Rafat Taninah
2010 / 11 / 28
can be defined freedom to express ideas and opinions through speech or writing or a work of art without censorship or government restrictions, provided that does not represent the method and content of ideas or opinions can be considered a violation of the laws and customs of the state or group that allowed freedom of expression accompanied by freedom of opinion and expression is most likely some types of rights and boundaries, such as the right to freedom of worship and freedom of the press and freedom of peaceful demonstrations.
For the limits of freedom of opinion and expression, it is one of the thorny issues and sensitive as the limits laid down by states or groups donor of such freedom may change in accordance with security conditions and the ratio of population to the races and denominations and different faiths living within the state or the group and may occasionally play conditions outside the scope of the State or The group played in changing the borders of freedoms.
Returns the beginnings of the modern concept of freedom of opinion and expression to the Middle Ages in the UK after the revolution that overthrew King James II of England in 1688 and proclaimed King William III of England and Queen Mary II of England on the throne after years of this Parliament passed the British law, "freedom of speech in Parliament. "After decades of conflict in France was the Declaration of Human Rights and Citizen in France in 1789 after the French Revolution which stated that freedom of opinion and expression is an essential part of citizen s rights and there have been attempts in the United States in the same period of time to make the freedom of opinion and expression a fundamental right but the United States did not succeed in the application as stated in the Constitution for the years 1776 and 1778 of the right to freedom of opinion and expression as to delete this item in 1798 and considered the government s opposition to federal crime punishable by law and there was no equality in the rights to freedom of expression among blacks and eggs.
The philosopher John Stuart Mill (John Stuart Mill (1806 - 1873 of the first to proclaim freedom of expression of any opinion whatsoever on this view, is morally in the eyes of some when he said "If all people have an opinion one and there was only one person has an opinion contrary to the Silencing the only person who does not differ from that person only silence all human beings if he had the power "and was the only limit developed by the tendency of the limits of freedom of expression is a so-called" harm "someone else is still there to this day controversy about what damage was different from what he considers the human damage of the right tags from one community to another. It was John Stuart Mill, an advocate of the theory of philosophy which states that the good consequences for the largest number of people be the deciding factor in determining the consideration of work or the idea of certain moral or not, these ideas contrary to the school of philosophical The work immoral bad, even for Uamt interest to do and based on the school on the debt for the classification of the business to acceptable or offensive, and to clarify this difference, the John Stuart Mill is a lie, for example, is acceptable if there is some benefit to the greatest number of people in a particular group in contrast to the school opposite which is a bad thing to lie, even if the consequences are good.
Because of migration from East to Western countries and the mixing of cultures and religions, and modern means of communication such as the Internet world has witnessed a new wave of controversy around the definition of abuse or damage, especially on religious symbols in the world has witnessed in late 2005 and early 2006 caused a political uproar and media, religious and economic about what he saw as Muslim abuse of the Prophet Muhammad, considered the Western world and a means to freedom of opinion and expression.
Recently started movements in Europe calls for amendments to the old laws relating to abuse of religious symbols by and found in the European laws but are rarely applied in the moment but with the spread of migration to Europe from countries not European, and found a lot of countries in Europe itself in the legal positions critical to the existence of items in their criminal codes criminalize abusive to religious symbols and the presence of other items to allow freedom of opinion and expression and such laws, which is the abuse of religion pursuant to violation of the laws still exist, for example, in sections 188 and 189 of the Criminal Code of Austria, and Section 10 of the Criminal Code Finland and item 166 of the Criminal Law in Germany and item 147 of the Criminal Code in the Netherlands and Item 525 of criminal law in Spain and similar items in the laws of Italy and the United Kingdom and the United States.
France: French law prevents any writing or talk openly
Leads to hatred or hatred of ethnic or religious reasons and also prevents the denial of crimes of genocide against the Jews by the Nazis and also prevents the dissemination of ideas of hatred because of sexual orientation to an individual. France has accused the judiciary of the French intellectual Please Garaudy, as well as Ibrahim Nafie, a journalist on charges of anti-Semitism, according to the law Gesu. On March 10, 2005 to prevent a French judge panel drawn from the idea of advertising s Last Supper by painter Leonardo da Vinci. Was designed to house paintings propaganda Kigbaod to design clothes and ordered the removal of all billboards within 3 days. Where the judge announced that the paintings propaganda offensive to Roman Catholics. In spite of adherence to counsel Qegbado that ad blocking is a kind of censorship and suppression of freedom of expression, but that the judge acknowledged that the Declaration was disgraceful and aggressive intervention Bmatqadat special people. And ruled that the content of the abuse of Catholics more than the target of trade report
Germany: In Germany s Basic Law, which is called Grundgesetz provides the fifth item on the right to freedom of opinion and expression, but it draws a border similar to the French law prohibits hate speech against race and religion and sexual orientation in addition to prevent the use of Nazi symbols such as swastikas.
