Salah El Din Mohssein
2013 / 10 / 27
Why Hitler , without Muhammad !?
Why Nazism only , without ISLAM !?
Why the prohibition and criminalization of the founding of the Nazi Party,´-or-belonging to him , and not Islam !?
why not ISLAM !!?
Criminalization of Hitler .. except Muhammad ! Why?
Hitler said : Germany is above all .
Mohammed said to his nation - the Arabs - in the Qur an: You are the best nation out of people ( 1 )
So .. what s the difference !?
Hitler did not say that his words , by God and from heaven , Mohammed allegedly ( 2)
Hitler did not marry more women . Mohammed married dozen women ( 3)
Hitler did not proceed to the families of the women and raped. Following the families and killed their husbands after the battle and immediately .. prisoners women ,changed to Maids .. for sale and entertainment . Muhammad did that . In the war of - signed the trench . toward a Jewish young woman with beautiful "Safia". & other women (4 ) , ( 3 ) ..
All the successors of Muhammad reiterated the same - especially his defense minister " Khalid Ibn Walid "- and others . This law is still in Islam can work.
Victims of Hitler s many millions. but specific. And well-known. The victims of Mohammed and his teachings and his Koran. are unlimited number. and extending since 1400 years ago , in continues , until now. The door remains open for further victims ,has happened waterfall of bloods, by killing ..slaughter and incineration . the flogging and stoning, chopping the members of the body as a punishment : Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Somalia, and Pakistan.London , USA ,europe , Nigeria, Iran. Iraq Syria, Egypt and Tunisia. Etc., all over global..,So why Hitler .. Without Muhammad!? why nazist only without Islam .. !?
Mohammed by himself killed tribesmen. And his successors after him. Killed and burned and looted and robbed the country to neighboring countries - Iraq , Syria , Egypt, Nubia and the Sudan , and Persia . And Turkey. And successors Islamic empires of Umayyad and Abbasid .. then , Islamic Ottoman empire , killed very many people in the continent of Asia. Murder is still law of Muhammad. , Arson and rape of women .. And forced sexual intercourse third called : Jihad entertainment - fucking - .. !. as happened recently in Egypt, " sit Islamists . at two Squares " Rabiea & Elnahdah" in Cairo - Egypt - in 2013 - and in Syria, at same year . ...
So why Hitler. Without Muhammad! ?
Hitler s principles were clear . Frank , --dir--ect .
Quran Muhammad. a multi-faceted , in which the burner and copied (Thing and reversed ) mixed ..! .you can t understand it , only by explaining of Jurists .. deceitful , cunning , skylights ..!
So why Hitler alone. Without Muhammad! ?
and why only forbidden NAZI criminal , alone , without Islam .. !?
Hitler hated the Jews and burned
Mohammed hated them very much , considered them enemy ( * ) , said that they - and Christians, descendants of apes and pigs ( ** )
The slaughter of their men and their wives captivity, and make them raped, and for sale .. and others of the Jews. Stripped of their land and homes. Captured them, and expel them out of their country - The expulsion of the Jews of Medina - Jews of Khyber , Jews of Bani Na--dir-- , Jews Bani Gueniha - (*** )
So why Hitler alone without Mohammed ? why Nazi only, without Islam!.?
Hitler burned them ..
but Mohammed to do what is the worst of the burn. The slaughter of adult men.. took the women and children a slaves and maids. To marry and to sell. He chose for himself the most beautiful women "Safiya bint shy" 19 years - , Mohammed was over 50 years old . And raped her on the same day of the slaughter of her husband, her father and all the men of her tribe, and his followers walked over their bodies. he did say married and honor her .. !. she loved Islam and became a Muslim !! - a big lier - ( 3 ) .
Hitler did not put a law to the oppression of women . Give the husband the right to punish the wife , beatings, and deprivation sexual rights ( 6 ) . decided inequality females to males , making the share of female at the division of inheritance , half the share of male ( 7 ) , and even her testimony , at the request of the certificate at court , is half that of a man ( 8 ) , and claim that obliges House , not leave , except with the permission of the husband ( 9 ) . .. , .. , And many other things that make a woman just creature to service the fun the man ! .
Thus was .. Muhammad did , as recorded in his Quran ..
Why Hitler without Muhammad !?
Why Nazism without Islam ..!?
Hitler recommend popular car still invade the world now "Volkswagen - Beetle -"
Mohammed recommend invasion only - the war - to earn a living ( 10 ) this Commandment Mohammed still invade the world with bombings and assassinations of Islamic religious.´-or-forbidding but not respected industry and agriculture
Why Nazism without Islam!? Why Hitler without Muhammad!? .
I am afraid that there will be major international powers, taking advantage of the presence of Islam. And there are leaders and world leaders trade in Islam behind the backs of their people. As like they trade in arms and drugs .. -´-or-allied with those things dealers - may be they consider Islam , the third trade, of confidential trade - Forbidden - ! Seems so . Even prove the contrary .
the fooled people in Hitler now few of the people of Germany only .. --limit-ed risk -
And deceived in Mohammed and Islam. And live as victims for him and his religion. One and a half billion people – 1500 millions . Distributors to about 60 countries ( certainly , and the others countries of world ) all poor underdeveloped countries. And the people miserable. Live captive to Muhammad , his conversion to Islam. And the brutality of its provisions So why Hitler without Muhammad, and why the Nazis without Islam!?
Why the prohibition and criminalization of the founding of the Nazi Party,´-or-belonging to him !? but not same for Islam !!? .
====== References :
( 1 ) the Quran – Chapter `AAL Omran – 3 : 110
( 2 ) the quran chapter AAL Omran 3 : 110 , and : AL TAREK -21:22
( 3 ) look book :" wives of the Prophet " , Islamic author " Dr Aisha Abdel Rahman"
( 4 ) Quran - AlFateh : 48 - 20
God promised you much booty that you take Spoils : a7&Level=exact&Type=phrase
( 5 ) Quran - `Al Mayeda : 5 - 60
( 6) Quran - Nisaa 4 - 11
( 7 ) Quran - Nisaa : 4 - 174
( 8 ) Quran - Al Bakarah : 2 - 282
( 9 ) Quran - Al Ahzab : 33 – 33
(10 ) Quran - Al Tawba : 9 – 19 + 20
( * ) Quran - Al Mayeda : 82 : 5
( ** ) Quran Al Mayeda : 5 : 51 + 60
( *** )
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