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Review of Hezbollah Sameer Hasan  2021 / 5 / 17 Research topics and political essays 
Hezbollah Analysis Sameer Hasan  2021 / 5 / 17 Abolition of the death penalty 
Hesbollah Analysis Sameer Hasan  2021 / 5 / 16 Research topics and political essays 
The Comprehensive Analytical Review of Hezbollah and Cultural and Political Gap in Understanding it Sameer Hasan  2021 / 5 / 12 Research topics and political essays 
Syria: Store of Regional and Global Contradictions Sameer Hasan  2021 / 5 / 4 Abolition of the death penalty 
Syria: Store of Regional and Global Contradictions Sameer Hasan Mohammad  2019 / 9 / 2 Research topics and political essays 


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