Refugees and International Aid

Freeyad ibrahim
2015 / 9 / 5

Refugees and International Aid

By: Freeyad Ibrahim

September, 2015

Recently EUROPE has taken some steps to encounter the flood of the emigrants, but yet in theory.
Is it going to work practically on the ground? That is the question. Admittedly, it would not prove easy practically without a keen and constant cooperation and coordination between all European countries.
One of these measures is to provide the international aid to help the refugees in own countries ( so called internally displaced persons) by sending food, tents and other necessities of life to the war (or internal war) stricken countries: such as Syria, Afghanistan, Sudan, Somalia and Iraq (the west part of the country with sunny inhabitants. The south and the north-Kurdistan are relatively safe).
That is very positive and helpful but on one condition: if the aids sent reach the right hands.
Recently the Netherlands and most EU countries , be praised for that, have contributed to refugee charity funds.
Here rises again the same question: do the funds reach the refugees in question?
Out my own experience, I can tell with confidence that 80 percent of the aids presented disappear before it reach their goals and destinations. The situation is exactly as Victor Hugo in his (Les Miserabele) describes: “it works like water on a parched land. It disappears sooner than it appears.”
That occurs in case the aid and emergencies are provided through and under the supervision(partly´-or-mostly) of the local authorities. As it happened during (the Food for Oil Program) of Bill Clinton in the ninetieth of the last decennium in Iraq. It was carried through the cooperation and coordination between the UN organizations and the local authorities. I am an eyewitness of what has become of the provision (food and articles) which were stored and protected by the aid and cooperation with the corrupted governments, both the central and Kurdistan region. Soon these found their way not to the afflicted citizens but to the black market where the poor had to buy them with a high price instead of getting them for free.
My modest suggestion is that the humanitarian organizations take the responsibility of distributing the aids, goods and emergency needs, -dir-ectly among the citizens, without asking for the cooperation from the side of the authorities, and under the -dir-ect supervision and protection of UN and the great powers, namely EU and US.
In fact, these refugees are not only threatened by bullets and bombs, but also and earlier they are victims of the corruption.
Any way money spent (in the right way and a guaranteed manner) in the war stricken areas to protect the population from fear and hunger is always far less costly than the money spent on the emigrants and refugees who increasingly and none-stopped enter EU and US illegally. Hence, it is the best means to reduce the ebbs and flows of poor emigrants and terrorized refugees down to the minimum.

Freeyad Ibrahim
(Dutch - Kurdish, secular writer, author-novelist, translator, poet, political analyst, and essayist.)
[email protected]

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