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The worst misfortune What laughs_4 Osama Shawky E. Bayoumy  2019 / 11 / 8 Literature and art 
The worst misfortune What laughs_3 Osama Shawky E. Bayoumy  2019 / 10 / 13 Literature and art 
The worst misfortune What laughs_2 Osama Shawky E. Bayoumy  2019 / 10 / 9 Literature and art 
The worst misfortune What laughs Osama Shawky E. Bayoumy  2019 / 10 / 7 Literature and art 
Joker and the Green Movement Osama Shawky E. Bayoumy  2019 / 10 / 7 Nature, pollution, environment protection 


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