Do not teach your children to hate

Dr. Marwan Hayel Abdulmoula
2019 / 12 / 29

Any child needs to be loved, brought up and understood by both parents - mom and dad. Men and women do this in different ways - because the roles of father and mother in the family differ not only in the fulfillment of duties, but also in the sense of influencing the development of the personality of a small person.
The family is the child’s first school, and the mother is his first teacher. The student trusts a good teacher and does not consider it necessary all the time to double-check the information received from her´-or-to doubt her. One of the first lessons a child needs to learn is that he can fully rely on his mother and father and trust them. The mother should always choose the lesson that she wants to convey to the child’s consciousness, and she should show no more emotions than the teacher in the classroom. However, one should not scold the child, prove something to him, nag´-or-punish him. Mother’s attitude towards a naughty child can be expressed with the phrase: “I love you too much to allow you to behave in this way.”
Many parents think that parenting is following pedagogical canons. They read books and study pedagogical systems and techniques. .Meanwhile, the main secret of education is " Own example ". That sounds pretty commonplace. And for sure, everyone knows about this, but for some reason few people put it into practice. Thinking that upbringing is a serious responsible business, most parents set it aside in a separate area, away from the rest of life.
True love gives joy and freedom, and not continuous anxiety and suffering
dig deeper and understand the reasons that caused such a bias in relation to the child. Recall your own childhood and methods of parenting, their relationship with each other .Try to understand and forgive without charge. Most likely, their shortcomings and problems were caused by their own childhood injuries. They raised and loved as they could.
Mothers, as a rule, build their behavior regardless of the gender of the child. For the most part, they are equally caring for both their son and daughter, and in this sense they are less sensitive to their gender. Mother takes care of children more. It is not typical for mothers to take a risk in the behavior of the child, they more often suppress children s actions that fathers allow.
"Note to mothers"
Dont ignore the contribution of men to education of the children and don ts writing it contribution to mother name"female standard , remember that the style of paternal behavior often depends on how the mother behaves and what the mother gives the child, that in trusting they trust each other. - Parental feelings of a man are often “fed” by warm relations with a woman. - The image of the father is formed in the child in many respects under the influence of what the child hears from the mother and grandmother and granddad, which he reads in their eyes when it comes to the father .
if a child is respected and understood that he needs to be given the right to his own development, he always grows brilliant, creative, flexible, and love is a recognition of the right to choose another person. It is difficult to understand when it comes to the child, it seems to us that if you do not impose your opinion on him, he will certainly disappear.

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