Imen Marie Agnes Adili
2022 / 12 / 2
John 20:19-23
Jesus Appears to His Disciples
19 On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” 20 After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.
21 Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” 22 And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven-;- if you do not forgive them, they are
not forgiven.”
A bow of epistemological fallacy that denudes the biblical narrative stigmatised by the fear of the disciples-characters of the revenant Jesus, a marvellous tale "containing supernatural elements that play an important role in the story" whose deceitfulness does not cease to multiply tenfold the weaving of the repeated story of the weeping tree of the unfortunate souls awaiting under the elm the inspiration of the exalted shining visions.
A miserable need to invite deep human thoughts to the feast of the flesh of the consumed Christ, a host overwhelmed by a confused ritual of spirits drunk with the tears of the much proclaimed holiness of consciences lost in the bowels of hearts downcast by the misery of the senses afflicted by the pauperism of enslaved peoples wandering tirelessly along the abandoned paths of necrotic valves wandering in the nights of torn veins searching in vain for the light inspired in the depths of the infinite sorrows awakened by the natural finitude of the resurrected darkness’s .
The gall of the morose hatreds of the ecclesiastical cassocks of the clergy consecrated by the pregnant "holy" grudge, the work of the relentless "holy spirit" amusing the sooty moods of the single mothers defended by the sullen archipelago tale of the virgin "saints" colonised by the credulous Josephus saints believing in the miracle of births fallen from the disenchanted cedars, pitifully celebrating the autumn of disinherited souls, the maudlin lyre of the torturing brigand priests and disciples engaged in the criminal struggle against the blessed holy pen exiled in the humus of the shoulder-stretchers "saints".
To bow one s spine under the imperialism of poisonous tales is a cult of betrayals flattered by the vermilion euphoria of the rustic heads which snaked in the chained dryads of hateful divinities avenging the murderous anger of dead plants since antiquity imposing "the power" of moralize on the legitimacy of murdering the soul of the chosen child because Jesus had to be recrucified in a rustic way to amuse the carrion, miserable hosts of the resuscitated ruins.
A gruff monk exhausting shining humanity, the thinking mind bearing the promise of intelligence incarnate, a shameless snake perched on a cursed tree that dwells in a state of somnolence in the bowels of the nights of time slaughtered by the reality of slaughtering shadows that flee in the midst of pallid darkness, relentless bloodthirsty resurrecting the legitimacy of killing a people when they were looking for their stolen bread by the ancient mafia who mutate on the sibylline prophecies of the unjustly possessed lands, a heritage! amphigoric evaporated in the daylight of the visionary holy truth of mummies dethroned by the power of the thinking Soul reflecting the rainy light chasing away the dust of hidden crimes, the melancholy poetess who dispels in the silence of human thoughts the illusion of the hidden tear revealing the prophetess enlightened by holy cultivated visions stolen by the chimerical religious mercenaries who stubbornly follow the ferocious path of the rotten meat illicitly sold to the ignorant butcher priests blinded by the verdant sacred quest for a deadly glory of the murderous actors playing the repeated role of the resurrected human rushing on the ruddy winds of the nocturnal wanderings of senseless hazardous origins.
From where swallowing the snakes of modern times awake is the test of the married faith, holy wife enduring, in the silence saved from the malice of the accomplices of the canonised crimes and the sterile clichés of inspiration, the viperous accusation of the cursed character Josephus the "husband" deceived by the unhealthy spirit believing in "the holy virgin" the venerated single mother, because she is "the forbidden fruit" of ignorance protected by the ruined temples of souls unfortunate, so it was not a show when I had been called a single mother for years me the beloved holy wife because to her the coveted voter the single prostitute mother who had been reserved the title of Mrs. the favourite!
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