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THE CIVILIZATION IN RISK Part 1 ============ Page 1 Will the space civilization fall ?! This is truly a frightening question, if someone has asked it to us. Is it possible that our modern civilization will fall? This is the civilization of space, airplanes, submarines, railroads, cars, printing press, computers, microscopes, electric power, and nuclear energy…etc. Let us call it what it should be called “The Western Civilization”; frankly, because the western countries have introduced it to the world. So is it truly possible that this great civilization will fall? This civilization is the result of man’s long-life struggling for a luxurious life on our earth. This is the civilization of developing the human life towards a better life . There are some people who love to predict that the Western Civilization will fall. These are the human crows that love to croak the evil omen. And the human owls that prefer to live in the ruins and croak on its devastation . 2 Yes there are some people who pray day and night for the fall of the Western Civilization. Their souls desire and look forward to that day! At the same time they enjoy the fruits of this civilization and drink its sweetness. Some of the fruits of the Western Civilization that none of them can live a single day without are electricity, clean running water, sewer nets, modern transportation means, modern home appliances, and kitchen equipment. And so many other countless things that our daily lives depend on are the fruits of the Western Civilization . Let us go back to our question, will the Western Civilization fall? Will this be in the near future as the human crock and owls predict? The answer, there are many reasons for the falling of any civilization. So let us count these reasons and see which one can be avoided, stopped, or delayed, and which one is very urgent and cannot be ignored 3 Natural disasters : : Earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes. Historians and scientist tell us about the great civilization of the lost City of Atlantis. Around 350 BC Plato wrote about a beautiful island in the Atlantic Ocean that went under the ocean waves in one day and one night. He described it as a land of fabulous wealth, advanced civilization and natural beauty. Another natural disaster, not from the history books, but from a very recent incident; we all saw the wash out of some small villages in South East Asia as the result of December 2004 Tsunami. It is estimated that 250,000 souls were lost. In addition, we hear about the falling or crashing of flying mountain (commits crashing the land of these civilizations), irrupting volcanoes, another ice age or draughts and desertification. 4 Backward cultures: there are some backward people in each human society. For example, an Egyptian intellectual wrote a book about the environment expressing his fear from the pollution on earth. He strongly recommended and insisted to give away all the modern civilization means because of its danger on the environment. He called for the return to nature in everything. The reader of his book easily discovers how the writer wants to go backward to the Stone Age. These models exist in every human society; it will be a great disaster if these people and their supporters reached power Fundamentalist ideologies : this is represented by religious preachers in the East. Especially in the Middle East, some Muslims do not easily accept anything new and usually condemn all the modern inventions. That is based on a holy text in their religion considering that the most evil of anything is the newest. “Any new is misleading, and any misleading should go to hell.” No wonder when we find Muslim preachers appear in the television cursing it without any shame and describing it by the devil of the evil modern civilization. They are cursing the television and in the same time they continuing on preaching their ideology and become popular through it! These preachers are belonging to a belief that was founded by, and is calling for fighting (Jihad), violence, killing and hating the others . 5 What is more surprising is that I found that there is also in the West some western preachers who belong to another religion, that does not call for or condone violence but call for love and forgiveness and yet, they consider the modern civilization evil and predicting its demise. Some fundamental preachers have publicly declared that nuclear war will bring about the coming of the kingdom of God and the return of Jesus. If that is so, if nuclear war is really a good thing, why don’t we rush out and push the button? These preachers curse the modern civilization and also from the TV monitors, one of the most important inventions of our time So the preachers of the two beliefs are the two sides of one coin. Although of the great differences and contradiction between these two beliefs, but they both agree on hating and cursing the modern civilization considering it an evil. They predicting its demise, in the same time they are enjoying its fruits like the rest of the people in our world it is the fundamentalist ideology and its hostility towards the modern civilization which could be Achilles heel even if some underestimate it, it is like the ember under the ash 6 Chapter 2 Who benefits from the fall of the western civilization Any rational civilized person in the East should desire the continuation of the Western Civilization. As we mentioned before, the Western Civilization is still an important main source of food, medicine, clothes, means of transportation, modern communication and every modern invention. Although, historically, there has been some political sensitivities between East and West, but there cannot be amongst us (easterners) a rational person who sees any benefit from the destruction and fall of the Western Civilization. We extremely need this civilization and depend on it in our daily life. For some eastern countries that have reached an advanced level in science and technology like Japan and china should not forget that the Western Civilization is to be thanked for that. Western countries are still the first to reach all new, modern and useful discoveries Some people see that the origin of the Western Civilization success is from the East; but the credit should mostly here go to those who have developed and continued not to who just started and stopped as is the case with many Eastern countries whose only industry is to brag about the past, a past that is gone and they’d be better off if they learn something from it. 7 The fall of the Western Civilization will be for the benefit of the Bedouin savage shepherds ancestors. But this will not be the end of it; the fellow developed countries in the East as in Japan, China, India and Hong Kong should prepare themselves for the savage Bedouin invasion to their civilizations as well. That is how they are planning and that is their ideology, to fight people all over the world until they follow this ideology, and force these nations to submit to them. So that men grow beards and women wear the veil, anyone absent from prayer will be beaten, and those who eat during fasting will be flogged. China shouldn’t forget that reaching it one way or another is still in the minds of the Bedouin’s successors and the heirs of their terrorist belief. There are other 9/11’s coming to China and Japan after they are finished with the destruction of the Western Civilization . 