Abdallah M Abusharekh
2020 / 6 / 15
Unfortunately, the original copy of an article entitled with" The Arabic Mathematics, a Forgotten Brilliance" has been hidden from the internet. But Instead, there are racial western articles appeared as a response to it. Therefore, this represents ethical breakdown and lack of bias and scientific rights.
I`ve read a response article to the original copy which fairly judged the Arab contributions to the development of mathematics---;--- however, it just represents the perspectives of its authors, the Americans J J O Connor and E F Robertson who attributed the advantages of sciences to the origin of the Greek civilization! As a result of not finding the original copy of the article, my passion to write a special article with what I humbly bear in mind has been increased.
Before discussing the development of Mathematics and the role of Arabs in that, I would confirm that I am an objective person who is against all forms of racism. I also wrote an article entitled with "Arabs sing to the black, but the Americans kill them". Moreover, I posted many songs of love and beauty flirting with a brunette in the Arabic art. On the other hand, hatred and discrimination against the other, who is different, can be found in a certain class, not the whole, of the American community.
Mathematics as a human science belongs to all mankind!
The origin of mathematics came from the observation of the number itself before the invention of its symbol. For instance, number (3) is an abstract concept that we may symbolize it in Arabic, Latin´-or-Indian in order to read it as "three".
The vital reason and the core of conceiving the concept of "number" was due to the observation of man to the crescent changes. The regular geometric gradation from a small crescent to a bigger one reaching in the middle of the month to the full moon, then a reversely geometric gradation when the full moon begin shrinking till slipping away. Therefore, this phenomena perplexed ancient man, he began calculating and monitoring it. Throughout the short life of man on this planet, some of them worshipped the moon due to its miraculous movement and its marvelous geometric appearance and disappearance that happens frequently. So this rooted the ancient belief of immortality and divinity of the moon.
The emergence of the sun`s doctrine and its sanctification was due to the period of monitoring the moon that takes one month whereas monitoring the day and the night was easier and shorter as it takes only a one day!
The Chinese, the Greeks, the ancient Egyptians, and the Sumerians were living roughly in a synchronized period of time. They monitored spheres, Galileo telescope was not invented yet, as well as they observed the five moving planets in the vast sky by the naked eyes. The five planets were (Mars, Venus, Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter), beside the sun and the moon. So man became having 7 luminous spheres which are the five I have just mentioned beside the sun and the moon.
Scientists believed that these shining planets and stars orbiting over the sky throughout the year in a marvelous geometric way were as immortal gods. At this point, the Sabean doctrine, that is the oldest religious belief that appeared on earth, came into surface. Sabeans believed that gods alternately rule the world as each god rules one day respectively. Therefore, people compulsorily divided the circle of days into 7 days relating to the 7 gods. " We have here in Palestine a city called -Beersheba- that can literary be related to number seven, not to a name of a lion".
In brief, the seven days of the week, whose names have the same names as the seven planets, have been arisen. So, naming days as "Sunday, Monday, etc." is internationally considered as the oldest naming. As can be noted that the first day " Sun.day" is the day of the sun and the next day " Moon.day" is the day of the moon that had been shortened as " Monday". So this is unlike to naming the rest of the days "Tuesday, Wednesday, etc." that can be noticed clearly that they were developed after the development of Mathematics and counting systems. Thus, by this way, it can be inferred that the simplest mathematical systems man could induce through the mediation of nature and planets.
Note (1)
The western scholars who are proponents to the Greek sciences do not know that the doctrine of the Sabeans was in Iraq and their worshipping to the seven planets was much earlier than the Greek civilization!
What is preceded above is just a presentation I consider it appropriate for the general culture of non-specialized people, but what comes next is worthy to be written as another events developed after counting systems that were based on the days. (Number 1, 7 and 30 are according to the day and night, the days of the week and the days of the month respectively).
Latin figures (Roman) were as a primitive thoughts ---dir---ectly based on setting digits. For example, (I) indicates to number one, (II) indicates to number two , (III) indicates to number three and (IV) indicates to number four. On the other hand, the Arabic numbers that the whole world is currently use were originated from the creativity of the Arabs who depended on counting angles. For example, there is a one angle in number 1, two angles in number 2, and three angles in number 3, and till reaching to number nine that has 9 angles. Moreover, the need of Arabs to writing numbers up to 9 urged them to create the Arabic Zero that indicates to numbers 10,100 and 1000. Therefore, in that time, the Arabic Zero was a revolution in mathematics and for enemy systems as well as its importance was not less than the revolution of Google, Microsoft, Facebook and WhatsApp now!
It is essential to say that what the ancient Greeks "Greece" gave in geometry and astronomy cannot be denied, but the great revolution in mathematics was in the era of the Abbasid state, where Al-Khwarizmi, whose name has been engraved in most of the world`s universities, invented the science of Algebra. The Arabs invented the zero and historically developed the numerical system, so that we still enjoy such achievements till now. Also, Thabit bin Qurra founded the Number Theory that consists of 12 sub-theories. He discussed 11 of them and the last theory was founded by the German scholar Joseph-Louis Lagrange in the 17th century in spite of the claim that he stole it from one of Omar al-Khayyam`s manu---script---s.
Note (2)
Inventing the Zero, numbers, Al Gerbera, the Number Theory, and trigonometry, the Arab also founded the science of cartography as Al-Biruni drew a roughly-completed map of the ancient world.
It should not be denied that the Chinese introduced the paper industry, the Greeks presented the philosophy and geometry, the Pharaohs provided the science of mummification and the British discovered radio waves. Also it cannot be denied that Isaac Newton founded the laws of motion, Eisenstein discovered the Relativity Theory and the Americans currently provide the world Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and Viber. Yet, the role of Arabs and Muslims in the revolution of mathematics and astronomy should never be denied as they invented the numbers that are known so far by their name, and they invented the zero, the theory of numbers, algebra and trigonometry.
Discussing such topic is-limit-less, but we can conclude the following:
1. We are witnessing a global revolution to destroy racist thinking, so this article is a contribution to eliminate racist thinking that prioritize a particular nation as the maker of civilization. Finally, I advise intellectuals to read a 42-volume book "The Story of Civilization" by Lowell Durant and his wife Ariel.
2.There are many Arab and Muslim scholars, such as: Al-Khwarizmi, Al-Biruni, Al-Razi, Ibn Sina, Thabit Ibn Qurra, Al-Hassan Ibn al-Haytham, Qusta ibn Luqa, the two brothers, Banu Musa, al-Tusi, Omar al-Khayyam, Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi, and dozens of others.
3. The civilization is a human heritage that all previous civilizations contributed to its development and advancement---;--- therefore, it is not permissible to monopolize it in a racist and unfairness way that is neither objective nor scientific!
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