Salah El Din Mohssein
2011 / 12 / 19
U.S.A , encourage not prevent - the radicals in Egypt , and middle east to hold the rule ..! its against peace , help the terrorism .
To the pronoun`s people`s nations of USA & EUROPE :
If the radicals hold the rule in Egypt, surely.. Egypt will changed to another Afghanistan or another IRAQ -, and yours leaders will send yours sons and youths . to be killed .. Take care.. ( the same as for Libya , SYRIA, Yemen , Tunisia morocco , and others .. .. Take care..
the military and the radical regimes are one face for one currency , in the middle & Nordic Africa ) .
To People of USA & EUROPE :
USA leadership of president Obama lay the peace of the world in a risk .. America encourage the radical groups to destroy Egypt , middle east , and Nordic Africa.. by alliance with the radicals and military regimes .
The people of Egypt & others Arab phonic people , most of them are unlettered people ( underage politically ) .. it is not democracy , to let them test the rule of radicals, by elections( terrorists )`s a risk . against the world`s peace .
To the people of USA & EUROPE:
The political plan of U.S.A , toward the nations of middle east & Nordic Africa , show America & Europe as an enemy ..because alliance with radicals and militaries rulers in these countries
USA government is against the safe of these nations , and opposite their rights to live a fine life ..
To the conscience of USA people & EUROPEN nations :
The leaders of your countries .. incite the thief rulers, of the countries s middle east and Nordic Africa ..
To pinch the food the wealth - of their people, drive it to in your BANKS - financial houses and let the people of these nations , to poverty and hunger : ready to be terrorists, international
To the conscience of USA`s people & EUROPEN
Please , make a search for security Banks`s balances, belonged to yours leaders . as illegal gifts . from Islamic petrol`s countries .or illegal Boons , from largest companies, and factories of weaponry . to make for wars and talk so much about peace - !
To the pronoun`s people`s nations of USA & EUROpe :
The leaders of yours countries talk, and talk much about the peace .., weep for the peace.. if they are actually want a peace , want to stop terrorism.. it`s easy :
= Develop the covenant of U.N .. add :
1 - Blocked the membership of the countries which ruled by military regime ( barefaced , or disappear behind a citizen government ) .
2- blocked dogmatic regimes , and unconstitutional hereditary regime.
3 - Human rights charters international issued by UN - are the alone reference , for the constitution & laws of countries - members of UN , no religious or military laws .
To people of RUSSIA :
Yours sons whose were Killed in sheshan and before , in Afghanistan - .. these killed by support of alliance of yours leaders , with fascist regimes of the middle east, defend the terrorism ( past president ``Hafes Asd `` & his son`` BASHAAR`` Al Baath party Syria , past `` Saddam Huseen`` AL Baath Party IRAQE , IRAN`s religious regime , Gaddafy Libya - , ARABIA SAOUDIA, and Arab Emirates ) .
To people of CHINA :
The rivalry of yours leaders against USA & EUROPE , for alliancing with fascist and radical regimes IRAN & SYRIA . at the near future will pear inside china : AFGHANISTA OR SHESHAN war .. .. and harm the peace international . Take Care
To the owners of large international factories , business, and weaponry`s exporters :Pleases, please : a little of mercy , a some of clemency , a so few of satisfaction, and a Few of kindness : for the world`s peace .
---- by :
Salah El Din Mohssein
Montreal Canada
[email protected]
[email protected]
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