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A LETTER FROM REFUGEE TO PRIME MINISTER OF SWEDEN Khalaf Ali Alkhalaf 2017 / 3 / 15 Migration, racism, the rights of refugees,and immigrant communities 
A public Self-Declaration to the Syrian Security Authorities khalaf ali alkhalaf 2009 / 7 / 10 Human rights 
Pretend Azmi Bishara Is a Syrian Citizen khalaf Ali Alkhalaf � 2008 / 8 / 5 Political campaigns,campaigns for the defense of human rights and freedom of opinion and conscience DETAINEES 
Pretend Azmi Bishara Is a Syrian Citizen khalaf Ali Alkhalaf � 2008 / 8 / 5 Political campaigns,campaigns for the defense of human rights and freedom of opinion and conscience DETAINEES 
letter to Uncle Bush in a personal matter khalaf ali alkhalaf 2008 / 5 / 9 Terrorism, war and peace 


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