University of Bahrain – Monopoly of Media , and suppressing other voices

Moosa Rakan Moosa
2016 / 7 / 16
University of Bahrain – Monopoly of Media , and suppressing other voices
Although distinguish specialty media in the University of Bahrain , and having a lot of media students, but the media itself monopolized by those in power at the university -;- and anyone who tries to break this monopoly , is exposed to terrorism invisibility , and he is accused of working to destabilize security and violation Law ! .
# With an iron fist , the owners of power in the University of Bahrain have ((Media)) .
It is true that there are many online accounts which acts as a media of the University of Bahrain , accounts owned by the students , but what is published in these accounts are no different from what approved by the holders of power for publishing - But if the opposite happens , the account holder is being held accountable by the university repression apparatus [ Committee guidance and -dir-ection ] , also is exposed to varieties of covert terrorism [ inside and outside the university ] -;- Enough to be the account holder wants to change for the better in the University of Bahrain in order is exposed to repression and terrorism [ such as the account holder (UOB_STUDENT) , who suffered so much following the entering student council elections of 2015 ] .
# Why insist holders of power in the University of Bahrain on the monopoly of the media ?! .
Simply because that is not in their favor -;- they are as individuals , not in their favor as a university - Keep track of corruption , open files for the investigation , shed light on the real problems and how to solve them : All this means destabilizing authority in the University of Bahrain , and to take away something from the power of their authority .
# If this broke the monopoly requires : a -dir-ect and candid a collision with the owners of authority in the University of Bahrain - But it is not unlikely to give up those in authority , to allow the free media in the University of Bahrain -;- why not ? , Although it is closer to be a fantasy .
# Yes to free media , without any restrictions , at the University of Bahrain .
Moosa Rakan Moosa .
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