8 When the Bedouin shepherds had occupied Spain and rapped the women early in the ninth century, the only reason that stopped them from reaching America in the west was their ignorance of the existence of a dry land behind the ocean. But their followers and successors still memorize the saying of their old leader who invaded Spain and occupied it after he looked to the ocean water and swore, if he knew there was land behind the ocean, he would cross it for the sake of spreading his belief (the belief of stealing, pillage, burning and rapping women) Now after hundreds of years, the successors of that leader and his followers know what he didn’t. They still memorize his dream in crossing the ocean to spread the evil belief there. September 11, 2001 incident in America was nothing but the beginning of fulfilling their dream. 9 The civilized people in the West, specially the French whom are very much fascinated by Egypt and love it, should not forget that in Egypt now some fundamentalists dream of seeing the fall of the modern Western Civilization completely. So they would have the chance to destroy all the great traces of the ancient Egyptian civilization. Their desire is to knock down the pyramids, destroy the sphinx and demolish all the Pharaoh’s temples. As their fellows of the same belief, have done to Buddha’s statues in Afghanistan. So France along with the rest of the civilized world as great and capable countries have to realize this danger. Otherwise they all will realize it later as these barbarians are advancing to power in Egypt in steady steps . The civilized societies in the East should realize that, if the Western Civilization fall by mean of the virus of terrorism and they just watched it without doing anything, they will be next. The only beneficial from the fall of the Western Civilization will be the fundamental Muslims who will import their fanatic ideologies to the area 10 Also India shouldn’t forget that it is the ideology of the early Bedouin that planted the chronic headache it suffers now from in Kashmir. In addition, this ideology already divided India into three countries after the separation of Pakistan and Bangladesh. The off spring of this dangerous microbe is still alive and after it is finished with Europe will go back to India to end what is left of her identity after it stripped her of what it did and after it caused her the cancerous problem in Kashmir. India should realize that the fall of the Western Civilization is not a good fortune for it. The path of the grand children of the barbarian, imperialists Bedouin is clear in their holy book Fighting all nations till they follow its ideology, or pay tribute in humiliation . And Russia should know that more than one Chechnya will erupt from within her to surround it and bring her to her knees if the ideology of Bedouin holy ignorance are done with destroying the Western Civilization, They aim for America because it is the head and the rest are the members 11 Elements that contribute to the fall of civilizations: Exaggerating in Mercy; at first I was surprised when my Egyptian intellectual friend asked, “Do you believe the lie that when the Americans lost in Vietnam it was at the hands of the Vietnamese?” I replied in surprise, “Then by whom?” He answered. ”It was by the American people themselves.” Their continued demonstrations and riots did not allow the American soldiers to win the war with minimum loses and atrocities. The shaking hand of the soldiers and the echo in his ear caused by the continued demonstrations lengthened the time of this war and caused more atrocities against the Vietnamese, and more loses to the Americans Usually the exaggerated mercy is a result of the civilized luxurious life of the society. This can lead to extreme tolerance and consequently to a general chaos in the society . 12 Chapter 3 Destructive Foolish Democracy An Egyptian immigrant, a friend of mine is the secretary of a human rights organization; one day he told me that while a Middle Eastern immigrant was in the immigration office applying for the citizenship the clerk who was filling the application for him asked, “Why did you come here?” Frankly and without any hesitation he replied, “I came to one of the crusade countries to take revenge!!!.” Simply the clerk had finished the application let him sign it and had turned to the security office. What the security has done? He said, “This is just an expression of his opinion.”!! Not a single intelligent person would accept this interpretation of the security officer. This is too much exaggeration in democracy, a destructive kindness kind of Democracy. What this person had announced was not an expression of his opinion, but it was a challenge, vaunt, and audacious attempt of a crime. It was a clear confession of the desire to commit an act of terror. Any criminal law punishes attempted murder or threatening of committing murder. This person frankly said, “I came for revenge.” He neither said, “I came to express my opinion” nor “to talk to people” nor “to write in the newspaper”, but “for revenge”! That means to commit crimes. The least the security should’ve done was to immediately deport him back to his country, putting his name on the entry prohibited list, and inform the authorities of his country of what he has done. The security officer in this story has acted according to the civilized thinking of the Western society in general. The welfare of this civilization has reached the point of the exaggeration in understanding and practicing Democracy which