Moosa Rakan Moosa
2016 / 7 / 5
University of Bahrain - The hatred of Jews , And hostility to Israel
Anti-Semitism , Disease led to social disasters -;- One of the rise of Nazism and its crimes (Holocaust) - It is unacceptable to raise anti-Semitic slogans from the public , so how can we accept such slogans to be at the university .
Arabs consider themselves Semites , So there is no anti-Semitism in the University of Bahrain , But do not be fooled by this , Because there are anti-Jewish -;- Hostility not only toward the Jews only , But we will focus on in this part of the Jews - This hostility and hatred of Jews is not explicit , But it exists implicitly and intensively in the University of Bahrain , We can also say that circulated and are traded through ((indoctrination implicit)) -;- And the use of some prevarication and circumvented , Like say (we are not against Jews , but against the Zionists) .
But clearer manifestation of hostility and hatred for Israel is , Even professionals prevarication and circumvented their position be frank and clear about Israel -;- Hatred , hostility , insults and cursing - Instead of the university be the center of peace and enlightenment , Be a source of hatred and darkness . And it can be summed up in some of points :
* Reject any relationship with Israel - The relationship is suspicious and shame .
* Refused to recognize the state of Israel .
* Questioning the reality of the Holocaust , in a bid to deny it .
* The belief that all the problems of the Arabs , caused by Israel and the Jews .
* The belief that the support of the reactionary gangs is a moral duty [such as Hamas , Hezbollah] .
* paying tribute characters ideologically skewed against Israel [like Roger Garaudy , George Galloway] .
* the praise of Hitler , and lament his fate , because he was against the Jews .
* Some lessons university , be motivated to hate Jews and hostility for Israel -;- as well as some seminars and some competitions .
# Which requires as saying : To be against the state and the repressive state apparatus , Because you adopt a Marxist´-or-anarchist ideology , It is completely different from being against a particular state , Because you adopt a fascist ideology -;- Whether it religious ideology ,´-or-nationalist ideology - In this case , fascism is the dominant , In both -;- Religious (Islamic) , and national (Arabism) .
What the University of Bahrain should be doing , working against this (ideology of fascism) , Which is being circulated and traded through (indoctrination implicit) and (public declaration) , Do not be adopted -;- At least to allow other voices to act against this (ideology of fascism) at the university , Not to prevent them . It has also become required to normalize relations with Israel universities , What will be beneficial to everyone -;- Exchange of experiences and information , And the revival of the arts , It is also a step in the -dir-ection of actual peace .
# Let the other voice shows – Peace will be .
Moosa Rakan Moosa .
To communicate : [email protected]
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