
الحوار المتمدن - العدد: 7579 - 2023 / 4 / 12 - 09:13



ݗ .

" ɡ .
ѡ . : " ǡ "!
. / 14

Starry Messenger [] ɡ . ȡ . . . .
Sidereus Nuncius ( ) 1610 . [] . [] ǡ . Sidereus Nuncius The Milky Way. :
1- .
2- ɡ .
ǡ Ǘ ֡ . ѡ . . ǡ ɡ [] .
[ ] . ɡ [] ʡ ʡ . .


ɡ ɡ . . ɡ ɡ . ѡ ǡ . Paleolithic [ ].
groupthink .
ǡ . ߡ . . ڡ . ߡ .
" " . [] .
ɡ Ǘ . ߡ ǡ . .
ɿ . . ڡ ɡ [] ֡ ֡ . ɡ . [] ɗ . ʡ ɡ .
ɡ ɡ . . ǡ .
ʡ ɡ . ɡ :
" ǡ ."
(965-1040 ) "" : " [ ] ." ɡ : " ." ѡ ї ( " ").
ѡ .
֡ . ɡ . ߡ . ɗ ߗ .
. ǡ ǡ .
ɡ ɡ ɡ . ء []. [ ] . " " ա ˡ ɡ . .
ɡ .
1660 the Royal Society : " Take nobodys word for it". 1743 " " .
1863 ɗ (NSA) . ɡ ɡ .
ɡ (NAE) (NAM) (NSF) (NIH) (NASA) (NIST) . (DOE) . (NOAA) .
ɡ ɡ . [ ] . . . . ɡ ѡ ǡ .

" Ode on a Grecian Urn " :
" ޡ "
ǿ ǡ ǡ ɡ .
ǡ ɡ . . .
ɡ ɡ ɡ ѡ . . ."
ɡ . ɡ 98% ޡ 78% .
" " [] . ߡ ɡ - .
"" ѡ - . ѡ ɗ . .
ɡ . . . .
ߡ . ȡ ڗ ǡ . ɡ . ֡ ɡ : " : . "
ߡ . . ߿ ֿ [] ߿ [] ʿ ϗ
ʡ ǡ ǡ . . : . .
: "In vino, veritas," : " " 12 14% [] ( ) -. ɡ ߡ ѡ . ߡ . [] ! [] . [] .
: " ߡ [] !" [] ǡ . ɡ ͡ - -.
С ɡ . Ǘ . ͡ ǡ ʡ [ ] . . . [] ɡ . . . 1939 ɡ ɗ .
ѡ ɡ ѡ . ϡ ͡ ." ϡ . ϡ . . . . ǡ ɡ . . .
ɗ ߗ . . ӡ ɡ . [] ֡ . "" . ɗ .
. . [] ȡ . Ρ 1889 Ǘ " ". . .
ǡ . . . . ء ʡ . . ȡ ɡ ɡ Mesoamerica.
ʡ ɡ Cherubs ɗ . [] 1896 . cumulonimbus 9 ی ی " " . ɡ .
animist ǡ Ǘ ѡ ͡ . ɡ . (PSR B1509-58) () . ʡ ".
ɡ (nebulae) ɡ (NGC 6543) (NGC 1952) [] (NGC 6853) (NGC 6611) (NGC 7293) (IC 434) (NGC 6523) (IC 3568) (NGC 7000) (NGC 3587) (NGC 6720) (NGC 2070). . (NGC 281) .
ߡ ɡ ѡ . ǡ ǡ ʡ . .
. [ ] [ ] . ѡ ɡ [].
. . :
[] : (E) (M): E = mc2 (c) . ѡ .
ɡ (a) (f) : F = ma. M . ɡ ɡ .
pi 3 4 ѡ 3.14 pi 0 9:
pi . . pi [ ] 14 3.14.
. . (H2O) . . ɡ . . - (NaC1) .

. 4 . . . .
ɗ . . . ߡ . 99 ֡ . 66 70 . .
. ɗ : ȡ ɡ . " " .
ǡ . [ ] ɡ ǡ ǡ . ɡ ɡ ֡ .
300 ɿ . ( : " ": . ."
ɡ [ ]. ї [ ] ʡ .
. (Shoemaker-Levy 9) . ǿ . ʡ . [] . . ɡ . 16 1994 24 A W . G ( ) TNT . .
. . . . ֡ .
. - . . ޿ ǿ ҿ .
. 1.5 ʡ . . . ( ) .
. ߡ . . . ߡ .
ɡ . . . ǡ .
. - . . ѡ ɿ



ѡ 1918 . .
! . . ǡ ֡ . . . .

