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Omar Dakhane
2011 / 7 / 6

Few weeks back, I read in the news that the Algerian government donated the amount of $26.4 million to the Palestinian government, and the article explained how the Palestinian government had been waiting for this grant to be able to pay its staff salaries, in a government that doesn’t bear any clear International recognition, and live mostly on foreign aid from many countries, and keeps absorbing that aid to pay the salaries of staff who aren’t doing anything, giving that the state is too small to need all the amount of aid, amount enough to provide decent living to a country in the size of India, while the Palestinian government never stops complaining that the aid is not enough, and absorbing more money like fire eats wood.

I’m not going to discuss the government decision to grant those funds to a corrupted government that “protects” a case that we were dragged into, and we were forced to be with or against with no third option, and I’m not going to discuss the real purpose of sending that amount of money, because the purpose mostly is political, and I personally think it’s basically an attempt to make the Algerian people feel that they are actually standing behind a real cause, and that their government is doing something to help in a case that doesn’t have anything to do with Algerians, especially that our country suffers from poverty and low living standards, while politicians live on playing with causes since they discovered that could be a money making and political success process, and because of that they managed to make the Algerian people feel that they are doing something for humanity, while most of the funds are actually going to people who live and feed on conflicts and won’t have a job in a peaceful Middle East without any conflicts.

What I’m going to discuss, and what really matters to me is : did we solve our Algerian population problems first? Did we guarantee a decent life to every Algeria citizen in order for us to be able to give the surplus to others? Or are we stealing the bite from the Algerian citizen mouth and giving it to suspicious parties, and then convince the Algerian population that manhood means to die from starvation while supporting a case that doesn’t concern you in any direct way, and support people who comes to you when they need your assistance only, and if they get what they want from you, you are just another fool nation that is giving its money to fuel a conflict. Don’t talk to me about humanism because there is thousands of humanitarian causes around the planet that we chose not to care about, and that’s because we were fed and forced to defend a case that we don’t even understand every angle of it yet, and that we must accept giving money to one side in a conflict not related to us in any way or sort, a conflict that could be solved peacefully and without all this hate and violence.

I won’t deny that there are difficult humanitarian situations under the Middle East conflict, and that is expected in any conflict and from both sides, but as Algerians we have a load of internal problems to take care of before trying to help others, especially that the people we are giving money to are getting huge amounts of aid from many countries and organizations, and those countries have a certain level of stability that able them to donate money, but to take the bite from the mouth of the deceived Algeria and give him the illusion that he is actually helping, that is not acceptable, and my people need to understand that we are rewarding the Palestinian government for doing nothing, and encouraging her to never reach a solution with Israel, cause a solution would mean the funding will mostly stop, and with it, most of the people who living on the conflict will be without a job cause spreading hate and being corrupted is the best they can do.

In a story linked to the subject, I was told that in my small poor city, there was a collection of donations few years back, the event was held by some political parties to support their “brothers” in Gaza, forgetting that they have actual brothers here who can’t find anything to eat even, but never got any event or attention, why? Because that “cause” they worship guarantees them fame and political success, and makes them appear heroic to the public as if they really believe in a human cause, while all they want is to force our people into a conflict that we have nothing to do with, and if they were really humane they would have cared for the poor in their city first, and did not shut the doors in their faces. And it’s good to see that many people started to realize the fake from the real, but those people are still a few in the society.

Terrorizing and intimidating all those who say the truth about this subject isn’t going to work anymore, and especially that more people started to understand that “My country and my people come first” and that I have no interest into taking sides in a conflict I was forced into it in the first place, but still we have a major issue with Anti-Antisemitism and hate anyone who is different in our society, a society that fights any free voice tries to draw the attention to the real issues, not thousands of kilometers away, but right next to us, in our hungry neighbor house and our unemployed relative home, those are the people that we need to be helping, and they come before anyone else.

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