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The Palestinian Return March: the Other Face of the Coin Mahmoud Alkhatib  2019 / 2 / 10 Rights of children and modern education 
Fatah, Hamas and the closing end Mahmoud Alkhatib 2018 / 9 / 23 Civil society 
The Palestinian Return march, What has returned? Mahmoud Alkhatib 2018 / 5 / 24 Terrorism, war and peace 
A child of war Mahmoud Alkhatib 2014 / 7 / 20 Literature and art 
Apartheid Exiles await returning home Mahmoud Alkhatib 2013 / 5 / 12 Migration, racism, the rights of refugees,and immigrant communities 
A Candle Mahmoud Alkhatib 2011 / 6 / 5 Literature and art 
The real Murderers of Humanity Mahmoud Alkhatib 2011 / 4 / 21 Secularism, religion, political Islam 
Religion, Dogma, & Violence Mahmoud Alkhatib 2011 / 4 / 7 Secularism, religion, political Islam 
Loyalty of Islamists Mahmoud Alkhatib 2011 / 4 / 4 Secularism, religion, political Islam 


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