. ѡ ɡ . ɡ . ϡ . ɗ . : . .
ɡ . " ." . ʡ ". ."
. : . . ɗ . .
. ǿ ߡ . . 1820. ߡ .
ݡ . ͡ . . . . ߡ . ʡ . . .. ɡ :



ɡ . . ʡ [ ]. . ߡ ( ) . : 5 . 5 . . . . . . ɿ ʡ 10.737.418.24 . 21474.836.47 . .
ѡ . . ѡ . ǿ " ".
" ". . ɡ .
2008 . ɡ ǡ . .
: ޡ . . " Ͽ" :


ߡ . ֡ ( ) ɡ . . . ɡ ӡ Red Giant [ ] . .
. - - . .
moxie . . ԡ ѡ 100 . 66 - 1.5 3.8 . ɿ ǿ [ ] [ ] . . ѡ .
ɡ ( 45 ):
Veni, vidi, vici
. ߡ 1493 :

. []

11 - . :


ѡ . . ѡ ɡ ڡ . . . . ǡ . - - . ߡ : ɡ []. " " . ʡ . " " .
ȡ " " ݿ 1995 . ɡ The Astrophysical Journal . . 1895. . 1980. 1980 1995 1895. ݡ ɿ 1895 1980. 1965. 1950 1935 1920. . ǡ ɡ ɡ .
" " [ ] ɡ . []. . .
ʿ 3.5 2010 2020 1963 2000. .
: ˿ . 1870 ɡ . ݡ ǿ
1870 1900 . . 1869 " " 2000 . . 1893 ɡ 1400 . . ǡ ѡ . [] -- " " . ʡ .
1870 1900 .
1900 2000. . " " paleofuture.com . ʡ Punch The Atlantic Colliers 1900. ɡ . ա [ ] - . .
" " " ".
- ɡ - ɡ ѡ 2000. . .
. . ҡ ڡ


. ѡ - . . ߡ . . .
1900 1930 . "" ɡ 120 (36 ) 1903 5218 1930 . ֡ . ʡ . . ʡ 19 1918 . ɡ :

ѡ ɡ .

. . ʡ ǡ ϡ .
1900 1930 .
1930 1960 ɡ 1947 . 1957 ߡ ֡ 17500 . 1958 - 707 - 1903. . ɡ 1945 1960 ( ) 4000 45 . ǡ .
1930 1960 .
1960 1990 . ʡ . 1962 " " . ߡ [ ] 1989 . ѡ . 5.99 . ɡ . " " " ". . "" 1987. ɡ . IBM Apple Computer . .
(1989) 2015. . . ϡ . . . ɡ 1989 ǡ . ϡ . 1993 AT&T "". ͡ ѡ ǡ . : " ... ƿ . : AT&T ".
. 1960 1990 ޡ . ߡ . . ɡ .
1960 1990 .
1990 2020 . - . ɡ 1989 (CERN) . 2000 ǡ . ɡ 2007 ȡ . ɡ . . . 2020 . 2007 . 1990 .
1996 Global Position Satellites (GPS) [ ] . (GPS) . . . ɡ ޡ . . ѡ . DVD . Chess and Go Jeopardy! 2020:

Google YouTube 4K .

... 1990.
500 ɡ 31000 ֡ ɡ ǡ ǡ . ɡ ʡ .
ɡ . ߡ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ . " " 100 . ߡ ( ) . ݡ .
- 2050. 150 ɡ . . . COVID-19 19 2020. . . . : . ".
2050 - 2020 - . . ѡ ɡ . - Star Trek ʡ ̡ ҡ ʡ ȡ ѡ "ǡ ." ǡ : 2050 ...

. ޡ ǡ .
ȡ .
ߡ .
ɡ ֡ .
ǡ .

߿ ɡ . . . ǡ . 1905 1916 (GPS) ǡ . ɡ . ϡ ͡ . ݡ 1990.
ɡ ɡ [ 1 9] :

- ɡ . - . .

5 - . ɡ 250 . . . . . . ɡ . ߡ . . " " ɡ .
. ɡ . . ǡ ɡ . . "" Apple - . ɡ . 20/20 . 20/20 .
֡ - ɡ ɡ ʡ ɡ - . . .

. : "ǡ ."

. . 340 1.3 ( ) . ߡ - . ֡ ɿ .
. ɡ ɡ . ɡ . . . . ϡ .
/ ء ɡ - . .
/ ǡ ( ) ( ). . .
. . 1992 - - . . . ڡ . . . . . ɡ ɡ Ρ ɡ ʡ ɡ . ߡ ǡ ڡ .
. ڡ . :


. ɡ ȡ . Ρ ǡ ӡ . . 50 . - .
1 1.3 ɡ . ֡ .
- - 1968 8 . ޡ . : Ⱥ . .
14 . 2.5 ѡ . 35 . Earthrise [ ] ǡ 8 ɡ . ѡ . ѡ .
8 ѡ 11 . ߡ 8 "" . ߡ . 21 27 ѡ ɡ . 1968 . . .
8 1968. 8 .
8 . ϡ ѡ - - . ֡ . ...

ѡ ֡ 8 .
. ɡ ɡ . : ѻ . . .
ǡ . . : . . ϡ . . . .
: ϡ ɻ. . ǡ . .
8 ɡ ޡ - ǡ .

