University of Bahrain - The phenomenon of love (Hitler) and love (Saddam Hussein)

Moosa Rakan Moosa
2016 / 7 / 5
University of Bahrain - The phenomenon of love (Hitler) and love (Saddam Hussein)
In celebration of the communities at the University of Bahrain , March 13th 2014 , The Iraqi community presented a video clip for Iraq , And when appeared Image of (Saddam Hussein) , Hall shook the sounds of applause and praise him . This is a video clip :
Fortunately , This event has been trading in the social networking sites , And this is why the Bahraini foreign minister to say (( Saddam was not from us .. And not one of us glorify him )) . But in front of stringent Bahraini Foreign Minister , Note the weakness of the Dean of Student Affairs Osama Al Jowder , Through a statement reviewing a range of justifications , As if they were pleading defense --;-- Worthless´-or-Useless - I do not know if Osama Jowder glorifying Saddam Hussein , But without any exaggeration , The powers given to the post of Osama Jowder , Make it seem (Saddam Hussein) University of Bahrain .
Glorification of (Saddam Hussein) at the University of Bahrain apparent to all , And the one who does not realize that : Either be blind and deaf ,´-or-he does not want realize it . And manifestations of this glorification Variety : Posters Cars , Pictures (Saddam Hussein) on clothing , poems , Iraqi Baath slogans .. etc - Is this permissible in a place like the university ?! .
Should be criminalizing the glorification of (Saddam Hussein) at the University of Bahrain , Everyone knows that he has committed crimes : Glorifies of (Saddam Hussein) is glorifying the crimes committed .
But while we find different positions of the (Saddam Hussein) , We find a unified position of (Hitler) --;-- If not everyone glorifies (Saddam Hussein) , It is rare that we find does not glorify Hitler at the University of Bahrain – Indeed , all of glorifying (Saddam Hussein) , glorifies (Hitler) .
The phenomenon was the glorification of Hitler linked to attitude of the Jews and Israel . The phenomenon of the glorification of (Saddam Hussein) linked to attitude of : Jews , Israel , the Kurds , the Shiites , Iran , the Gulf states , America and the West - This attitude is not a product of the (mind east)´-or-(spirit of the Eastern world) , But the product of (social conditions) --;-- This does not mean that succumb to this phenomenon because it is the result of social conditions , But to work against this phenomenon by working against social conditions , what Created by those .
Steps which must be taken in the University of Bahrain :
* Acknowledge reality - Acknowledging that the manifestations of the glorification of (Hitler) and the glorification of (Saddam Hussein) is a reality --;-- This is the first stage of diagnosis .
* Do research and social studies , To analyze and to dismantle those phenomena --;-- At least , allow other voices to do so .
* criminalizing glorification of (Hitler) , And the glorification of (Saddam Hussein) .
# No to glorify the dictators in the University of Bahrain .
Moosa Rakan Moosa .
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