can be dangerous on this civilization. This was not a right way in understanding and practicing Democracy 13 The Killer Naive Democracy The West had chosen a terrorist snake to be their consultant in fighting terrorism. This snake lives now in the bosom of the West after he got a political asylum to one of the Western countries (which). From there he blows his terrorist poison. Taking advantage of the tolerant laws in the civilized Western countries, he changes his color everyday. He deceives everyone in the West, not only the simple people, but also the intellectuals and politicians. He successfully convinced them that there is a good face for his terrorist religion specified by mercy and peace! And that he represents that face of his terrorist religion, and because he claimed that he is against violence and terrorism, they appointed him a consultant in fighting terrorism ! Adel El Gendi, an Egyptian journalist lives in France had revealed the true identity of this personality in some of his articles that were published in two Arabic websites: “elaph” and “metransparent”. This person is -----, the grandson of ----, the founder of the Moslems Brotherhood. This is the most famous and active terrorist religious organization in Egypt. He is preaching the same terrorist principles of his grandfather, but after adding some deceiving makeup to improve its looking 14 Foolish Democracy Permitting the use of a primitive, savage and backward law (Sharia) in a civilized country can be called a foolish Democracy. The first generation of the Middle Eastern immigrants to Canada still remember and narrating a tragic story of how their new civilized country, Canada, was very close to permit the Moslem immigrants to use their own savage law (Sharia) aside with the civilized Canadian law. The fanatic Moslem immigrants had whispered as the devil do in the ears of the Canadian authorities convincing them that Democracy and the freedom of religion give them the right to use their own laws (Bedouin Sharia) within the Moslem communities. Unfortunately, because of the Canadian kindness they got very close to getting caught in this trap. Surely, this kindness of the western people did not realize that using the Sharia in a civilized country means the destruction of all the modern civilized values and the human rights . 15 Using : Islamic`s Sharia ..means 1 – Husband has right to beat his wife . 2 – husband has full authority to forbid his wife , to work , to goes out home , and not to visit her relatives or parents . 3- Woman to inherit half of what man’s inherit . 4- Woman’s witness in the court is considered half of man’s witness. 5 - Prohibit dealing with banks because its interest is impermissible in Islam. . 6 - Cutting the thief’s hand in public. 7 - Beheading the killer by sword in public 8 – Stoning till death for adultery. 9 - Flogging in public fornication 10- Man has the right to marry four women at the same time 11 - Wife is obligated to furnish her husband’s sexual demand at anytime. In the same time he has the right to punish her if he wants by not having sex with her . 12 - - Cutting legs and hands in crossing (right hand with left leg or left hand with right leg) is one of the savage punishments in “ Shareat “ . 13 - The right to own a slave; this religion does not prohibit slavery. Although on some places Islam infirmly recommend to free slaves, but in the same time it permit fighting other nations and take prisoner of war as slaves . 14- Condemning and boycotting all kinds of fine Arts, singing, music, movie, theater, painting, sculpturing. All these Arts are impressible. 15- Condemn and boycotting modern science and all and inventions. That is based on a holy text in this religion considering that the most evil of anything is the newest. “Any new is misleading, and any misleading should go to hell.” Although, the swamp is still full of these snakes and scorpions, but I think of what we have mentioned above is enough . --- • Egyptian woman, now Egyptian woman after 4000 years ago under of Islam’s Law 16 As we mentioned before, the Canadian authorities were very close to permit these fanatic Moslems to use Sharia within their communities in the western civilized country, Canada. Fortunately, the enlightened Moslem women quickly realized this danger. They complained to the Canadian authorities showing them that they had come to this civilized country escaping from the unfair rule by Sharia and losing their rights in their original countries. Well done, the Canadian authorities had rejected the fanatic Moslem’s request for using their own Sharia; this project had been stopped completely. It seems that the kindness of the civilized western people and their Christianity let them read and follow one half of the Biblical verse, “be harmless as doves.” They forgot the other half of the verse as some of their doves had forgotten that they have wings and feathers. They forgot how to fly and became easy capture. So they have to read and follow the part before that, “Be wise as serpents.” to fulfill the whole verse. Wisdom comes before simplicity; otherwise they will fall as the simple doves. At which time the Western civilization will fall as well in the hands of the enemies of any civilization 17 Producing and exporting foolish Democracy It is the same foolish Democracy that permits very well known terrorists to come to the west and get political asylum and then they turn against it! They live on its lands and in the same time they threaten its security in the name of Democracy! They allow them to open their religious schools and centers without monitoring of what they teach. Actually these schools teach all the terrorist and radical ideologies. Under the Democratic concept they allow them to build their own places of worship. But when these places turn to prepare and produce jihadists it lost the main purpose it were built for. They allow them to sell and wear different outfits that represent their radical and fanatic belief. It comes to the extreme that some women have to cover even their faces and in some cases they insist to get their ID with covered face picture. All this tolerance is to those who hate their civilization and will never accept it 18 Unfortunately, the pattern of foolishness in understanding and practicing Democracy in the West has moved to the East. In Turkey, that had a secular regime for a long time, the activities of the religious party Justice has been forbidden because it threatens the secular regime Despite this