Mabrouk Mahammedi
2016 / 10 / 17
We are truly living in a world governed with a jungle law and where might is right .. I am refering to the JASTA (Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorist Acts) voted into law by the American Congress that alllows relatives of the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks to sue Saudi Arabia . I am not in solidarity with nor defending the House of Saud responsible for many ills plaguing the world in general and the Arab world in particular but simply trying to raise awareness and sensitize to the narcissistic and megalomaniac nature of some people in the so called civilised world who firmly believe they have the right of life and death over other people(s) and are beyond reproach no matter what wrong they do to those people and regardless of the crimes against humanity they commit here and there on te globe. People across the world have started to question this belief and to ask why is it that only people from the so called uncivilised world are acountable for the relatively lesser evils and crimes they did´-or-did not commit..The other question they want answered is why those almighty folks from the civilised world are above international law, a law they pretend to defend but are the first to transgress.. Classical and neo colonialism have for centuries plundered our poor countries and harmed our peoples in countless ways and still do. At an individual level and in a fair world, the likes of George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Hilary Clinton, Nicholas Sarkozy and Barak Obama, to name but a few, would be the first to be tried in the international court of justice where they would normally be sentenced to spend their remaining days behind bars´´-or-even to death on an electrical chair.. Hence we, the wretched of the earth and the oppressed, have every right and every reason to loudly say "Basta", we need to make our own JASTA because our lives matter too.
In conclusion an Arabic local proverb sums it up all (chkoun ygoul lek ya sbe3 foummek khanez). This translates into who dares tell a lion that his mouth is smelly´-or-stinky. This is, unfortunately, a true depiction of our present day world where human life, more precisely the life of an Arab´´-or-Muslim, has nowadays become the cheapest commodity ..
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