Rafat Taninah
2011 / 1 / 13
Electronic media (in English: Electronic media) is the media which is carried out through electronic methods, especially the Internet, has this type of media a growing share in the market as a result of easy access and speed of production and developing and updating it also has an area of greater intellectual freedom. Is the audio and video recordings, multimedia CD-ROMs and the Internet the most important forms of modern electronic media.
Become clear that the emergence of any new media does not negate the previous method, Valmvea did not cancel the newspaper and television did not abolish the radio, but it is noticeable that all the roads in the media developed set off against a lot of audience the old ways and change patterns Alasthaddamh according to the possibilities of the new medium.
The imposition of the emergence of the Internet and after the electronic media and would impose a reality very different, as it is not a development just to the media earlier, but is a means of containing all previous methods, "So there are electronic journalism written, as well as the electronic media, audio-visual, but the combination of all these styles and overlap resulted in a variety of media formats, including multiple and can not be confined or to predict its potential.
This is not only, but enough to note that the number of Internet users in the Middle East alone amounted to 45,861,346 using representing 13% of the population, and 8.8%% of users in the world, and the rate of increase amounted to 1,296.2% over the past eight years (2000-2008) [1] and 491.4% in the last year alone, double the figure in the revolution Alinfomedia which are embodied in the merger between the media and communication Vbutt TV channels on the mobile phone companies such as Emirates Telecommunications which aired tenth channels of entertainment and news, as well as the development of mobile networks and the Internet been surfing the web through mobile phone quickly and quality equivalent to browsing on the computers, where the number of mobile phone users the world over four billion users,
Did not stop changing the way the media only, or how much the public but also covered the nature of this audience and location of the information process, consisting of a transmitter and receiver and a means and a message and returned echo, it completely changed the elements of this process in a revolution of the electronic media and became themselves a kind of overlap and qualitative development puts the disappearance of the border between sender and the receiver has become the public is a manufacturer of the media message, and the most prominent example of this phenomenon of citizen journalist, who represented the overwhelming trend in the electronic media-west.
All of the above and other, making it difficult anchoring of reasons confirm that the electronic media is to inform the future, and then must interest and performed optimally, and evidence of this trend many Western newspapers and U.S. specifically to the shift from the traditional format to the electronic media, especially in light of the financial crisis which swept the world in 2008 and 2009, which generated financial crises for many aspects of the economy, including news organizations that operate as a profit from the disposal of their incomes. Proved electronic media in the years of his life few (that is commonly that the year 1992 was the year the emergence or electronic newspaper in the world), has proved to be more meaningful access to the public of traditional newspapers, and often meets the needs of newspaper readers and television viewers and radio listeners at the same time, This is also the way the media revolution in the field of interaction with the public, proved an enormous capacity to provide interactive materials that never made history have ever seen, even in direct communication between people
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