Stealth war on American soil began with chaos of 9/11 terror

Dr. Ashraf Ramelah
2016 / 9 / 17

I grew up in an Islamic country within the Coptic Christian community of Egypt. On September 11, 2001 I was already a free man living between two nation-state democracies – Italy and the USA. I must admit I never looked back. I never again thought of tyrannical rule and persecution – the words and actions of a cruel, irrational dictator and his minions. I escaped bigotry and hatred. I chose a future for myself and left my family and country behind – radical but necessary. I never spoke of my origins thereafter – the persecution Copts suffer. In a sense, I tacitly endorsed Egypt’s official “democratic” image projected to the West.

The horror of 9/11 broke my heart and my silence, giving birth to Voice of the Copts (a human rights organization) as a response to Islam’s expression here in America. Memories of my childhood flooded back, and I was suddenly compelled to speak out for the Copts of Egypt -- explain our plight as a warning to America. Unlike the Coptic community of 20 million in Egypt that has no military, no soldiers, and no political leaders, America could and would strike back. I wasn’t worried about that kind of warfare.

What alarmed me more almost was another facet of jihad – propaganda spreading wrong information about Islam through deception tactics to gain power within our civilization--;-- slowly erode and conquer us through our culture and our laws. Deception and conquest are fundamental to Islam’s religious political doctrine.

After 15 years, civilization jihad has made progress in the West. Many Americans still don’t recognize´-or-acknowledge the process taking place. This may be due to America’s failed leadership who collaborate with the enemies of freedom. At one point, Hillary Clinton promised the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) she would do her best to see that “shame-based” speech was employed in America in response to its request for suppression of free speech critical of Islam.

America chased down a single man in a single country in the Middle East in response to 9/11, but today its seems we have no real strategy to eradicate quiet civilizational, stealth jihad conducted from the Middle East inside our country – in fact the opposite is true--;-- we are helping things along. This is why President Obama has said “the terrorist threat continues,” as he recently announced his extension of the 9/11 “State of Emergency” for his eighth time” (consistent with section 202 (d) of the National Emergencies Act). He should know. He has had so much to do with it.

No doubt America is dealing with explosive numbers of inner city and rural town encampments of Somalian and Syrian Muslims streamlined into the country by Obama’s advocacy and policies. Obama’s White House press release on August 30 says, “The national emergency declared on September 14, 2001, and the powers and authorities adopted to deal with that emergency must continue in effect…” So the American people must give power and authority away and suspend constitutional rights. This is the worrisome part, and again my mind floods with memories of the authoritarian Egyptian regime.

From the 9/11 tragedy, America has lost more than the thousands of innocent victims we mourn for today as we continue to see the ideology behind the attack sow into the fabric of our great nation. For that we must mourn as well and move forward to change it.

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