ߡ . ֡ ѡ ѡ - " ". . ɡ ɡ . ʡ ء ߡ :
: 5 Ͽ
: .
: .
ѡ ߡ . [ ] . . ɡ . ǡ ɡ .
ɡ 1872 ɡ 1906 ɡ 1916. 1962 ( ) ɡ ( ) DDT. . 1969 ǡ 16000 .
1970 . 1968 1972. ʡ . 1970 ա . . ߡ . ʡ ǡ 1968 1973 .
11 ( ) 1969
1970 ( : 1963, 1967)
(NOAA) 1970
1968-1972 ( )
(EPA) 1970
" "" 1971
DDT 1972
17 ( ) 1972
1973 ( : 1966, 1969)
: " " ɡ . " " " " ѡ "" " ." . ǡ 1962 1970. 17 1972.
. " " á 1950 1960. . ӡ ɡ . ҡ 31 1962 1963. ǡ 1963 1964. 1963 1969 ... . 1969 1962 1963 . ߡ . 1975 . 1990 . : . - .
. . ǡ ӡ (!) ѡ . ǡ .
. . .
ɡ . . ӿ . ( science fair [ ] . .) .
. ʡ ( ) . . . ߡ . . . ʡ ӡ ɡ .
ɡ . . ǡ . . 280 (40 ) . . . . 280 14 = 266 . - . : 29.53 . 266 . . . ǡ ʡ . . .
֡ . . ǡ . ѡ ȡ . ֡ ǡ . . . ѡ . ѡ . ѡ ѡ . ߡ ѡ .
: ֿ ֡ ɡ ѡ . . ѿ ʡ . . ߡ [ ] ǡ . ɡ - .
ѡ . . ǡ . 1.5 . . ʡ ӡ ϡ ӡ . .
. . . . ݡ . ǡ ǡ .
ɡ . ʡ - . . ѡ ( 6 12) :

ӡ ʡ ѡ

. . . ɡ . ѡ 16 1806 . ѡ . . ӡ . .
ǡ 13 1833 . ɡ [ ) " " . . ɡ ɡ . " " ɡ . - . 160 ɡ . ʡ ǡ . " !" - - 6 13:


͡ ɡ . ߡ ѡ ѡ . ء .
- - . (1509):

ǡ .

1994 ( : ) 1990 1 . ɡ . ɡ . . ɡ Earthrise . .
. . ɡ . - - - . ߡ ǡ .
ʡ . ȡ . . ȡ ǿ


. ɿ ǿ ѿ ǿ - -
. . . ɡ .
(1939 1945) - . . ɡ . . . ߡ - . ѡ V2 ȡ


/ ա . . . : ơ ơ . . ɿ . . .
ɡ - - . . ݡ . - - .
ɡ ɡ ( ) ɡ ɡ . ǡ . ǡ . . ϡ . . . Ǻ .
. [ ] . pi [ ]. . - . : ѡ . ֡ ȡ . . ͡ . - - ֡ 238000 . ߿ ߿ ߡ ȡ .
. [] . ɡ ֡ " " . ǡ . ʡ . . . ɡ . . . ǡ - 10:00 - ɡ . 11 . ҡ - .
( ) ǡ 2003. ǡ ɡ . .
ɡ ѡ . ... ֿ ... . . ߡ - - .
ȡ . . ɡ . ɡ ǡ ǡ ǡ . ϡ ɡ .
ʡ ɡ . ߡ 1972 - - . ʡ 1975 . ɿ ء .
101 [ ] " ." .
. ߡ [ ] . ɡ . ( ) .
. []. . . ɡ . . ǡ - . . ɡ . ߡ .
ǡ . - ɡ ѡ . .
[ ] ɡ :
1: ɡ .
: . ɡ . ߡ [ ] . [ ] . . . .
Ͽ . ( 2019) []. []. . [] . : ϡ ӡ [] . ߡ [] 2020. ǡ . . . . .
޿ ɿ ޿
. 2015 . . ڡ []. . . .
2: .

ÿ - ɡ . ɡ ѡ . ֡ . 2018 :


. 2020 ɡ :

" ".

. 97 ɡ ֡ . . ɡ . 3 .
" ". . : 97 " . ". 3 " ! " : 97 . 3 . ߡ ѡ ޡ ߡ .
. ֡ . ա Green New Deal [ ] . [ ]! : . .
3500 . . . () .
. 2005 ǡ " " . [ ].
ˡ . . : ɡ ԡ [ ] ǡ --. . 2020 COVID-19 ɡ ( ) . . 2000 "" . ߡ 2019 1300 . ʿ . [ ] - - .
2021 ޡ " " COVID-19 - 1000 . 98 COVID-19 . ɡ . ʡ :

ɡ 8000 ( ) COVID-19. [] .

ߡ :


. - . ɡ . . . "" [ ] . ӡ "! . . . . ." ɡ . .
. . ֡ .
ɡ . Brain Force Plus Super Male Vitality Alpha Power DNA Force Plus (FDA) Infowars . . "" . ͡ .
. - ( ) . ( 46 ). - ( 39 Ǻ ). ȡ 2.4 . ( 2.2 ) ( 1.2 ) .
" " .

3: . .

. . - . ǡ 1890 . HBCUs . . ߡ 100 . . ʡ ɡ [ ] ɡ ɡ .
ǡ 180 . 180 . 1990 ϡ ӡ . ӡ . ߡ . . 2014 . ɿ . ɡ 2022 ɡ . . Ͽ . " " ɡ . (1878):

I always voted at my partys call, And I never thought
of thinking for myself at all.


