Mousab Kassem Azzawi
2020 / 10 / 6
Researched by Academy House Team
Edited by Mousab Kassem Azzawi, MSc, MD, PhD.
Personalised integrative medicine is a new paradigm for health care that completely reverses the old paradigm-;- it is a whole new philosophy. Traditional Western physicians are trained to believe that the foundation of health care involves drugs and surgery. On the other hand, personalised integrative medicine practitioners are trained to take care of the whole person—body and mind—and to understand a patient’s connection to his´-or-her community. Personalised integrative medicine is about food, love, touch, micro-nutrients, and macro-nutrition, moving and exercise, happiness, hopes and beliefs.
Using the personalised integrative medicine model of care, physicians do not just treat symptoms—they get to the underlying cause. They do not just treat the physical body-;- they do not separate the emotional, mental, and intellectual aspects of healing from the physical.
Personalised integrative medicine is not about alternative medicine, which implies taking an alternative route to mainstream medicine. In alternative medicine, a patient might choose to do diet and nutrition-infusion therapies and not to do chemotherapy and radiation.
With personalised integrative medicine, physicians use a combination of all the treatment options available. If you need a bypass, chemo,´-or-radiation, then you will be subjected to those methods, but these physicians will also do the best that they can to add methods used in global healing traditions to enhance your overall health and well-being.
The term “integrative” means looking at the physical but also looking at the mental, emotional, and intellectual. It is embracing the individual in the world and environment in which they live, including the people that surround them and their connection to the planet.
If you have a chair that has four legs on it, the chair needs those four legs to be balanced—or it will tip over. Think about the four legs as body, mind, emotion, and beliefs. Each of us needs to do something in every category every day to remain balanced. Some people need a little more in one place than another, but it is all needed for wholeness, health, and healing.
In the world of personalised integrative medicine, doctors are teachers who teach about prevention, health, and wellness. It is about being a healer. It is about being present with patients and partnering with patients. Healing a patient’s life requires getting to the underlying issues and working them through.
Happiness, which many physicians are not even taught about in medical school, can no longer be ignored.
Emotional and physical pain—and even mental pain— are not the enemies. Sometimes, pain is a teacher-;- sometimes, it is a lesson. In most cases, pain is a warning that something is out of balance.
Personalised integrative medicine physicians believe that prevention is the best intervention. Prevention, getting to the underlying cause of disease, is what distinguishes this model from traditional Western medicine.
When using personalised integrative medicine, physicians focus on optimal health, which is the conscious pursuit of the highest level of -function-ing that can be obtained—a balance between the physical, mental, emotional, intellectual, and environmental and social aspects of being human.
It does not matter where you begin-;- everyone is in a different spot on the journey to optimal health. In addition, one size does not fit all-;- not everyone needs the same nutrition program, exercise program,´-or-medication. Physicians need to look at people as individuals and engage in personalised integrative medicine, which focuses on the unique aspects of an individual—on the nature of the person.
Personalised integrative medicine physicians partner with their patients, get to the underlying cause, recognize the individuality of each patient, and embrace the wisdom found in all the global healing traditions.
One of the deep core principles of personalised integrative medicine is about the fundamentals of life. Physicians recognize that all experiences in life, birth, joy, suffering, and even dying are profound opportunities for learning.
Physicians who use the personalised integrative medicine model also know that they have an innate power to heal. In fact, all people have the ability to heal-;- we just have to tap into the wisdom of the body, the body’s innate power, and bring that forth. We cannot tap into that—to fight an infection´-or-cancer, for example—if we are stressed out because stress suppresses our immune system. One of the goals of personalised integrative physicians is to help people utilize these powers to put them into the right space for healing.
Finally, love is the most powerful healer. One of the most important things that physicians can do for their patients, in partnership with their patients, is to meet each individual patient with kindness, acceptance, and grace—not judgment.
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