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White Terrorism and the Replacement Theory George Cattan  2022 / 8 / 22 Terrorism, war and peace 
Dugin theorizes, and Putin applies George Cattan  2022 / 4 / 19 Terrorism, war and peace 
After the Trump coup attempt, the US Republican Party to where? George Cattan  2022 / 3 / 4 Research topics and political essays 
How clear,�-or-unclear, is US policy in Syria? George Cattan  2022 / 2 / 7 Research topics and political essays 
The American Far-right Finds its Leader George Cattan  2021 / 12 / 6 Civil society 
Loopholes in the American democratic system George Cattan  2021 / 7 / 14 Civil society 
American Electoral College Dilemma George Cattan  2021 / 7 / 7 Research topics and political essays 
Orwell�s Big Brother George Cattan  2021 / 6 / 29 Civil society 
Bernie Sanders, from the campaign to the movement George Cattan 2016 / 9 / 23 Civil society 
Women in the Moslem Middle-East George Cattan 2010 / 6 / 27 Womens rights and full equality in all areas 
My Forbidden Face George Cattan 2010 / 1 / 9 Secularism, religion, political Islam 


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