Tarek Heggy
2013 / 8 / 17
I went more than once to the two sites of the Muslim-Brothers in Cairo (Rab a al Adawiah and al Nahdah squares) and can confirm two things : first, these were not peaceful protests. There were lots of weapons of all kinds. Second, the two sites witnessed ugly waves of "hate speeches". Furthermore, many people were killed specially at Rab a and buried at nearby areas. No modern state would have left this mess for six weeks. I add that at least 75% of the people at the two sites were paid by the Muslim-Brothers daily allowances to remain over there. It was the duty of the state to end such a mess. Honestly, the government used extremely soft measures to remove the protestors. The violence was solely exerted by the Muslim-Brothers who murdered about fifty police officers and soldiers. The West never understood what the Muslim-Brothers were doing during Mohamed Morcy s 369 days as President. They were radicalizing Egypt in a way that no single democracy would permit. They were radicalizing the legislative, the judicial and the executive powers. A proccess that would have ultimately created a state similar to the pre 2001 Afghanistan of Taliban. I always said that Ismail Hania of Hamas was also (like Adolf Hitler) an elected president. On 30th June, 2013 more than twenty million Egyptians said it patently clear : " No to the ongoing radicalization of Egypt". I am confident that these Egyptians were aware that they were recovering the soul of Egypt from the hands of a brutal and most non democratic theocracy. Today, I am sure that Egypt will not be ruled by a military junta. I am confident that Egypt will shortly have a modern constitution, an elected Parliament and an elected President (before the end of 2014). I equally believe that the army did nothing but siding with the will of the majority of the Egyptian people who did not want to see a replica of the pre 2001 Afghanistan in Egypt. It is important to add that the USA and the EU attitudes have been seen by the overwhelming majority in Egypt as sheer imperial intervention. Finally, what the entire world must realize today that without a secular state, there will never be a democracy.
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