ȡ : ȡ ȡ .
. . ɡ . ϡ . ȡ . ѡ . ǿ
1980 " Cosmos) PBS KCET. (Cosmos) PBS. 2014 . Fox . . PBS Fox ١ Fox . ѡ PBS.

. . . ɡ . . ɡ 20th Century Fox Avatar (2009) - ( ) ѡ . .
Searchlight Pictures Fox Slumdog Millionaire (2008) 12 (2013) Summer of Soul (2021) . Fox Fox . Fox Fox Fox .
ߡ Fox Fox . [ ] Family Guy In Living Color [ ] . ֡ ѡ . Glee . ϡ . - .
Cosmos Fox.
ߡ . ӡ : . ǡ . ̿ .

4: . ǡ .

1781 4 . ء . ɡ [] .
. ȿ . ߺ ߡ .
ȿ ɡ . . ɡ . ߡ . .
. ѡ ( ) . ϡ . ߡ . " " : . .
ɿ ȡ " !"
ComicCon [ ]. ǡ ߡ [ ] ǡ ɡ ɡ ȡ . . . ֡ 300000 . . . ѡ ݡ ơ ɡ ϡ ɡ . . ( ) Venn .
- . ߡ .
. .
ɡ R2D2 Star Wars . Xena Warrior Princess ߿ ڿ Star Trek ߡ . ߡ . ڡ ʡ . () . - . ѡ . .
֡ . - " !"

- . [ ]. [ (1187 - 1268 ) ϡ ʡ .
( ) . ޡ ӡ 1801 . ѿ " " - ʡ . . . . .
1809 " " ѡ . " " . . ǡ . . . . ߡ :

- : ǡ . f [ ] e x . . . . [ ].
. . . ߡ . . . ݡ .
- - . ߡ . ߡ ɿ :
1. . ϡ . ϡ .
2. . ϡ ȡ . . 1.
3. . . . .
4. . . . . .
: ء ǡ .
. ɡ . . . ɡ Ρ ɡ .
ϡ " !" ߡ ǡ " !" " ߿" "!" " !" " !" . ѡ ɿ .
ѡ . ǡ . .
. - - . . - . ɡ ɡ . [].
ǡ ۡ . ɡ (APS) . 1986 ޡ . ء MGM Grand Marina [ ] 4000 . ޡ 7000 ɡ . .
MGM . . .

[ : ɡ . 1986 . : ɡ (APS) .]
- ʡ . 27 27 "". [ ] ɡ . ߡ ߡ . ɡ - - .
. . . . . . . . ء [] . ѿ 1 18 . ѡ .
- - . ɡ .
. ӡ 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 . . ǡ ( ) . . 300 . ʡ 300 - . ͡ " ʿ"
ɡ . 2021 45 . . 45 lottery Powerball 100 - . ڡ . ҡ ɡ .
ɡ Powerball 1 292.2 . ʡ - - . 300 . " " " ". ߡ .
. . Voyant [] :
ʡ ɡ ... .

1 292.2 1 292.2 . 1 85 . . [ (1015).]
. ɡ ɡ . ɡ . .
ɡ ѡ ɡ . . ɿ . ǡ [ ] . K-12 [ ] ȡ ɡ ߡ .
ʡ ӡ . .

[ : . ɡ 3:46 9 2010 * Twitter.
ȡ . ߡ . ǡ . ѡ " ߿" ǡ "ɡ ". - .
ǡ ϡ .
. - ߡ . : 1000 . ɡ 50 ɡ . 500 . 250 ǡ 500 . ء 1000 500 250 125 62 31 16 8 4 2 1. ɡ . ɡ 30 ɡ 970 . ǿ [ ] . ߡ . 999 1 1000 [] . :
: ҿ
: . . ޡ . ɡ .
ҡ . ɡ . ( ) . ߡ ǡ ɡ ɡ ѡ . . ѡ . : ѡ .
ϡ . . ѡ ޡ . CNBC [ ] 10 2021:

ɡ ڡ 39


. .

ѡ [] . 1000. . . . . . ߡ [ ] . " " ء 30 . 30 1000. 30 . .
߿ . 12 ɡ : " ." ʡ ء . / 2021 . " ".
ɡ . . . . . 1965 ɡ . 1974 50 2008 30 . . . . ݡ . . . . 65 . / 2009 / 2021 150 . . ѡ .
ӡ . - GMO. ޡ ߡ . . . . ȡ . ǡ ߡ .
ѡ ʡ Roundup . . - - . Ben & Jerry . ( .) . ߡ . - - .
. ǡ ߡ ǡ LD50. 50 . . ѡ - (NOAEL) . LD50 . ǡ . LD50s . :
30 ( )
7 ( )
5 (Roundup)
0.2 ( )

. . . . " " [ ] . The Rime of the Ancient Mariner [ ] LD50 ͡ :

" ."

ѡ . . . 150 (70 ) - ǡ . :
. 20 .

. - . . ˡ ѡ ʡ



ӡ " ɺ" ɡ ... ߡ ɡ .

