A Wall Perceived as a Window!

Abdullah Marei
2020 / 8 / 14

An Arab proverb goes like, "do not expect much when the ill-omened gets together with the demoralized". UAE, Israel s glove, has declared peace with Israel. The Arab populace waxes indignant and Israel thinks that is the end to the conflict.

The Arab people know for a fact there shall be no peace with Israel until hell freezes over. Not because peace is not fit for the Arab palate, but because Arabs understand a made- up peace with those who have been destroying the region, killing their brethren for decades and stealing their lands is not possible without proper redress for the victims.

The UAE, however, believes and acts as if peace is a yacht it can buy whenever it occurs to MBZ. Materializing values like tolerance, happiness and what have you is a common practice in the UAE. If you announce being unhappy even over a moodswing, you are penalized under the UAE law.

Speaking of laws, the UAE laws on Israel are extremely intolerant in text. Turning their back to their own laws must tell one a thing´-or-two.

Still, why not make peace with Israel anyway?
The UAE and Israel have more in common than what they have with any other country.

Both countries are established on stolen lands. While the story of how Palestine became Israel is well known, the UAE stole its land from its neighbouring state, Oman.

Both countries are cradles to corrupt leadership and practices, from money laundering to state-protected organized crime.

Both countries use a humongous media machine for a make believe and get away with audio-visual effects, even when claiming space missions.

When it comes to human rights, the UAE comes second after Israel in torture, forced disappearances, human trafficking, illegal executions and organ trafficking, to mention but a very few.

Women in both countries are degraded in value but allowed to undergo as many plastic surgeries as they wish for and of course to shop. Both countries cover their women head to toe and treat them like sex objects. When a woman is good enough for presentation, she is instrumented for espionage missions using her flesh. Free women who speak out simply disappear.

Children rights are violated in both countries. In Israel, it is a common practice for children of eight years old go to prison for life over throwing a stone. In the UAE, a child was imprisoned for life over having Qatari numbers in his phone book.

Israel cannot make peace with the Palestinians, ignores them and seeks to make peace with other Arabs to make it worse. The UAE cannot make peace with Qatar and seeks to have alliance with other Arab countries by the same logic.

Both Israel and the UAE believe that a flag raised on a building makes history water under the bridge.

Both Israel and the UAE travel around Arab countries burying falsified antiques to claim history in the region as a green-light to proceed to destruction. Both countries are anti-Islam and seek every which way to attack it.

Mossad operations are as dreadful as those of the UAE "defense" forces. Both countries attack third parties and call it defense. To add insult to injury, both countries claim to have the most moral armies in the world.

Population wise, Israel and the UAE are minorities among Arabs. History teaches us that corrupt minorities taking the lead always always end up in self destruction.

The list could take pages on the identical twin but will that be enough to have peace in the region?

Israel signed peace treaties with both Jordan and Egypt decades back. They called them historical milestones at the time. To date, their peace with these countries is still a mine field waiting for a wrong step to explode. With Israel led by the UAE to have peace, the blind is led by the lunatic to cross over the same mind field.

Understanding that peace is a process in need of proper grounds to flourish is mind boggling to the UAE. MBZ thinks peace is a cookie to buy off a shelf when fancied. For GCC countries, such mindset applies to almost everything.

Will peace with the UAE achieve peace to Israel? Of course not. If a criminal seeks to rectify a situation, the first step to take is acknowledge the crime and seek to make amends with the injured, the harmed, not an external party to the crime. Only then peace could have a chance.

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