ban, Justice Party had been permitted to sneak to political life till it formed the government and the ban still existed. All this happened under the banner of commitment to democracy! This is the bureaucratic and literal understanding of Democracy Same thing happened in Egypt. The government has officially banned all the political activities of a Moslem terrorist group (Moslems Brotherhood). This brotherhood had a long history of terrorism and terrorists quietly and secretly come from under its cloak. In the last election, 88 members of this group won seats in spite of the ban. 88 of them are members of the Egyptian Parliament now out of 444 in total 19 This banned group has its official newspapers and its members hold public meetings periodically. Everyone knows that it has two agendas, one is hidden and it is only between the members, and the other is the announced one. When’ sheik Yassen,’ the spiritual leader of the Palestinian movement Hamas , was assassinated by the Israeli Authorities because of his commitment to terrorism k against Israeli civilians, this group published an article of condolences in one of the Egyptian governmental newspapers. This advertisement included the address for public to share in the condolences service. It seems that this group which the government call “The banned Group” will reach power and rule Egypt in gradually as the Turkish banned Justice party did Yes, it is the unintelligent bureaucratic way of understanding Democracy “Foolish Democracy” that many of the westerners fall in is considered one of Western Civilization’s plagues and can destroy it. This Western Civilization of today is not only for the West, but everyone in the East, North, and South benefit from it, in other words, it is for all the humankind. Honestly, this civilization is a grace, and anyone does not see that, we pray, may the Lord open his/her eyes. 20 Unfortunately, this bureaucratic Democracy “foolish Democracy” which is the result of the Western Civilization’s welfare was not only transferred to the Eastern politicians but also to some thinkers in the Middle East. In 2004 in Montréal, Canada Dr. Saad El deen Ibrahim, an Egyptian sociologist and the chief of Ebn Khaldoun center for social studies and research announced in a meeting that the “Moslems Brotherhood” in Egypt should be part of the political process. This group considers democracy to be an atheistic regime. In the same time they are climbing up on its ladder to reach power. At which time they will cut off this Democracy; simply because they do not believe in it! Of course this announcement from Dr. Ibrahimm has chocked all the liberal thinkers in and outside Egypt. It frustrated the hosting people from the Egyptian immigrants, and it embarrassed them especially with their Canadian friends and colleagues . 21 Another Egyptian thinker has fallen in the same mistake as Dr. Ibrahim. Dr.` Nasser Abu zaid’ has been stabbed by a member of one of these religious terrorist groups in year 1994. While he was still bleeding, this group successfully has issued a court order to separate between him and his wife under the accusation that he is an apostate. Later he got asylum to Netherlands because he was under the threat of assassination by religious groups as they did with Dr. ‘ Farag Fouda ‘ ( thinker , liberal . Egyptian ). From Netherlands, Europe, Dr. Abu zaid has announced the same decree as Dr. Ibrahim, “Terrorists, the enemy of democracy should be part of the political process Egypt 22 One of the leaders in the Middle East “Sadam Hossein” who was dreaming and planning for the destruction of the Western Civilization by manufacturing and storing Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) was crying from the international sanctions on his country. He was crying and complaining to everyone about the shortage of a very simple but essential product. It is one of the Western products; that west which he and others are polling for its demise. This simple product is the babies’ powder milk. His country used to import from the West! These regimes that our countries are afflicted by, are struggling now to own WMD. That comes before even thinking of building a single babies’ powder milk factory. Unfortunately, they import this simple product from the countries that they desire for its destruction. Like the one who desire to destroy. Like those who aim to destroy the temple not only on their enemies, but on themselves also! The disaster here, if the dream of one of these foolish leaders comes true! Unfortunately, some of them are already in positions that allow them to own WMD. And others are looking to take power for the same reason: destruction of the Western Civilization. There is already more than one country in the East that have WMD or on the way. 23 The attacks of September 11, 2001 in America was a great pleasure to these people, to them it was the beginning of the end of Western Civilization. They considered it a rehearsal for what is coming. This event made them more optimistic and feel that their dreams of destroying the West and its civilization can be fulfilled, the west that supplies them with even babies’ powder milk . So is it possible that the civilization of the Space, International Ballistic Missiles (ICBM), and Radar … etc can fall? In the beginning let us say that any civilization is like any human being’s life; it has a life span and life cycle, childhood, adolescence youth, manhood, old age and then the death 24 Many civilizations rose and fell , as the ancient Egyptian civilization , that built the pyramids, the most wonder of the world’s wonders, is one of these. This civilization is 5000 years old, and a tourist from the skyscrapers country stand in front of it amazed and overwhelmed, the ancient Iraqi civilization with its wonder of the Babylon hanging gardens has vanished. Nothing left of it except for a fence. The Chinese civilization and its great wall and The ancient civilization of India and its wonders and the civilization of Greece and many other Eastern civilizations, nothing left but traces of its buildings. where did they all go? The answer is simple. All these civilizations had gone to where all the mighty leaders had gone. All these civilizations had gone to death So many factors are involved in determining the average life span of people as well as the civilizations. There is a difference between two kinds of people, the first are those who follow a good healthy diet, follow the latest and modern methods of treatment and prevention and daily exercise, follow the traffic rules outside the house and the safety rules in dealing with the domestic, industrial and laboratory equipment. That help those people to live longer, it can be up to 80 years. The second: people who neither follow a good healthy habits in their daily life which shortens their life span . 