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INVISIBLE BLESSINGS Freeyad Ibrahim  2021 / 3 / 3 Civil society 
Food is The Vaccine For The Poor Freeyad Ibrahim  2021 / 2 / 20 Rights of children and modern education 
The Sun Shades Me From The Sun Freeyad Ibrahim 2018 / 10 / 6 Literature and art 
Your Friend Is Your Friend In Distress Freeyad Ibrahim 2018 / 9 / 6 Literature and art 
Darling�You Are The Moon Freeyad Ibrahim 2018 / 8 / 30 Literature and art 
Only The Fruitful Trees are Targeted Freeyad Ibrahim 2018 / 4 / 17 Literature and art 
The World is Communicating Vessels Freeyad Ibrahim 2018 / 1 / 3 Civil society 
Mighty (Yes) & Mighty (No) Freeyad Ibrahim 2017 / 12 / 16 Human rights 
Be Like a Bee Freeyad Ibrahim 2017 / 12 / 10 Secularism, religion, political Islam 
Her Kiss is My Remedy Freeyad Ibrahim 2017 / 11 / 26 Literature and art 
Jews & Germany Freeyad Ibrahim 2017 / 7 / 23 Human rights 
Calamities make Celebrities(3) Freeyad Ibrahim 2017 / 4 / 12 Literature and art 
Why do they hate Jews? Freeyad Ibrahim 2017 / 2 / 23 Human rights 
Blood in Wedding Time Freeyad Ibrahim 2017 / 2 / 12 Secularism, religion, political Islam 
It�s War between Yes &No Freeyad Ibrahim 2016 / 12 / 5 Secularism, religion, political Islam 
O, MY WADI NEIGBOUR! Freeyad Ibrahim 2016 / 12 / 5 Literature and art 
Would Donald Trump bring Aliens to the Earth? Freeyad Ibrahim 2016 / 11 / 19 Terrorism, war and peace 
Muslims invade Europe by their Penises! Freeyad Ibrahim 2016 / 10 / 27 Secularism, religion, political Islam 
Islam is for Desert Arabs only Freeyad Ibrahim 2016 / 10 / 17 Secularism, religion, political Islam 
Jews & Kurds Freeyad Ibrahim 2016 / 10 / 2 Secularism, religion, political Islam 


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