Maria Khalife
2010 / 12 / 11
“Two men looked out of prison bars. One saw mud, the other stars.” ~ F. Langbridge
All human beings get to define “what success means for me.” Our ideas about success unfold over the years. Once we’ve mastered using eating utensils, how to walk, the subjects taught in schools, relationships, we narrow down the field of desired successes, focusing on fewer ideas. It’s the laser focusing that creates the most success.
We observe that some people have a wonderful attitude about success. This is a jackpot observation, because of the powerful truth within it: It is your mental attitude that governs your life.
1. Attitude is a mental state. Your thinking – one idea at a time – forms itself into moods and your moods create the basis of your attitude. If your single thoughts are positive, your moods and your attitude will be positive.
Take Action Now. If you want to improve your attitude, decide right now that you will look at what you’re thinking often, and if your thoughts fall short of what you know is good, you will improve them immediately.
If your co-workers do something that you consider dumb, train your mind to go to something they have done that is smart. Once you have this habit, you will see steady improvements throughout your life.
2. I can keep myself in the right mental state. This task, or challenge, can really be fun. I keep score, and when I reach 25 thought corrections, I get a strawberry milkshake. When I am at my happiest, it’s easier for me to think good thoughts. If I fall into a mental funk, it’s hard to think rightly.
Take Action Now. What prop can you use to keep yourself in an happy state? If it’s a piece of candy, so be it. If it’s putting coins into a piggy bank, do that. I can’t concentrate with loud music playing, so for me, it’s silence. What is it for you? How can you create optimal conditions to keep yourself in the right mental state so that your attitude governs wisely and well? Only you know.
3. Failing along the way is mandatory. Watch a small child learn to walk. They fall a lot, and they get up a lot, too. They want to balance and take their own steps, so they keep at it. Sometimes there are tears; sometimes smiles. You were once that child and your upright, walking posture is the proof of your success. The method used by children is very important: Failing a lot leads to success.
Take Action Now. Can you return to where failing was okay and where each fall down strengthened you? It’s all in your attitude toward the fall downs. It is okay as an adult to make mistakes. In fact, they are mandatory. Find the humor in them. Keep trying until you find what lets you succeed most.
4. Mind Models need continuous upgrading. The total of your thoughts about your Self, your success, or any task along the way is called your Mind Model. I like to write my Mind Model down when I want something new.
Take Action Now. Write down five main ideas about your next step toward success. Now, write down five Action Items you can take for each of those five main ideas. Next, take the steps.
5. Think your Mind Model every day and do its doings. Upon arising, re-read your Mind Model. It helps to focus your thinking and attitude throughout the day. Develop some way to reward yourself as you accomplish your plans. Ready? Set? Go!
It s so hard when I have to, and so easy when I want to. ~ Annie Gottlier
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