Poland: to this day is considered to offend the Catholic Church and the head of state crime punishable by law have been sentenced to a period of 6 months after the artist Polish Dorota Nzenalska Dorota Nieznalska in July 18, 2003 to paint a picture of the penis on the cross and was a fine journalist Jersey Ooroban amount of EURO 5000 on January 5, 2005 for insulting the person of John Paul II.
Canada: Canadian law prevents the speeches and ideas of hatred against any ethnic or religious group and prevent the ideas or words or images deemed offensive from a moral point of nationality according to the laws of Canada and April 29, 2004 the parliament approved the law to prevent the abuse of a person because of his sexual orientation.
United States: in the United States Supreme Court put a measure of what was regarded as an abuse or violation of the limits of freedom of expression and so-called test Miller Miller test and began working in 1973 and supports the meter on 3 main principles, namely: whether the majority of people in the community see the mode of expression acceptable and whether it was a way to express an opinion opposed to the criminal laws of the state, and whether the view of opinion possess the attributes of a serious artistic or literary. It is worth mentioning that the denial of the genocide of the Jews is not considered a criminal act in the United States and this takes most groups of neo-Nazis from the United States have a media center. And after the events of September 11, 2001 in the United States ratified a law known as the PATRIOT Act, which gives security forces wide powers to enable them to carry out surveillance and wiretapping and searches without recourse to the judicial hierarchy, which was followed before September 11, 2001.
After the events of September 11, 2001 in the United States ratified a law known as the PATRIOT Act, which gave the security agencies broad powers to enable them to carry out surveillance and wiretapping and searches without recourse to the judicial hierarchy, which was followed before September 11, 2001. And with starting the United States military campaigns on both Afghanistan and Iraq in the war on terrorism and was the headquarters of some news channels and journalists by the frequent attacks by U.S. forces began to appear allegations of deliberately so, especially after targeting the headquarters of Al Jazeera in Afghanistan in 2002 and in Baghdad during the invasion of Iraq in 2003 which led to the killing of Al-Jazeera correspondent Tareq Ayyoub in Baghdad and helped to confirm the publication of the Daily Mirror in November 2005 and the confidential documents became known as the document bombing Al Jazeera that U.S. President George W. Bush. Bush wanted bombed the headquarters of Al Jazeera in Qatar and the White House spokesman denied the accusations.
Australia: in February 1996 was sentenced to Marxist political Albert Langer Albert Langer was sentenced to a period of 10 weeks for inciting voters to write the other numbers were not present among the options on the ballot paper, and to show protest against the two main parties competing. And this was considered contrary to the electoral laws in Australia.
In Belgium prevented the local authorities of the city of Middelkerke in the February 6, 2006 artist David Cerny David Cerny view of a statue of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in one art exhibitions. , Showing the statue of Saddam Hussein in the form of a shark, hand cuffed wrists from behind in a bath of formalin. The authorities considered this work of art controversial and may cause protests from parties supporting former Iraqi president.
African States: There are many African countries that provide their constitutions the right to freedom of expression, but does not apply on the ground of international observers for the consideration of human rights, who pointed to the clear breaches of the right of the citizen to express his opinion freely in Kenya and Ghana. Eritrea and is considered by some in the forefront of countries in the arrest of journalists. There is government control over the media in the Sudan, Libya, Equatorial Guinea, while showing signs of improvement in the rights of freedom of opinion in Chad and Cameroon and Gabon.
Asian States: There are many Asian countries, their constitutions, which provides the right to freedom of expression, but does not apply on the ground of international observers for the consideration of human rights, who pointed to the clear breaches of the right of the citizen to express his opinion freely in Vietnam and Myanmar and North Korea. The observer reports that there is an improvement in the area of freedom of expression in China than before, but the government in China is still watching the media and prevent its citizens from the access to many Internet sites, including the Encyclopedia Ikebedeaahind: On September 26, 1988 issued the judicial authorities of the Indian decision to prevent Salman Rushdie from entering India after the publication of the controversial novel [The Satanic Verses] that Muslims considered insulting to Islam. And may contains one of the chapters of the novel on the character was named Mahavand seen by Muslims as an attempt by Salman Rushdie to offend the person the Prophet of Islam and his wives as mentioned house of prostitution in the city of ignorance which are intended to Salman Rushdie by the city of Mecca and was in a house of prostitution of these 12 women and was composed of matching of the names of wives of the Prophet Muhammad. The book also describes in detail the processes by which sexual Mahavand.
Arab States: Despite the existence of provisions in the constitutions of some Arab countries, guarantee freedom of opinion and expression but it did not come out for a framework of the formal into the application, where violations of many of the freedom of expression in many Arab countries, which prevents most if not all criticism of the ruling or the ruling authority, religion, and may experience an author or journalist to imprisonment and torture
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