25 The same applies to any civilization. If this civilization takes the safety and security precaution, understand how to delay its downfall, and understood other civilizations’ histories, it would last longer. Of course there is a difference between a civilization lasting for few decades, less than a century, like the communist regime in Russia, (if we considered it a civilization by itself and not a part of the Western civilization), and other civilizations lasting for centuries or thousands of years like the Pharaohs , or a civilization lasting for hundreds of years like the ancient Greek civilization. So there is a difference between the civilizations lengths; decades, centuries, or thousands of years. Back to the modern Western Civilization of today which overshadows the whole world, how long will it last? All humans living in the 21st century, East and West are enjoying its fruits. We enjoy using airplanes, cars, trains, motorcycles, televisions, telephones, and medicine. We Easterners receive everything from this Western Civilization; in a form of aid or imported goods. We are completely dependent on the technology of the Western Civilization in every field of our life 26 Military: we import the weapons either to defend our countries or to kill each other, or to kill western tourists, or to assassinate western members of humanitarian aid organizations Industry : we import equipment and machines being used in extracting oil and gas. Without these machines we couldn’t extract this oil. Without the western civilization technology, equipment and experience our petroleum would remain buried under the ground. Without selling this oil to the West, we couldn’t have any benefit from it, even drinking it because it is not useful for that. We do not know how to extract this oil simply because we do not know how to manufacture the equipments to extract it. We are completely ignorant of how to build refineries. We have no knowledge of how to build the tankers to transport it. In other word, we are ignorant in everything related to the oil industry! All we know about the oil is how to raise its price whenever we have the chance to do so. We call the western people ‘thieves’ because we think that all their desire is to steal our beloved oil .. If one of our foolish rulers by anyway got involved in a war with any of the western countries, we do not point to our foolish ruler accusing him and seeing him as the responsible for this war. But we would point with our ten fingers to the western countries saying, “They are thieves, and the war is nothing but an excuse they made to steal our beloved oil.”! Or to say, “They target our tolerant religion that they are jealous of it, conspiring against it for no known reason “ ?! 27 : History and antiquities When the western scientists and experts came to our area to explore our antiquities, and decipher our old languages and revive it. They built museums to keep and show our antiquities in a decent way. We called them under cover spies pretending to look for antiquities. : Education The highest diplomas and PhD in any of our Eastern languages literature given to our students are not from our universities. It is not given by Cairo University, Damascus University, Baghdad University or even any university in Saudi Arabia it is the diplomas given by the Sorbonne in Paris or any other western university! Our appreciation for that is that we condemn the westerners day and night, and call them the infidels debaucher 28 sports and arts : the same thing applies to sports, arts and leisure; we completely depend on the west, the soccer teams in our area need good trainers from the west to train the players and teach them the game rules. The best portraitists, sculptors, and musicians in the East are those who’ve been educated and trained in the western institutions. The best ballerinas, actors, actresses, and directors have been educated and trained in the western academies ! . Our appreciation for all the benefits we get from the West and its civilization is making fun of the western customs and traditions. We hate them and are proud of our customs and call it “good”; we keep our tradition and call it “gracious”. If there is any benefit from what is so called “good” and “gracious”, why we do not use it improve ourselves and reform our societies to catch up to the west or to be more advanced in science and art . 29 Factors that lead to the fall of civilizations : Excessive luxuries and softness This factor has the same effect on civilizations and nations as well on individuals and families. Individuals who grow up in a wealthy families and live luxurious life finding everything they want effort, struggle, as a result, they are often too weak, they are often easy to push over and often if by any chance they were forced to fight or come in conflict with street fighters who lived a tough life. They’re often doomed lose their wealth if they’re on the losing side time after time, in that case excessive luxury would be the reason for their poverty. Same thing can happen between nations and civilizations. If any civilization loses the means of protecting itself, it will fall and end . 30 Factors that lead to fall of civilizations : Excessive Luxuries and lack of procreation What is the deal with the lack of procreation in the western countries, the civilization of the space conquest? The story is that the people of the west have reached a superior standards of living never reached before on earth, they have reached the highest average of income among the nations of the world. From here one of the civilization’s diseases appeared; selfishness. Most couples care only about the luxuries. Couples care more about the pleasures of life than having children who will take time and effort to raise and take care of their health and sickness. Children need financial commitment; following their education progress, solving their problems, and worrying about their future, but unfortunately everyone are getting busy with life’s pleasures. Truly, this is selfishness, because if their parents have thought that way, they wouldn’t come to life and they wouldn’t enjoy it. So it is their responsibility