24- Finally, what do you say about the Israeli bombardment of the Damascus International Airport, and the Aleppo International Airport?.
Isn t that the utmost act of terrorism?.
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