dr/ Marwan Hayel Abdulmoula
2017 / 5 / 23
Drugs are all substances that do not participate in the body s natural processes, break´-or-stop them , according to the World Health Organization , drugs are a chemical agent causing stupor, to whom´-or-insensitivity to pain. The term usually refers to opiates´-or-opioids, which are called narcotic analgesics ,, some drugs and psychoactive substances are also used for medical purposes for a long time .
drugs addiction :
The main reason for this problem is a lack of satisfaction with life. with a certain combination of genes, a person can not feel comfortable in the real world. The scarcity of dissatisfaction, felt since childhood, pushes people to search for various "compensators". This can be expressed in a certain behavior of the child, who becomes a teenager´-or-an adult, under certain circumstances begins to use psychoactive substances. Drugs help him to enjoy the pleasure that he has long and vainly sought in real life .
another common cause of drug addiction is Upbringing in the wrong family. This may be an incomplete family´-or-an unsuccessful one - when there is no mutual trust and emotional closeness between native people. Of course, the families of drug addicts are paving the way for a disastrous life for their children. The likelihood that children growing up in such families will become drug addicts will double in comparison with those who are brought up in normal families.
How do detect, on the surface, that a person is using drugs?
drug addicts with experience, of course, stand out from the crowd. But those who have recently started using drugs are not easily detected by in-dir-ect signs.
Here are some of the signs that are characteristic of the appearance of experienced drug addicts.
-Unusually wide´-or-narrow pupils, regardless of external illumination-
-The long sleeves of clothes in any weather and in any setting
-Unfavorable appearance - dry hair, swollen hands, dark, broken – teeth
-Inarticulate , slow speech-
-Increased irritability, rudeness in answering questions
-Increased secrecy without worsening relations with parents and the desire to leave home at the time that the child in -the past spent with his family´-or-lessons .
-Violation of , later falling a .
-Loss of interest in studies and favorite pursuits .
-Sharp mood swings´-or-moods that do not match the situation-
How to get rid of drug addiction forever ?
the first is to realize and accept the fact that you are a drug addict, and your way of life and your dependence are the result of irresponsibility, lack of conscience and moral values. And the latter do not appear on their own - they are brought up in society. Therefore, every addict needs the help of a specialist.
The second is to have a desire to get rid of drug dependence. Only own efforts and understanding of the seriousness of own problem will help the drug addict stay among people and lead a healthy lifestyle.
The list of drugs is endless
The conducted researches with the help of advisers of narcologists, forensic experts of psychiatrists and policemen have allowed to reveal the list of the most dangerous narcotic substances :
-Chemical solvents-
-anabolic steroid-
-Cannabinoids - cannabis preparations
People become addicts for various reasons , Someone from depression And he does not care what to consume: alcohol´-or-drugs , another simply out of curiosity tries the drug in full confidence that nothing will be , but the worst thing happens when teenagers are addicted to drugs. The child s organism quickly gets used to the drug .
dr/ Marwan Hayel Abdulmoula
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