to do their part in continuing the human life that they love and enjoy, and not to help in the extinction of the human race. So we must keep the human life as our ancestors did and to bring more human beings who will live and enjoy life as we do. Otherwise, we do not deserve this life if we take only without giving 31 The civilized and superior westerners care about the protection of animal’s environment in both land and sea from two dangers. Extinction or inflation, they also care about any environmental hazards that might cause the extinction of a species in order to preserve its life. For example, if the increasing number of whales becomes a threat to other species they intervene and allow more fishing to restore the balance between the species and to preserve each kind. On other occasions if the number of whales is decreasing to the limit that threaten of its extinction, they ban its fishing. Rational people should apply this to society. For example, if they noticed that the growth in population in China or India has become a threat to the nation they encourage birth control. Now the question is, is the western civilization preparing for its extinction (as a result of insufficient procreation), by opening the door of immigration from Africa and Asia widely? Will the west continue to protect the earth’s environment without protecting his own? 32 As we mentioned before, the preservation of the Western Civilization is in the best interest all mankind. The Western man is still remaining the first maker and developer of all means of modern civilization that is vital to all of us. How much will be the loss if the Western population continues in decreasing? Especially, when the majority of immigrants from East to West aren’t culturally mature yet which left its imprints on the order and cleanliness the Western countries which are considered role model for us, the Easterners. Therefore, it is the duty of the Western governments, political parties, and the media to enlighten their citizens and make them aware of the danger that threatens the human environment in their land. It is important for each citizen to recognize his/her responsibility in preserving their way of life and find the adequate means for that . 33 The western woman now enjoys the most freedom that women ever had in the history of mankind. This woman should realize that the cycle of today’s civilization can end anytime and it may return her to where she started. At that time there is a possibility that the Western man might have to keep her home again to be dedicated to pregnancy, childbirth and child care if he felt the danger of his extinction because the lack childbirth. That step may find support from the unenlightened women themselves. And hence, we would go back to the era of men ruling over women since work is the how women maintain their equality with men. The Western women should work to balance between their maternal role and preserving their rights in working. Considering that the woman is the life giver, the family pillar and accordingly the backbone of the society. In the same time her work is the only guarantee for her equality with the man. The Western woman should realize before it is too late that she is not only a mother and housewife. It is also the Western society obligation to help women to achieve this balance between her work c and family. If the clock of history goes back and women stayed home for birth giving, raising the children and serving men, it would be the beginning of the relapse of the civilization. 34 Factors of the fall of civilizations The disintegration of the family: Divorce harms children, who are the future of any civilization. But it may be two parents who are fighting all the time. Not every marriage is assembled by God. It could be by miscommunication or misunderstanding. Divorce rate can be reduced by several means, like rewarding the parents with greater pension if they sustained their family cohesion until retirement. A financial reward from the state could be given every five years to each couple with successful marriage. A big prize could be awarded to the best couple. This is to be for the Western couple who had the largest number of children, raised them in a proper wayand kept the family together . stain on the white dress of the western civilization: I was shocked when I found something in one of the Western rich countries; a woman begging in the subway, a man sitting on the street floor stretching his hand to pedestrians asking for help, and another woman with tears coming down her face asking for help. This country provides immense benefits to its citizens and non-citizens. 35 I know that this exists in many Western countries but, it is possible to fill the needs those people if each taxpayer paid an additional small amount that wouldn’t hurt or whoever runs into a sudden difficulty, where they would find quick help and be spared the humiliation. Unfortunately I never saw a dog barking or a cat mewing in the street from hunger, as we see it in the streets of the poor countries of the third world. But each dog and cat has a house and someone who feeds and takes care of it. The only one I have seen crying from hunger and begging in the streets are humans. I wonder how the Western man feed, protect, shelter, and love the animal and not his human bother? We have to remove that stain on the dress of the Western civilization. We shouldn t worry about increasing the bums, and the lazy people who only take from the society without giving. There is no excuse or justification for someone to be humiliated on the street like this. Some of these homeless people really need immediate help, and others are addicted to begging. So this issue needs to be treated more seriously. They need to be sheltered and whoever is capable of working should have the chance. They need to be educated that they have to work to live and not to be beggars. Also whoever is alcoholic or drug addict to be put in rehab for treatment. But by any means for the homeless to live like this in the streets is shameful to the Western civilized counties and it is a stain on its white dress. In addition, it hurts the feeling of any civilized human being 36 Factor in survival or fall of civilizations; strategic security The great civilized countries have to cooperate and organize to liberate people afflicted with dictatorship especially in the Middle East. Those people find no support except for in the religious figures who support and inspire terrorism. So the