How to recognize the mental disorder

Marwan Hayel Abdulmoula
2015 / 11 / 29
What is a mental disorder ?
a mental´-or-bodily condition , marked by disorganization of personality , mind, and emotions , at the first changes the behavior of the person and in the next place personality, at the same time the reaction of the patient begins to be beyond the norm of socially accepted rules of behavior.
everyone whose close relative, a family member suddenly changed, became a different person not easy to accept this change. many first reaction becomes negative, which manifests itself in reproaches, strict requirements and irritation, followed by fear and misunderstanding, at the same time patient and his family for a long time do not recognize the change. The man may be suffering from the disease for several months, even years, before contacting with specialist. The first manifestations of mental disorder sometimes arise in adolescence and remain unnoticed.
Mental disorder - a general term for various mental and behavioral disorders. Among of them - an anxiety disorder , wich each one of the four people suffer this illness , depression, one in eight, Schizophrenia one of a hundred people , each particular mental disorder is accompanied by a breach of the key -function-s of the mind and the characteristic behavior, mental disorders can assume a case where there is:
- Marked personality change.
- loss of the ability to engage in daily activities.
- Increased anxiety´-or-deep apathy.
- Mood swings - from euphoria , to deep depression.
- Hostile, irreconcilable behavior.
- Inability to cope with problems and daily activities.
- The appearance of strange ideas .
in the main signs of mental disorders , might include the hallucinations, delusions, and emotional states, which can have varying degrees of severity and compatibility.
Auditory and visual hallucinations.
Hallucinations can appear in external reaction differently. So if you notice that a person talking to himself , it can be a symptom mental disorder especially , when the person alone and he is speak to himself, but he is pronounced his own thoughts in aloud in the presence of other people , exactly , not with himself, as if ,with an invisible companion with emotion, The impression that the person sees´-or-hears something that you can not perceive.
This is the most frequent clinical symptoms of mental illness, refers to false´-or-unreal arguments issued for the ultimate truth
The appearance of a delirium can be recognized by the following features:
- Changing behavior towards family and friends, the emergence of unjustified hostility´-or-stealth.
- panic in the form of fear for their lives´-or-the lives of others and in the form of protective action - closing doors and windows.
- Refusal to eat ,´-or- check of content of food.
The risk of suicide.
Practically all depressive states may have thoughts about the unwillingness to live, therefore be attentive to their loved ones, watch their behavior, the alarm should if the person suffer of:
- Hopelessness and pessimism about the future, the reluctance to build any plans.
- anguish, suffering, depression, depressed mood, despair .
- dissatisfaction, decreased self-confidence, low self-esteem .
Watch your loved ones. If behavioral disorders caused quite the rack and do not disappear , when circumstances change, it is likely means the causes may be the mental disorder ,try not to pick a fight with person you care about him, If a person suffers from delirium´-or-hallucinations , first of all, you should not ask him in detail and specify details , the dispute may lead to the aggravation of state ,therefore , try first of all treat seriously to situation , listen him carefully and try to calm down , Especially must be treated carefully with patients with suicidal thoughts and try as soon as possible to seek professional help for him .
dr/ Marwan Hayel Abdulmoula
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