. ʡ . ɡ . : " ( ) ." "" . ǡ . ɡ . ߡ ѡ 4.3 . - 15 ɡ . ޡ 15 . ǡ ( ) 15 . 15 . ɡ 0.6 ء 4.3 4.9 ɡ 15 .
. .
. ǡ . ɡ . . . ɡ . 1 8 " ".
͡ .
. . [ ] " ". ɡ ӡ . .
- ɡ . .
- - ɡ ѡ . .
ɿ . . ̡ . : .
ȡ . ѡ . ɡ . ɡ ( ) . ɡ ء 22 .
ɡ ڡ ɡ .
. ɡ . 2019 46 ѡ 23 . .
ʡ ɡ 11 / 2001. 3000 . 100 ѡ 11 2001 ϡ 11 . ѡ . 35000 ǡ 2 11 ȡ ޡ 11 . . . .
ѡ . ʡ . .
2016 ɡ . ǡ 21400 ɡ 155 ɡ 2.1 ѡ . ǡ - . : 1) ǡ 2) ɡ .
͡ ǡ ɿ . ɡ . ߡ ߡ . (ݿ) ɡ ǡ ǿ ʿ
ǡ . 97 . . . . . ɡ ߡ . ߡ ء - - ɡ . . ء . .
36000 . ǡ ǡ ǡ 1000 ǡ 35000 . ɡ . :

. .

. ʡ 1000 . 11 2001 ɡ . 2010 2019 ( ) . NTSB ˡ ߡ . ϡ . 2019 ( COVID-19) 35 2000. . ɡ ǡ .
1726 ѡ ǡ Houyhnms - . ɡ ѡ ɡ . .
ѡ . : . : . ʡ . . ߡ . ɡ . [ ] 1967:

Ive looked at life from both sides now
From win and lose and still somehow
Its lifes illusions I recall
I really dont know life at all.


ɡ - - . ɡ . . .

ɡ . - ɡ ɡ ɡ ɡ ɡ . ֡ . ǡ . . . . .
ɡ . . ѡ : " . ". ɡ ȡ ɡ . ɡ . - . . ǿ : ڡ Beef.
: ޡ - . . . ǡ . .
carnivores omnivores herbivores meatarian vegetarian . ( ) ( ). . . 40 ɡ . 10 . 5 . . 5 . 12 ɡ .
ʡ . ɡ 3 1 ϡ . 8 .
֡ ɡ . ɡ . .
. " " The Three Little Pigs Little Red Riding Hood Peter and the Wolf. ѡ ɡ . . - . " ؿ" " ". ޡ . ݡ .
ɡ . . 75 . ߡ .
֡ ǡ ǡ . .
ǡ . : ȡ ѡ ɡ ɿ ޿ ǿ ɿ
ǡ . - . ʡ ɡ . . ɡ . ǡ - - . ̡ ǡ . ӡ . ǿ ߡ . 150.000 800 . ͡ 1200 500 [ 226.796 ] .
. . . . ݿ - ȡ .
ѡ . . :

. ... .

. ɡ ޡ " ". . . .
. ѿ ȡ . . ӡ . . . ߡ . ڡ [] .
. . . . - . . . . ɡ . . . - . . . ޡ ԡ . . . .
ǡ . 1 26:

: ǡ .

"" "" - . . ɡ .
ʡ . . . . : ɺ . .
ӡ ǡ . ɿ ѿ Ͽ . . . ʿ . ѿ . . . . . ߡ .
ʡ ߡ ϡ . ֡ ǡ ɡ . . ɡ . ɡ . ɡ ɡ . 1980 PETA ( ) . ӡ : [].
. ɡ . . . ɿ . . . . ʡ ʡ ɡ ɡ ʡ ɡ .
[ ]. ɡ ɡ . ֡ ϡ ɡ ǡ ѿ . ʡ . .
ɡ ޡ ѡ . . . . . ߡ ѡ ȡ ʡ . . . ߡ . 250 . [ 0.028 ]. ϡ .
ѡ ɿ ݿ ( pancake 30 ȿ ) ɡ ޿ ɡ ʿ ǿ . . ʡ ʡ ɡ ʡ . . . ͡ ݡ .
Avatar (2009) - . The Wizard of Oz Ents Planet X Groot Guardians of the Galaxy . ET: The Extraterrestrial (1982) . ʡ ET . . ET ڡ .
. . . ֿ - - . ǡ . - - .
. ʡ ɡ [ ]. 1993 . [ ] . . . - - . ݡ [ ] ݡ [ ] : . .
. ȡ - ѡ ѡ ʡ - ǡ .
ɡ [ ]. ʡ ѡ . . ɿ ߡ ѡ . ( ) .
. . . .
: - - . ɡ ͡ ɡ . " ": . ǡ . .
. . ߡ .
ɡ . ... . . . . . ̡ . . ֡ .
. The Big Bang Theory [ ] " " . ѡ . ʡ . 536 :

. ɡ ... ѡ . ... ǡ . ѿ Ͽ .

. ɡ . . . The Big Bang Theory Google . . ɡ .
ɡ ǡ ɡ . .

ѡ ֡ . ɡ .

. PETA [ ] PETP ( ). . ɡ ɿ . . . " !"
Ͽ 1990 " " . . :


. .