great counties should develop a program to liberate those people for the sake of their own security. Because violence mainly stems from the Middle East and it is threatening the whole world. The ideology of terrorist spread its poison and belief in the west in several ways. And dictators’ regimes in the East have a tactical alliance with the clerics who incite terrorism in secret. The danger of the Eastern immigrants on the Western civilization Is there a danger from the Eastern immigrants on the western civilization? These immigrants belong to backward countries, here we do not mean the distinguished among them like scientists, scholars and professional; but many others who migrated and obtained citizenship or an asylum with no loyalty to the new country. For example, ‘ Omar Abdul Rahman’ , who is in prison now, conspired against America and while he lived under its protection. Many other examples like this in Europe now 37 The danger of the Eastern immigrants on the Western civilization Is there a danger from the Eastern immigrants on the western civilization? These immigrants belong to backward countries, here we do not mean the distinguished among them like scientists, scholars and professional; but many others who migrated and obtained citizenship or an asylum with no loyalty to the new country. For example, Omar Abdul Rahman, who is in prison now, conspired against America and while he lived under its protection. Many other examples like this in Europe now Trying to impose religious dress code, symbols and rituals in the Western countries is one of the symptoms of the conspiracy against the western counties. Like the farce of covering the head which happened before in France that occupied the public opinion, judiciary and media to the point that the French government had to conduct a referendum on this nonsense. Isn’t this a waste of the time and energy of the French nation that needs to move ahead on its regular way?! Instead of wasting their energy on something that fills only the minds of ignorant terrorist. 38 The terrorism that comes from the East and threatens the global security by bombing and killing everywhere is actively spreading between the Eastern communities in the West. These terrorists are exploiting these countries’ respect for freedom and democracy, the Western countries have to declare to the new comers, either immigrants or asylum seekers that they are welcomed but since they love their new countries, made it their home and believe in its freedom they have to live by the rules, customs and traditions and If among the new comer those who see freedom and democracy means something else to them or the traditions and customs in their original country are more valuable, we, with all love and respect, will help them to go back to their country 39 The western countries in Europe and America have to ensure that new comers will melt in the society, and not to allow the establishment of large concentrations of any of the nationalities of the new comers so that they do not become a separatist movements in the future but they have to melt in the country, its language, customs, culture and traditions It has been reported that members of the community of the ideology that has become synonyms to terrorism who live in one of the Northern American countries are seeking to put their hands on a part of its vast land to obtain their own province, so that they can implement sharia in it, and so that could be the nucleus and a beginning take over the rest of the American countries to fulfill the dream of one of their leaders invaded Spain and dreamt of conquering land beyond the Atlantic ocean had he known there was any 40 Factor in the fall the civilizations, fatal carelessness One of my readers in LA, American citizen for 15 years and Egyptian origin, told me in a telephone conversation that the West are underestimating the growing danger of the terrorist ideology, the ideology that is threatening the whole world and can shake its safety and security. They underestimate its icons and movers because they’re ignorant and backward people and do not have what they have in terms of power, technology, strong economy and intelligence agencies. My friend said that this might be a fatal mistake. They will be like the rabbit in the French poet La Fontaine’s story “The rabbit and the Turtle”. Their food, carrots, was on the top of the mountain; both of them had to go up to get it. The rabbit underestimated the turtle and mocked her slow movement. Therefore, he started to climb up with full confident that he should make it there before the turtle. Just before reaching the summit he went down again looking at the turtle which was still at the beginning. He repeatedly went up and just before the summit he would come down again for several times mocking the turtle which had climbed only a few meters. He kept going up and down till the last time he went up to the summit to find that the turtle had arrived before him and ate all the carrots. By that time he was so exhausted and had no energy to go down and search for food at the foot of the mountain. So he died from starvation; his excessive confidence killed him 41 There was a warning published by one writer under pseudo name “beautiful mind” on thought’s club-liberal thought website dated January 24, 2005. This warning was addressed to the Western countries and it said, “Oh America, oh Europe, oh civilized world, and oh civilized people, you must worry about the brutal barbarian force, be careful of the Mongols of the modern time, and be careful of the Arabs, so that you would not end up like Egypt that was once beautiful and glorious, lest New York City not become the Capital of the coming Caliphate and lest the English and the American culture not be replaced by the swampy Arabic culture. You must be careful, before it is too late. You must be careful before you become like us. Be careful before America becomes "The Arabic republic of America." Here the article finished, someone wrote a commentary under another pseudo name also (and pay attention to the name) "The future martyr" as follow: You are mistaken my dear, you must say, "The Islamic Republic of America". This will be achieved, God Willing. Didn’t you here the proverb that says, “Separation preceded the sword”? This Internet quotation along with the previous warning proves to us that the fear and warnings are well founded these are not elusions or mere nightmares, these are plans confirmed openly and persistently by the so