  Modern Discussion

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Last 50 articles

Modern discussion is a media news cultural tribune to publicize objective and critical dialogues and opinions about the vital issues concerning the secularism, democracy, human rights, women’s rights, development, environment, human heritage in order to build a humane, civil and secular society that guarantee basic political, economic, sociological, cultural rights for humanity. This includes enjoying national, religious, cult, intellectual, and political rights.

Title Category
Sunday, July 14, 2024
1 Madeeha Araj Legalizing outposts in strategic areas of West Bank to prevent establishing a Palestinian State
Madeeha Araj
Research topics and political essays
2 Kalil Chikha Gorky in the world
Kalil Chikha
Literature and art
3 Kalil Chikha Gorky in the world
Kalil Chikha
Literature and art
4 Kalil Chikha Gorky in the world
Kalil Chikha
Literature and art
5 Kalil Chikha Gorky in the world
Kalil Chikha
Literature and art
6 Kalil Chikha Gorky in the world
Kalil Chikha
Literature and art
7 Kalil Chikha Gorky in the world
Kalil Chikha
Literature and art
Saturday, July 13, 2024
8 Salah El Din Mohssein Secularization - Towards the abolition of ideological slavery. And liberating the slaves of beliefs
Salah El Din Mohssein
Secularism, religion, political Islam
9 Mahmoud Said Kawash THE KNIGHT OF THE PEN
Mahmoud Said Kawash
Literature and art
10 Jenny Hussien Ali Whine
Jenny Hussien Ali
Literature and art
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
11 Ilyass Chetouani CELESTINES
Ilyass Chetouani
Literature and art
12 Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef Palmyra, story of glory , Mohammad A. Yousef
Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef
Literature and art
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
13 Madeeha Araj Exploiting war , Smotrich imposes Settlement Plan on the Israeli Cabinet’s agenda,
Madeeha Araj
Research topics and political essays
14 Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef Morning to you my sweet saint , Mohammad A. Yousef
Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef
Literature and art
Monday, July 8, 2024
15 Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef Who am I, you ask , Mohammad A. Yousef
Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef
Literature and art
Sunday, July 7, 2024
Mahmoud Said Kawash
Literature and art
Saturday, July 6, 2024
17 Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef Disappointed by medical and nurse practice at hospitals, Mohammad A. Yousef
Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef
Literature and art
Friday, July 5, 2024
18 Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef Infatuation Case, Mohammad A Yousef
Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef
Literature and art
Monday, July 1, 2024
19 Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef Who can fix salt if salt is rotten, Mohammad A. Yousef
Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef
Literature and art
Sunday, June 30, 2024
20 Hassan Ajami Reducible Logic as a Method of Reducing Logic to Mathematics
Hassan Ajami
Literature and art
21 Madeeha Araj Smotrich dismantles Civil Administration , uses Army to deceive the world and cover up his settlement project
Madeeha Araj
Research topics and political essays
Friday, June 28, 2024
22 Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef God is bigger than all , Mohammad A. Yousef
Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef
Literature and art
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
23 Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef Mirrors talk, Mohammad A. Yousef
Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef
Literature and art
24 Khosnav Khalil Structural Analysis in English of the Poem -My Mother Under the Rubble- by Ibrahim Yusuf
Khosnav Khalil
Literature and art
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
25 Madeeha Araj West Bank under a massive wave of settler terrorism and water deprivation
Madeeha Araj
Research topics and political essays
Monday, June 24, 2024
26 Zakia Khairhoum Najib Redouane: A Moroccan Voice in North America
Zakia Khairhoum
Abolition of the death penalty
27 Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef Phenomenalism, Mohammad A. Yousef
Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef
Literature and art
Friday, June 21, 2024
Mahmoud Said Kawash
Literature and art
29 Zakia Khairhoum The Dance of the Entwined Branches
Zakia Khairhoum
Literature and art
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
30 Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef Power Dynamics in Kim by Rudyard Kipling Mohammad A Yousef
Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef
Literature and art
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
31 Said Elakhal They are neither nationalists nor -union-ists, but rather mercenary agents
Said Elakhal
Research topics and political essays
Sunday, June 16, 2024
32 Zakia Khairhoum Analyzing Artistic and Literary Depth: A Journey Inside -Defining the Main Symbol-
Zakia Khairhoum
Literature and art
33 Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef Religion in Kim by Rudyard Kipling, Mohammad A Yousef
Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef
Literature and art
Saturday, June 15, 2024
34 Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef GENDER in The Women of Brewster Place
Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef
Literature and art
Thursday, June 13, 2024
35 Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef The Fifth Power in Nature
Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef
Natural Sciences
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
36 Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef Early recovery in politics
Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef
Human rights
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
37 Dr. Ashraf Ramelah Egypt: The Lies that -convert-ed the monarchy into military authoritarianism
Dr. Ashraf Ramelah
Research topics and political essays
Monday, June 10, 2024
38 Madeeha Araj Arming Settlers increases the destructive activities of Jewish terrorist organizations operating in the settlements
Madeeha Araj
Research topics and political essays
39 Mahmoud Said Kawash THW MEETING IS NEAR
Mahmoud Said Kawash
Literature and art
Friday, June 7, 2024
40 Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef Main Themes in Kim By Rudyard Kipling Mohammad A Yousef
Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef
Literature and art
Thursday, June 6, 2024
41 Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef Corruption Contradicts Human Values, Mohammad A Yousef
Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef
Human rights
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
42 Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef Why do Middle East pipeline projects fail? Mohammad A Yousef
Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef
Public Awareness
Monday, June 3, 2024
43 Omar Ghassa Rashed A poem Entitled -- The Child of Gaza --
Omar Ghassa Rashed
Literature and art
44 Madeeha Araj Settlers exployed war conditions to expand control over spring water in the West Bank
Madeeha Araj
Research topics and political essays
45 Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef Bruises ,wounds and scars in my work in petroleum industry
Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef
Literature and art
Saturday, June 1, 2024
46 Omar Ghassa Rashed A very short story entitled -Finis-
Omar Ghassa Rashed
Literature and art
47 Shamsan Dabwan Saeed Al Sharaabi The Poor Meaning of Poverty
Shamsan Dabwan Saeed Al Sharaabi
Public Awareness
Friday, May 31, 2024
48 Sami Al-qsaimi Saudi Arabias Shift: From Spreading Wahhabism to Embracing Openness and Reforms
Sami Al-qsaimi
Research topics and political essays
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
49 Omar Ghassa Rashed A story entitled -Nay, tis not I, O President!-
Omar Ghassa Rashed
Literature and art
50 Madeeha Araj Settlement expansion as react to recognize Palestinian State , reflects impasse of Israels policy
Madeeha Araj
Research topics and political essays



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