. ȡ ǡ . .
. .
ˡ . .
ʿ .
. . .
. ɿ .

. .
ѡ . 35000 ( . . ǡ Armillaria ostoyae . . .
"" - . ɡ .

. ѡ ɡ ϡ ǡ . . ɡ ڡ ɡ . ʡ . .
ʡ ɡ . . . . ɡ . . ʡ . ɡ . . " ɿ ɿ " : "". . ȡ .
. ǿ - . .
. wavicle "-" . . : ǿ . !" . ʡ !
޿ ޡ . ߡ ޡ . . . . ǡ . . ɡ - - "" 0 1. 0 1. .
qubits "". 0 1 . 0 1: 0 1 0 1 Ǻ . . 0 1 ɺ .
. ֿ ǿ ɿ ǿ -. ɡ ɡ .
. ɡ - : ѡ ޡ . Roy G. Biv. " ". ɡ - - NBC LGBT . ޡ . ǡ ǡ . . ɡ . ǡ ɡ .
LGBTQ +: . ʡ "" "" . . "". . . ߡ . 1961 West Side Story Anybodys Jets . . . . . . Tomboy . ǡ ... . . Riff ݡ ӡ A-Rab :

: . .
: ݡ ... . .
: ǿ
: ޡ ! !
: !
ʡ ǡ ǡ
. ( 22 5):

" ."

. ߡ ӡ 1431 .
"" ɡ ա . . ʡ ǡ .
ߡ - . ɡ . . . ӡ ǡ . . . . . ɡ . ء . ء ǡ . . . . .
. . : 100 - . . ɡ . ߡ . ݡ ߡ . ɡ . ʡ ɡ . .
. . . . . . ɿ ߡ ߡ ߡ . . . ʿ ߡ ǡ 200,000 . . .
ֿ ӿ ݿ ޡ . . . ݡ . ǡ . . .
. Saffir-Simpson - . . . . ǡ .

1 74 95
2 96 110
3 111 129
4 130 156
5 157

Ͽ . . ѡ ɡ 1973. . ǡ ( ) . . ȡ " 3 4". " 3 3". 3 3 4. ߡ . ǡ ɡ .
ڡ . ɡ . . . ޡ ɡ . .
ӡ ɡ ɡ ʡ ɡ . . ߡ - ɡ 1776 . . . . "" [ hypocritic Hippocratic oath ]:


. ʡ " " : A O. . ɡ . .
- . ʡ . ѡ . ӡ ǡ G2V. ӡ F7I.
֡ . . ɡ . ʡ . . . ǡ . ޡ . . . . - . ɡ . . .
ɡ : " []". . 0 . 1 . 0.3 30 70 . . . .
ա . . . ɡ . . ӡ . ϡ ̡ . . ( 33 ) .
. - - 99.9 . . ڡ . ߡ .
ȡ ѡ ɡ ѡ ɡ ӡ ȡ ա ɡ . . ߡ . ɡ . - - . ʡ . ʡ ϡ ǡ . MAC NW43. ̡ . ߿ ǡ - . ߡ ϡ .
ޡ . ϡ . ߡ ʡ ɡ . 1950 ϡ . .
ɿ . ɡ ɡ . . ɿ ɡ ʡ . . ϡ ǡ ǡ [ ] . 3500 - ɡ .
25 2020 . 2020 - . ϡ ǡ . . . - [ ].
. . . . . . . . - . ɡ . : .
1836 ӡ ɡ . :

... . [] . .

. . ɡ . . ߡ ߡ ɡ ӡ 1901 1909. ɡ . - . ӡ . ǿ 1905 :

Ѻ .

. ǡ . .
. - . ݿ " " . - - . . ѡ - .
[] . ɡ . 230 ɡ . - .
. - . ɡ . .
. . 1925 1940 :
1- . .
2- . .
3- ʡ - - .
4- ʡ .
5- . : () 1997 ɡ ǡ . ա () 1995 . () 1876 ߡ ɡ ѡ ڡ ڡ . ɡ ˡ .
6- 1940 ߡ . .
7- ȡ ʡ " ".
8- : [ ]

[] ǡ ʡ .

ǡ . . . ǡ ɡ . .
. ǡ . ǡ ɡ ɡ . . . ɡ ȡ ȡ 400 ѡ . ʡ .
̡ ǿ . - ߡ . ѡ . . [] ޿ ̡ ѡ ҿ
ߡ . ɡ [ ] . [ ] ǡ ݡ .
ɡ . misanthropes. . ɡ .
" " ɡ 1885. ɡ " ". : ɡ ǡ - .
ɡ . . [Afro Pick] . ɡ ɡ . [] . [Afro Pick] ɡ .
ѡ ɡ ѡ . ʡ ڡ . ɡ ֡ - .
ʡ (Q) (V) (C) ɡ : Q = V C. " VietCong [ ]." ݡ .
"". ( ). . : - - - - - - - - - . . . . :
Big Beautiful Roses Occupy Your Garden But Violets Grow Wild
[ : ߡ .]
. . :
Black Boys Rape Our Young Girls But Violet Gives Willingly.
[ : ѡ .]
ɡ :
Bad Boys [: ]
. ١ .
[ ] . " " . 1870 " : " . " " :

. . . .