called "The future martyr” 42 Although this booklet was written a few months ago, but I have decided to add the following part after the terrorist bombing on London underground metro was committed on July 7, 2005. This is a quotation from an Arabic article that has been published in one of the Arabic electronic news papers . "In an interview with ‘ Hamza El Massry ‘ on El Jazeera channel a few years ago, the host Sami Haddad asked him why he is always attacking the West and at the same time he has British citizenship and lives on the social security benefit. His literal reply was: There are countries like the restrooms; I enter it just to use it and get out. It was surprising that the British authorities did not react to this insult, they did not arrest him, they did not investigate this matter, they even did not send him back to his country; Egypt where he is wanted by the authorities. Unfortunately, the British authorities did not take this matter seriously until they got hit by the terrorists on July 2005. This is a part from an article that was written by Laila El Atrash on Elaph web site on July 19, 2005 43 Western countries are securing the political regimes that are harboring and sponsoring terrorism The Western civilized countries allowing the political rulers of the countries that sponsor and allied themselves with terrorists to deposit their money in their banks. This money actually is stolen from their poor hungry people. At the same time the leaders of terrorism in these countries recruit and prepare the hungry, hopeless and discontent youth to spread terrorism all over the world. From Bali in Indonesia killing Australian tourists and others to destroying towers and buildings in America to bombing Spain and Netherlands, to the blood shedding in Chechnya, to hitting the American ship in Yemen, kidnapping the foreign tourists in Yemen, and killing them in Egypt . 44 Those regimes and these rulers never improved the conditions of their people and never will. They will never give up their dictatorship. So, who secure these corrupted rulers, back them up, and protect their stolen money? Who supply them with weapons and train their security forces to suppress their people? Who encourage them to fill their prisons with the honest politicians and the liberal activists who always advocate for democracy and political reforms? The answer for the above questions is the Western countries. If you ask the terrorist who committed the massacre of the tourists in Egypt, “why did you kill the Western tourists?” They will answer immediately, “Because these Western people supply our rulers with weapons while they steal our people, rape our countries, and they do not allow any freedom of express.” Billions of the stolen dollars from the poor and oppressed people of our countries and their allies are deposited now in the Western banks in their personal accounts. This is a very bad role of the Western civilized countries and it can be a cause for the fall of its civilization. This increases the hatred of these oppressed people towards the West, because the Western countries extend an umbrella over the thieves and protect their ill earned money. The hatred of these poor and oppressed people whether they live in their own countries or they live in the Western countries will destabilize the security of the Western people anywhere in the world. The terrorists’ leaders play with this card very well. They brain wash the young and fill them with hatred towards the Western people whether in their own countries or abroad, diplomats, businessmen or tourists 45 So the solution is to freeze the ill earned money of those dictators and their allies; this money should be returned to its true owners, the poor and oppressed people. These funds should be free zed whether it belong to the thieves who fled from their own countries to the western countries with the stolen money, or those who hasn’t left yet and continues to steal and transfer the stolen money to the western banks. The western countries need to freeze these funds and return the thieves to their homelands for trial. These stolen funds should be allocated to development projects in the countries which were stolen from, for the benefits of its people and to improve their living conditions. But to keep this stolen money in the western banks is not by anyway a Christian ethics that many of the Western people believe in 46 keeping and securing the stolen money from the poor people in the Western banks contradicts the principles of Democracy that the West believe in, it contradicts the morals of civilized people; it forces the poor and hungry to leave their home countries and infiltrate to the Western countries illegally and that changes the social, economic, and security balance and spread terrorism It is about time to stop all that for the sake of the global peace. One of the ways to end dictatorships peacefully and without bloodshed should be a call for a “new deal” between those dictators and a coalition of opposition parties on a new secular constitution that separates religion from State as in the modern, civilized world; and power to be handed to the coalition parties in return for immunity from prosecution for the dictators since they are afraid to leave power lest they be tried for the crimes they have committed against their nations and people and which are punishable by the death penalty or life in prison That makes the dictators hang on to power for fear of an unpleasant and unknown destiny since it is matter of life or death. The signing of the deal should be in a neutral state and under an international supervision. Thus power can be snatched from their hands in peacefully and without bloodshed; and let history judge them . ------ == go to PART 2 : Ending terrorism peacefully - perestroika 2 ( Scenario ) Please Look the second part: thanks ---- about the author"Salah El Din Mohssein ": Canadian – Egyptian Writer . live at Montreal . Canada A member of “ writers s Union of Egypt A member of : PEN CANADA A member of : “ CANADIAN ETHNIC MEDIA ASSOCIATION “ - Ottawa . canada recorded as a one of the world s brave minds . by DiaHumanism Research Center – Ottawa .Canada - cause of his brave opinioncs spent more than 3 years , political prison, in Egypt – 2000 : 2003 - published 16th books . in Cairo- Egypt ,unitl 2000 from june 2005 : september 2011 published a Wep Site , contain more thane 1000 articles – in Arabic - : *********************
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