Jews are not Semite at all and the only Anti-Semites

Tarig Anter
2019 / 2 / 19

Numerous evidences prove that the Jews are not the Israelites, and they are totally different group from Israelites. But the Israelites were indeed Semite, and so the Jews are not Semitic.
The ancestors of Jews are in fact Turkic Mongolians came from their original homeland in Altai Mountains and northern Tarim Basin of Western Mongolia, Eastern Kazakhstan, and Uyghur.
The Israelites, and even Adam, Noah and Abraham and their descendants, were 100% brown Africans and their homeland was in the Lands of Punt, now called the Horn of Africa. Sam, Ham, and Japheth and all their off springs are just local tribes in Punt and they never migrated to any other part of the world-;- and obviously didn’t populate Earth´-or-any planet in the universe.
Proper scientific investigations could prove that Jews share the same origin with the Hyksos, Aryan Indians, Persians, Turks, Khazar, Bedouins, Romans, Huns, Roma, Sabaeans, and others.
But the Israelites were obliterated by different Turkic Mongolian groups even before the Jews were invented in 580 BC. So, the Jews are the only Anti-Semitic in the world.
Also, the Palestinians are two different peoples of different origins, and both of them are not Arabs. The West Bank was taken by refugees from Anatolia following the Great Late Bronze Age Collapse in 1177 BC. The Gaza region was a settlement for labor brought from Crete and other Mediterranean regions by Jews after 530 BC to replace the indigenous Assyrian Aramaic.
Genetic and anthropological evidence must take into account the vast Turkic Mongolian male-bandits raids westward since 1800 BC after the use of horses for invasions from the Turkic Mongolians homeland. Amazingly, people forgot a great ancient civilizations such as Bharat and Sarasvati Civilizations. And call these by Persian name as India. No one asks how these civilizations were destroyed and who did that? It’s the Turkic Mongolians who did the same to Iran and turned it to savage Persia.
Also, it is very essential to relate genetic and anthropological evidence with animal fossils, as they are much more reliable evidence. Surely, the basic assumptions in genetic researches are flawed, as they are clear in the case of Israelites and Jews and their origins and the so-called Semitic origin of Jews. A discipline that says that Semites genes populated Earth is not science.
What is really unscientific and illogical is to say that all humanity and creation in the entire universe are descendants of Adam and then Noah only-;- and then inject this nonsense into science and call it genetics. Please give a reason and a proof for the alleged global flood and that creation legend, then we could call genetics a science. They were local events only.
All sources don’t discuss the presence of camels and its relationship with Abraham and the alleged home of Israelites. Books and researches written by Jews bear conflict of interests and weaknesses. May be if researches were done on the Hyksos, the Mittani and Kurds they could relate them to Turkic Mongolians, and these could lead to discover the different origins of Jews and Israelites. We are living in colossal fallacies.
Ge ez is the original language of real Israelites and it is the mother of Arabic language. Therefore, Ge ez and Arabic are Semitic-;- while Hebrew is a mixed invention made up of Ge ez with Aramaic Assyrian and other languages. Therefore, Hebrew language is only partially Semitic and partially non-Semitic.
The claim that DNA terms are based on linguistic relationships is ridiculous. DNA could be a science but until its premises are corrected and become scientific and logical DNA will remain just a political pseudoscience.

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