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Shamsulddin: The Militias in KRG Runs The State, and I support The Fully Control of Baghdad on Oil and Borders all Over Iraqi Regions Massar Abdelmohsen Rady  2020 / 8 / 30 Research topics and political essays 
Will Al-Kadhimi Runs an Imaginary Iraq�-or-The Historical? Massar Abdelmohsen Rady  2020 / 4 / 15 Research topics and political essays 
Al-Zurfi and Toller their planes: Is Washington and Tehran on the Brink of Iraqi 11th Sep? Massar Abdelmohsen Rady  2020 / 4 / 1 Research topics and political essays 
Iraqi Future after Corona with The Eyes of History Massar Abdelmohsen Rady  2020 / 3 / 28 Research topics and political essays 


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