Resurrected corruption is the hopeless cause of the stiff -prophets-.

Imen Marie Agnes Adili
2022 / 12 / 9
Jesus Appears to Thomas
24 Now Thomas (also known as Didymus[a]), one of the Twelve, was not with the disciples when Jesus came. 25 So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!”
But he said to them, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.”
26 A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” 27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here-;- see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”
28 Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”
29 Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed-;- blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
The amphigoric tale of the revenant showing his iron nails and his ruddy stigmata walks in the furrow of the weeping alleys of the death destiny of the souls suspended in the foggy shadows of the mummified corpses invoking the dark cults of the eternally resurrected twilights celebrating the Thanatos of the spirits persecuted by the nothingness of the inspirations hampered by a true thanatology sculpting the pallid statues of the revisited carrions.
Strolling through the meanders of concepts in order to jabber vainly over the cities haunted by the corpses married to "holy and holy" thieves of the shining light in the depths of exalted human thought crowned by the paliurus spina christi of times rummaging in the underworld from the engulfed abysses of the thorns of thought-death, from the suicide finality from the hopeless causes from the stolen philosophical ideas from the diverted prophetic visions and from the kidnapped son of the promise, it is my child the persecuted saint school dropout to maraud the fruits of my enlightened existence experiencing the proven impossibility of the power of the "prophets"-maccabees to swindle the mystical light of the Holy Soul chosen from eternity, so it should hardly be forgotten that faith is the confidence of the commitment to keep the promise "The Latin words fides (faith) and foedus (pact, agreement, alliance) come from the same Indo-European root, beidh-, which also gave in Greek pist is and which generally suggests the idea of "inspired" confidence, it is the high inspiration of the promised holy child who has the power to crucify the rascal brigands having faith!! Aiming to extort my money through the "school" node of vipers "blessed" by the absence of any knowledge and any education and the assured presence of the horned and hungry horned vipers.
The gossip that wanders on the asphalt of souls haunted by the notion of religion synonymous with criminal organization giving itself up to the splinters of Roman judgment, lair of flattered injustice is born from intoxicated wanderings, Infernal Vulcan from olive veins colonized by noxious suffering herbs chasms traced on the afflicted bluish skin.
It is fitting to recognize that, wanting to destroy the future of a promised and promising child in order to argue over the merits of such a slow execution which wants to be assured, is the carmine fragment of the forbidden crime undermining the right to life and education, it is the same to stigmatize holy marriage in order to make disloyal gossip about the bastard legitimacy of destroying a child accused of being Jesus who was to be crucified´-or-imprisoned for life in place of the character "Barabbas", thus to hold my child hostage since the age of four, today he is nine years old, is to provoke endless bickering over the "virtue" of eternal corruption!
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