Ghiath El-Marzouk
2018 / 5 / 24
Smart people learn from everything and everyone,
Average people learn from their experiences only,
Whereas stupid people have all the answers already.
Factual Observations, Here and There!
In those civilized and socially advanced societies over there:
When they happen to be apprised of an error they have committed intentionally (or unintentionally) by someone, they offer him/her all sorts of apologies, and they raise their heads with smiling faces as all the sages would do!
In these uncivilized and socially retarded societies over here:
When they happen to be apprised of an error they have committed intentionally (or unintentionally) by someone, they do not offer him/her any sorts of apologies, but rather they lower their heads with scowling faces as all the dullards would do!
[Factual Observation III]
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