Dr/ Marwan Hayel Abdulmoula
2014 / 1 / 10
Immigration is a result of a number of factors, including economic ´-or-political reasons, family re-unification, natural disasters´-or-the wish to change one s surroundings voluntarily. Immigration is the movement of people into another country´-or-region to which they are not native in order to settle there , immigration is sometimes mandatory in a contract of employment: religious missionaries, and employees of transnational corporations, international non-governmental organizations and the diplomatic service expect by definition to work overseas , They are often referred to as expatriates , and their conditions of employment are typically equal to´-or-better than those applying in the host country.
Immigration policy especially after the terror attacks of 9/11 has become under the high and strict control in the United States, Europe, and the Commonwealth , a survey of the politics of immigration in the major receiving states shows a strong pattern of restrictionism in the face of unprecedented pressures for entry, but also amnesties, exceptions on humanitarian grounds, and hesitation to enforce the law , To control immigration, many countries set up customs at entry points. Some common location for entry points are airports and roads near the border. At the customs department, travel documents are inspected. Some required documents are a passport, an international certificate of vaccination and an onward ticket. Sometimes travelers are also required to declare´-or-register the amount of money they are carrying.
today the immigration needs the new strict laws and rules without the right to be retroactive., to avoid the mass of illegal dangerous immigrants , It is important to understand that people s fear of terrorism, whether they live in the UE´-or-in United States´-or-elsewhere, is genuine- whether that terrorism is perpetrated by non-State actors like Al Qaeda ,´-or- immigrant criminality.
The International Organization for Migration has estimated the number of foreign migrants worldwide to be more than 200 million. Europe hosted the largest number of immigrants , arguments from immigrant criminality points out that crime rate tends to be higher among immigrant populations, thus high immigration would lead to increased crime. The Handbook of Crime Correlates (2009), a review of studies of correlates with crime, states that most studies on immigrants have found higher rates of crime compared to domestic population , For example, the incidence of felonies among immigrants in Oslo reached more than 2% in all these groups. In comparison, the incidence in the non-immigrant population was about 0.7%.
With the rise of immigration and the terrorism worldwide, another major concern is the national security of nations that let people cross borders,these concerns often lead to intrusive security searches and tighter visa requirements, which can discourage immigration, temporary visitors, and even movement within countries´-or-birth within countries , Europe faces an interesting set of immigration challenges and opportunities: Demographic pressures as many European societies age, a lively policy and political debate over questions of identity and immigrant integration, and a unique policy environment that has knit 28 European countries together with regards to the management of outer borders and other immigration-related topics .
Security, Insecurity and Migration lays strong emphasis on insecurity, human security and the role of the individual in general , and in the flow of illegal migrants into the host country can penetrate militants and members of illegal armed groups , moreover crime migrants is a group character, ethnic character, different organization, and armed resistance connections with criminal elements from foreign countries , in the consequences of this, they are complex, multifaceted phenomenon, in particular, they pose a serious threat to national security, complicating the criminal, social situation and exacerbating Ethnic tensions in society, and higher degree of victimization , and promotes corruption and opacity of the migration system .
Imperfect system of migration management was leading to the following set of negative symptoms:
. Emergence of a large number of illegal migrants, and this factor present a serious threat to national security.
. Illegal migration is used by organized criminal groups and extremist nationalist organizations for criminal purposes-;- routes and established channels of illegal migration are used as drug trafficking routes and transport of weapons.
. Take into account the experience of the European -union- and the United States to establish a selective migration, where optimized labor migration flows in the national interests , but still the current system of migration management in these countries still needs to develop more stringent laws in the National Security Strategy that would stop the flow of illegal migration ,and radical Islamic fundamentalism, which is closely associated with extremism and it can be seen in England and Germany and France.
In order to fight illegal migration and crime prevention foreigners, and strengthening the state security Consider the following:
. Further strengthening of external borders .
. Constantly improve the mechanism for evaluating the need for foreign workers in order to increase the effectiveness of management flows external and internal migration, optimization changes vectors population movements.
Improved information exchange between the states, Operational cooperation, especially information technical and strategic character
. Expand cooperation and enhance coordination in the implementation of agreed measures to counter illegal immigration provided by interstate agreements with the concerned authorities and agencies.
. Impose more stringent criteria for determining eligibility for other social benefits .
. Improving the performance of a control system for migration .
. Formation understanding and support for the formation of the local population of the state migration policy .
. The fight against illegal employment , imposition of heavy fines on employers who hire illegal immigrants and returning illegal immigrants to their countries of origin.
. Attracting those who organize illegal migration, to criminal liability
. Citizens who give real estate for rent, will be subject to fines if it turns out , that in their homes live illegal immigrants .
Uncontrolled migration is threat to national security , and cardinally deforms geopolitical space of the state moreover in socio-political terms, migration "without Borders" slows the formation of the state of law and civil society , and the greatest danger is illegal migration as a factor in the growth of crime, including organized , known , that the illegal migrants crossing the border between the states without complying with the established order ,they commit acts criminalized in a majority of countries in the world .
Should also bear in mind another aspect. One of the most serious security threats today is the establishment of international organized crime ties , which gives additional flexibility criminal networks, territorial expansion activities .
There are immigration dangerous , such as migration terrorists , especially now when thousands of foreign immigrants from Europe and America are fighting in Syria and Afghanistan Yemen ,Iraq ,and in other hot zones , today there is a growth in the number of recruited terrorists European citizens foreign origin and migrants from the Middle East , and recently registered about 2 thousand people from 11 countries of Europe, Who went to Syria to fight there , but the biggest danger is the recruitment of individuals who are able to legally stay in the U.S. and the EU, and to prepare them for terrorist attacks.
snafu in the migration policy is hitting not only on the economy, but also on the country s security , and among immigrants are often obscured by the militants and saboteurs involved in military actions and members of the organized crime, moreover Undermine of the state system of any country threatened by intelligence agencies some foreign countries that use the immigration channels for intelligence activities.
Dr/ Marwan Hayel Abdulmoula
[email protected]
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