Omar Dakhane
2011 / 7 / 7
Many major Algerian newspapers are engaging into a press war against the French government and political parties in France, since the French apparently started to realize the danger of the immigrants who are flooding their country from the south, and who according to the views of some of the French officials are threatening the social and cultural fabric of the French Republic, because they didn’t abandon the loyalty to their old countries, which they still hold its passports and visit it on a regular basis, in addition to sending a lot of funds to their origin countries in the sake of showing off in their origin society where everything is built on showing off. And that also leads to negative effects on the national of the host country (France in this case).
I don’t understand how widespread newspapers can misunderstand the eagerness of some French people on their country and their culture as a form of racism. And how do they see in people who acquire the French citizenship just to exploit the country, and then take all the benefits and pensions and go to their origin country, how do they see fighting them a form of racism?.
The whole world now knows that southern parts of France are turning into an Arab lands, with all their cons and lack of civil behaviors. Those Arabs who fled the oppression of their communities just to move to France and try to make it a copy of the countries they ran away from, and destroy a country that gave them a safe shelter and decent living.
I’m not a fan of France in general, especially their bloody history that they refuse to even apologize for it, and their distorting to the secularism which they turned into fascism. But, truth must be told, it’s very wrong to manipulate the privileges you are given by the French government in a land you weren’t forced to move to, and it’s very wrong to try to change the French way of life to fit your money making policies and help you use France and then move back to your original country, and giving the finger to France and the French people in the end.
The French population has the right to ask immigrants to either integrate or leave, and they have the right to ask them to stop destroying their culture as Europeans, and they have the right to ask them to give up their loyalty and citizenship to their original countries, because without the previous demands, the immigrant becomes a danged on the host community, and he won’t be useful for his new society as long as he is still loyal to his original country.
When you decide as a person to immigrate somewhere and especially emigrate from the Arab countries to the Western countries, you must be ready to a full integration and fusion in your new society, and be prepared to carry loyalty to your new country only.
If you throw a leg in the new country, and keep your second leg in your original country, and live in your new country believing you are there just to make money and then return to your original country that you were dreaming to run away before, then you will not achieve anything, not in your original country nor your new country, and the new country government and people has the right to kick you out of their society because you became a negative element in the country.
There is many examples of Arabs who have integrated in their new societies and who have achieved important political and social achievements, especially in France, where some Arabs reached to be ministers because they respected the country that gave them what they couldn’t get in their old country, and they swore complete loyalty to the new society, which welcomed them more and more.
It’s weird that every new French law to organize immigration is faced always with strong condemnation from the Algerian newspapers and sometimes officials in the Algerian government, as if France must run its internal affairs according to what pleases immigrants who did harm more than good to the French society, immigrants who use the benefits of that country and then take it all and move back to the original country.
The Algerian newspapers always accuses anyone who doesn’t side with the immigration with racism and extremism, as if protecting your own country from floods of immigrants who wants to change your way of life is an extremism, while opening your doors to anyone so that they can use your country and run away back to their countries, that is called “humanism” according to them!!.
Any country in the world holds the right to ask its citizen to keep one nationality only, and who he missed his original country and don’t want to give up its passport and nationality, should go back to the country which he used all the legal and illegal ways to escape from in the first place.
France has the right to fight those who come to the country in order to exploit its resources and economy, and has the right to fight those who want to impose their own culture on the people of France who have their own culture, and the only mistake they did is to open their country and welcome people from other nations.
It’s not the right of local newspapers in Algeria to tell the government of another country on how to act and behave, and what laws to accept or reject, especially with all the corruption inside Algeria. And let’s not forget that there is a lot of people in Algeria live on their retirement pensions that they receive from the French government.
Actually, the solution of keeping one nationality only could be good to people who live in Algeria too, because it could relieve them from all the immigrants (France immigrants specifically) who spend the whole year in France eating leftovers, so that they collect enough money for a good summer in Algeria to brag in front of the rest of the population, as if that’s how the live the whole year, thinking that we don’t know the rotten conditions they live in in France during the year, and that is mostly because they spend the year planning on the best possible way to brag and show off in Algeria during the summer.
Maybe if they stop starving themselves during the year in the sake of showing off in Algeria in the summer, maybe that would actually change their situation, and maybe a full integration in their French society could make their life better for real, and not just for showing off. Many people did that, and now they spend summer in real nice places, and not in the Algeria coasts acting rich.
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