Abdelgawad Sayed
2019 / 10 / 6
Middle East dictators and the plea of terrorism
From Bashar to Sisi, it is almost the same plea and the same scenario, fighting terrorism has become an easy way for gaining legitimacy and political control.In Syria Bashar has succeeded to convince himself and to convince the world that he is not a dictator but just a liberator, who is trying to protect his people from the danger of terrorists, killing , jailing and exiling every civic´-or-political opponent to his family dictatorial and corrupted rule, while in Egypt, Sisi seems to be thinking of going the same way, me´-or-the terrorists.
However terrorism in the Middle East is not a mere plea, it is a real threat, coming out from the warring Islamic history and destroying everything, the problem is that the Middle Eastern dictators are not sincere in fighting it, as they are themselves terrorists, interested only in the rule and wealth, with no intention of promoting democracy and the rule of law,´-or-promoting new ideals and morals through a modern system of education,´-or-at least, letting the enlightened part of the society do its job, moreover, in most cases ,with the absence of any economic progress´-or-real desire of raising their people standard of living,they deliberately keep their societies in the same complete backward atmosphere, where terrorism lives and grows, and change become difficult to come.
Still the hope of the International community pressure for reform is also dim. As we are living in the tyrannical age of Putin and Trump, where human ambition for a better world has gone, where the first adopted Asad as his main political ally, and the second cherished Sisi as his favorite dictator, it is certain that the reforming international dimension has been temporarily neutralized in the Middle East.
The only remaining hope for the Middle East, is the Middle Eastern themselves, if only they can come out and say No, No for corruption and mixing religion with politics , as the Iraqis are trying today.
Abdelgawad Sayed
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