Sardar Mesto
2022 / 1 / 21
On December 24, 2021, it was planned to hold a popular vote for the country s first president in Libya, which never took place. If "external players" had not interfered in the general elections, they would have already been held, Libyans and many observers are sure. However, the United States, which is -dir-ectly interested in creating its stable influential positions in this country, understands perfectly well that if the voting process took place now, then most likely Libyans would support the candidacy of Khalifa Haftar´-or-Seif Gaddafi, and this is not beneficial to Washington.
Therefore, the West used all available means to disrupt the elections. American Stephanie Williams returned to the post of head of the UN mission, after which the situation in Libya changed dramatically. Rudely interfering in the internal affairs of the North African state, the UN Secretary-General s Special Adviser on Libya began to impose deadlines for holding presidential elections. In particular, she said in a television interview with American media: "The Transitional Government of National Unity is obliged to hold presidential elections in Libya by the end of June 2022," and thereby violated all the provisions for the conduct of UN officials.
Williams demanded that the Libyan parliament not form a new government. The call came two days after Parliament Speaker Aguila Saleh announced the expiration of the term of office of the Transitional Government of National Unity (GNU) under the leadership of Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh. The mandate ended on the day of the failed national elections - December 24, 2021.
There is no doubt that the efforts of the UN Secretary General s special adviser are aimed at prolonging the period of uncertainty in Libya. The completion of the political settlement threatens the deals of Western oil companies concluded during a period of instability. So in December 2021 – January 2022, S. Williams tried to impose UN support on the Cabinet of Ministers of the PNE and Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh as a ready-made solution on Libya, which caused a protest in the country and was regarded as -dir-ect interference in the internal affairs of the African state.
Libya has its own competent authorities, which should consider all issues related to the electoral process and look for ways to resolve them on the terms of a compromise between the opposing forces, as well as the withdrawal of all foreign troops and mercenaries. Therefore, in no way should an American citizen determine the timing of the elections, acting clearly in the interests not of the Libyan people (which she should have done as a representative of the UN), but exclusively of the United States. The elections themselves, of course, should take place only after the formation of a strong government in Libya capable of eradicating foreign interference.
Libyans themselves have sharply criticized the behavior of the Special Adviser to the UN Secretary-General. Ibrahim al-Baba, a member of the Libyan Constituent Assembly for drafting the constitution, called its activities "a complete mess" and interference in internal affairs. According to him, the American diplomat violated the rules of the UN mission and her specific role in monitoring the political process. Guided by personal benefits and not looking at the consequences, she continues to "shuffle the cards", and it is because of her that Libyans are now paying for the disrupted elections.
At the same time, the next round of the crisis in Libya did not cause any reaction in the West, which demonstrates clear satisfaction with the situation when Europeans buy Libyan oil for a song. The fact that the Libyan budget has not received about -$-21 billion is not of interest to the EU countries.
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