Patriotism and Nationalism are Infidelity for Muslims

Talal Al-khoury
2011 / 1 / 11

Patriotism and Nationalism are Infidelity for Muslims

It is not easy to be a co-citizen with Muslims. Because non-Muslims would suffer a lot from the Islamic values that are based on the Islamic creed and are stated and recommended by the Islamic Sharia and believes. These values such as, protection (Taqiya), objection (Maaridh), puns (Tawriya) and caution (Al-hita wa Al-hather) and others. All these mentioned Islamic Idioms mean different techniques for lying and misleading non-muslin so that they would be fooled easily.
The minorities in Arab and Islamic countries are suffering from these values that are believed and practiced by Muslims. Furthermore these values are serious obstacles for building a harmonious and united society, where people work hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder to build human and homeland.
In the following lines, I will try to discuss one of these Islamic values, which cause serious hatred problems between the sons of one homeland and put them apart.
Islam considers patriotism and nationalism are infidelity for Muslims. Islam teaches his followers not to considered homeland or citizenship, because the religion of Islam is a religion of the entire world. Beside that Islam divides the world into the House of Islam (Dar al-Islam) and the House of War (Dar al-harb). The Dar al-Islam is all those lands in which Islamic government rules and the Holy Law of Islam prevails. Non-Muslims may live there on Muslim sufferance. The outside world, which has not yet been subjugated, is called the "House of War," where a holy war (jihad) is imposed by the law. The law thus divides non-Muslims theologically into those who profess what Islam recognizes as a divine religion and those who do not; politically into Dhemmis who have accepted the supremacy of the Muslim state and the primacy of the Muslims and accepted to pay tribute (Jizyah) out of hand and are utterly subdued and Harbis who remain outside the Islamic frontier and they considered infidels who should be fought and killed. The principle of loyalty and disavowal (al-wala wal bara ) is a well known and practiced principle where Muslim has to be loyal to Muslims only and to reject any non-Muslim.
For example, when Muslim defends his homeland, he is not driven by patriotism or by the love of freedom, but he is fighting in order to be a martyr in defense of Islam so that he can earn the promised paradise with a number of his relatives that chosen by him, and in paradise they are promised to enjoy sexually 72 untouched beautiful virgins (houris) and pre-pubescent boys.
In order to make it clear, I shall give an example from my personal experience since I lived a larg part of my life in my birth country, Syria, as one of the Christian minority within a Muslim majority. In 1998, there was a possibility of a war between Syria and Turkey, because Syria was sheltering Abdullah Ocalan, the Kurdish opposition, who was causing a lot of concern for Turkey, but this is another topic that can not be detailed here. In those days, I went to the local barber shop to cut my hair as usual, and the subject of a possible war between Syria and Turkey was a hot topic that people discussed openly. The barber who is a Muslim knows that I am a Christian so he started telling me: "If we go together to the front, whom I have to kill first? Is it you because you are non-Muslim and you might kill the Turkish Muslim or the Turkish Muslim who is assaulting my country? Of course I was stunned to be asked such a question, which I did not expect to hear in the twentieth century! Barber appealed, saying we should ask Sheikh for a fatwa on this delicate issue. What can we say to him in such situations? Mufti Sheikh is the only authorized Islamic commissioner of such attitudes.
As we can see, the barber who represents almost every Muslim wanted to make sure by the advisory opinion of the Sheikh, because Muslim covets sexually the boys and virgins in paradise! Muslim does not care about his country and freedom. Muslim does not want to sacrifice the blood for patriotism or nationalism. But he is ready to do so for paradise, virgins and boys.
Another example, I remember when we were at high school at age 17, we as Christian students used to play in the school backyard instead of attending Islamic religion class which was restricted for our Muslim classmates where they used to be preached all kinds of hatred against non-Muslims. After finishing the class, our fellows Muslims approached us and look at us with eyes filled with hatred saying to us: Why do you live?? What is the benefit of your life?? There is no meaning for your life?? We as Muslims are willing to die for the sake of Islam and defending Islam and this is the ultimate meaning of life for us!! But ye shall not have what it even worth living!! So we were as Christians used to turn our faces aside in a subdued manner pretending that we did not hear anything, because we know the consequences of debating such topics with the Muslims that call themselves (the sons of the best nation)! Of course, after that the physical culture class comes and we were playing together, Muslims and Christians, against the other teams, and they forgot the hatred dose that they have been taken from their teacher of Islamic education!! And we continue to live friendly until the following week and the following religion class where our Muslim classmates would be provided with a new dose of hatred. Why we need to go so far with our personal experiences, here is the Muslim Brotherhood leader Mahdi Akef, how declare, in an interview, his three famous f-words (Toz in Arabic). The first F-word is to the country, the second to the people of the country and the third even to the father of the people of the country. This was a slang Arabic way to state that patriotism and nationalism are infidelity for Muslims. He continued saying that he would prefer to be governed by a foreign Muslim President than to be governed by a national non-Muslim president. It is known that the Muslim Brotherhood is the largest religious party in the world in general and in Arab world in specific, and they have followers and devotees at high rates in all Arab countries. It is known that what Mahdi Akef said is implicitly adopted by almost every Muslim. We know that the secularism and the adoption of civil law is the best solution for all the problems in the Middle East, but unfortunately this value is deeply rooted in the soul of our Muslim people and it is one of the major obstacles in the face of modernization and urbanization and the construction of the homeland.


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