1909 .
. ɡ ѡ . . ϡ 90 . 1785 ǡ

ֺ ϡ Ӻ .

ɡ ϡ . 1859 ڡ 1871 ɡ . . ߡ . 1962 . :

" ɡ . ".

. ǡ .
ɡ . . . . ɡ .
: ֡ ɿ ֡ ǿ
. ֡ .
. ֡ . . .
- - ֡ .
. . ߡ . ǡ . ɡ - . .
. ʡ 1 3 . . - . ɡ .
. .
. ߡ ʡ . . Ͽ . 30 . .
ɿ :
25 . . .
ǿ .
"Black dont crack " ɡ . .
. . .
. . . .
2.5 .
2 3 . :
. . . . .
. . ɡ .
Ͽ . :

ǡ . - .
. . .
ɡ ȡ .

ߡ ҡ . ɡ . ǡ . . .
ڡ - .
" ". ǡ . . . . 25000 ( ) 2 - - 4.3 . ֡ . ߡ ɡ ɡ ѡ - .
. ɡ . ǡ ɡ . ɡ ֡ . . ӿ . . ǡ .
. .
. .
ǿ . . . ǡ . Stargate 1994 ɡ . ( ) 31 2020: " ." ǡ ǡ . . ߡ ֡ 2003 (AIMS). . ǡ . 2008 AIMS " ǡ ". ֡ .
. . ǡ ǡ . 2020 : 116 ѡ 40 ѡ 36 ѡ 32 ѡ 1000 .
1 2021 National Master 2200 4٪ 350.000 . ̡ . 2017. . 2021 Twitch . .
8 . ɡ .
ʡ ɡ ɡ - - .

. "" []. "". : "ǡ ." ɡ . : " ". . ߿ "." "." " - ʡ ." . ǡ " -" ߡ - - . ɡ . - [ ] - .
. 8 . . 16 . ء 32 . ء 64 . 1900. . 1900 64 + 32 + 16 = 112 . 1900 2 .
ǿ 112 2 . 1800 . 1600 500 . [3200 .] 20 . . " " . 20 . . ȡ . ( 800 ). ǡ .
. ߡ . . . . .
ǡ . ޡ 1963 "I have a dream ":


. . ѿ ֡ ѡ - . ʡ . ޡ ɡ ߿ ɿ ɿ ǿ ɿ ɿ . ɡ ݡ . ǡ ǡ . ѡ - ǡ 1853:

. ɺ Ѻ . .

޿ ޡ ʡ .
. ֡ . . . ֡ ϡ . . . ( ) . ǡ ɡ .
ǡ . - - .

ѡ ʡ ʿ [ 19] . ֡ С . ȡ .
ɡ . ߡ . ǡ .
: " " ɡ ǡ ɡ ϡ . ɡ "" ʡ ɿ
ǡ (ݿ) . . ɿ ʡ .
ʡ . ɡ . - - . .
ϡ .
ɡ . [ ] : " ǡ ." . ɡ ѡ ߡ . ʡ . ɡ 1750 . 2 283 ǡ :

ѡ ѡ . ȡ .

. ڡ . ߡ . ߡ .
. 48 . ϡ . :

ѡ . ɡ . ѡ . .

ݡ . ɡ . ɡ .
ѿ . . . .
ݡ - --. ǡ . ߡ - - ɡ . ѡ - - . :

- .

- ѿ . ѡ . . ɿ . ʺ . ǡ ǡ ǡ . .
. ǡ . . ϡ ϡ ɡ . [ ] . ֡ ߡ . - . .
. ա . ɡ ߡ . ɡ :

: . ѡ ɡ 1791 :

ɡ ɡ ... .

1215 " ". . ɡ ɡ ɡ ʡ ѡ - .
ڡ . . ǡ . . . ѡ . ǡ . . . ߡ . [ ]. . . . ǡ ǡ .
. ߡ - . . . ɡ . " lawmakers". ɿ
ߡ . ϡ . .
. - voir ---dir---e - ǡ ǡ . . " ." . " ." .
" !" ǡ " ǿ" . . - - . - . . ˡ .
ɺ . ʡ . . 1700 . ݡ . ʡ . ɡ " " : 1700 "" 1.7 [ ]". ǡ . ʡ "... ."
. ѡ ǡ " " . ߡ " ."
. " " . . ɡ ɡ . . - . ѡ . " ǡ ". ɡ : " ǡ " ѡ " !" ɡ () " ɡ ." ߡ .
ɡ ʡ . . . . " ȡ " . 1954 12 Angry Men Reginald Rose ϡ ɡ ɡ ɡ . . . ɡ ʡ . ҡ . .
Innocence Project 1992. :


1973 186 . 1543 . 1989 375 37 5284 . 10: 1 ޡ 52840 5284
ѡ . . . 348 2009 : :

ʡ . . ߡ .

