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Procrustes Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM: Small Scandals in Psychiatry-1- Lama Muhammad Md  2023 / 7 / 17 Psychiatry and Wellness 
Psychiatric Field Struggles in The Nowhere Lama Muhammad Md  2022 / 9 / 23 Psychiatry and Wellness 
�We Dont Talk About Bruno� *: Is Providers� Wellbeing Profaned by the Healthcare System? Lama Muhammad Md  2022 / 3 / 17 Psychiatry and Wellness 
The Secret: - Religions Political Drama-!-Her Name is Muhammad- Part 7 Lama Muhammad  2021 / 9 / 22 Literature and art 
Her Name is Muhammad-Back to the beginnings part 1- Lama Muhammad  2020 / 8 / 24 Literature and art 
Isnt the time for the Medical Emperors to relinquish their thrones? Lama Muhammad  2020 / 4 / 6 Literature and art 
�Do not be sad..God is with us. � Lama Muhammad  2019 / 12 / 1 Literature and art 
�Death in Thirty and Burial in Eighty� - Preventive psychiatry 1- Lama Muhammad  2019 / 9 / 23 Literature and art 


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