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Universal -union- for Scientific Prof. Moustafa Mohamad El Abdallah Alkafry  2023 / 8 / 2 Public Awareness 
Damascus daily economic incidents in the eighteenth- century, Written by Al-Hallaq Al-Budairi Prof. Moustafa Mohamad El Abdallah Alkafry  2022 / 7 / 3 Studies and research in history and heritage 
The most important obstacles to economic development in the Arab countries Prof. Moustafa Mohamad El Abdallah Alkafry  2022 / 7 / 2 Public Awareness 
The reality of scientific research in Arab universities Prof. Moustafa Mohamad El Abdallah Alkafry  2022 / 6 / 25 Literature and art 
Intellectual transfers between Arabs and Europeans Prof. Moustafa Mohamad El Abdallah Alkafry  2022 / 6 / 22 Literature and art 
Economic Blocs and Economic Organizations Prof. Moustafa Mohamad El Abdallah Alkafry  2022 / 6 / 12 Literature and art 
Abu Nasr Al-Farabi Jeden z genialnych naukowcó-;-w, któ-;-rzy są-;- dumą-;- ludzkoś-;-ci Prof. Moustafa Mohamad El Abdallah Alkafry  2022 / 6 / 7 Studies and research in history and heritage 
The G20 and the stability of the global economy Prof. Moustafa Mohamad El Abdallah Alkafry  2022 / 4 / 30 Public Awareness 
The impact of the global financial crisis 2008 on the economies of Arab countries Prof. Moustafa Mohamad El Abdallah Alkafry  2022 / 4 / 16 Research topics and political essays 


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