ǡ 1999 Lucky 1981 . - 2021 . ڡ ѡ . .
69 ϡ ɡ ɡ ɡ .
ɡ ߡ 93 . Y. . . ɡ . ߡ ݡ [] ڡ ѡ . ߡ .
- . 2016 . " " . ( ) ( SETI ) ( ) ( ) ( ) . . . . . . .
Rational Land Rationalia. ǡ . ǡ ɡ ɡ :

[ : : #Rationalia :

10:12 29 2016 * TweetPeek]
. . . .
. ɡ . :


" "

. "" ǡ . " " "" ɡ ߡ ɡ . ǡ .
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: ȡ .
: .
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Rationalia . . Rationalia .
Rationalia . .
Rationalia . ( ) . . : ɿ
Rationalia . . .
Rationalia .
Rationalia . ɿ . . Rationalia . 76 . ʿ 131 .
Rationalia . . . . .
. . . . . . . .

. ڡ . -. ǡ "" " " " " . ѡ . (PDR) - - ɡ ɡ ǡ ɡ ɡ . ɡ . ɡ ǡ . . ( ) . ֡ ɡ ǡ .
. ȡ : " ." ǡ ɡ . 1490 . ǡ ɡ ɡ . ؿ . - - ѡ . . ǡ . .
ǡ ǡ . Paralympics. . ǡ ǡ .
ǡ . . . [] . . - . . ǡ ǡ . 100000000000000 ( ) . ǡ ɡ . . ߡ chocoholic .
ǿ ɡ . - ѡ ڡ ӡ ޡ - . ǡ .
ɡ . Milky Way ɡ Andromeda Galaxy ɡ ɡ . . ǡ ϡ ߡ . ǡ . ǡ .
ڡ ɡ . ء . ڡ "" . ݡ ɡ ɡ . ɡ ѡ . MRI. - . NMRI "" "N" . ѡ . Felix Bloch Edward Purcell 1952 . . .
ʡ . . . ( ɡ ȡ ) ۡ ȡ ̡ ɡ . / ݡ . . . . ɡ ֡ ɡ . ɿ . ߡ .
. . . ɡ . . .
. . Roe v. Wade ϡ 1973 . ( ) . - .
/ ɡ ѡ . ɡ embryo fetus . "" . " " " ".
. 5 1990 2019 13 . ߡ 15 . . ɡ 30 . .
physiology ǿ ǿ ޿ . - - . ݡ ѡ ǡ . . . . . ɡ . ɡ . . .
1824 . ɿ - - . 10 1930 ( . ȡ :
Again, I stood with the Captain on the bridge, and he
was quiet and composed in the presence of a million
universesa man with the power of a god. In
imagination I saw the Captain standing on the bridge,
gazing into the wide-canopied heavens and seeing the
darkness sprinkled with stars, systems, and galaxies.
[: ѡ

"- ...


ѡ 1904 .
. . . ( ) .
ɡ NBA . ߡ ȡ . 2017 Harlem Globetrotters - . " ." Hot Shot . Harlem Globetrotters.
. ڡ . ʡ . ȡ 2010 " 100". ɡ " ". ϡ ɡ ǡ .
ɡ . - ALS Lou Gehrig . . 1988 A Brief History of Time . ɡ 2018.

ǡ . ǡ " ." " ". . . 2012 ߡ " " "". . .

- . . ޡ . 4 1993 ҡ - . 320 220 . .
. . ( ) .
ǡ .
. ڡ ߡ ɿ ȡ

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. 20 . ֡ . ߡ . . - . . - . ߡ 98+ . 2 ! . - . . () 2
2 . . . ѡ ʡ . " " .
. . . ǡ . . . ڡ . ѡ ߡ . .
ɡ . ʡ . . . . . . . ǡ .
ۡ . ѡ . ʡ ء . YouTube . ɡ . . . ϡ - - .
ʡ ʡ . ء 2.5 15 . ѡ ѡ ɡ . . - - .
ȡ . ʡ . 2 . ޡ . ޡ . ֿ . ߡ [ ] . . " . ! "
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: ǡ . ǡ . . ǡ . . . ߡ ѡ . . . .


ɡ . ɡ - ء . ɡ ѡ . ѡ . ͡ . ߡ 60 . ɡ .
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. . ϡ ߿ . . ɡ . ϡ ɿ . . ǡ - ҡ . ǡ ɡ .
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. ǡ . ʡ ߡ .
- - (K-T) (" (K-T)": - (K-Pg).) 66 - .
ѡ . 70 . . ǡ - 250 ɡ .
. . : 11700 .
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. 400 25000 ǡ 400 25000 = 10 .
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. ѡ . ߡ . . . . . . . . . 30 ɡ 21 - 20 .
ʡ ǡ ɡ ɡ Ρ . ɿ ʡ ʡ ߡ ߡ - . . ɡ . ݡ - - . . 400000 - .
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[ 22 2022 30 2022]


survival advantages: Michael Shermer, The Believing Brain (New York, Times Books, 2011)
induction .
prejudice-or-leniency: A. I. Sabra, ed., The Optics of Ibn Al-Haytham, Books I-III: On ---dir---ect Vision, Arabic text, edited and with introduction, Arabic-Latin glossaries, and concordance tables (Kuwait: National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters, 1983).
their own opinion: The Note Book of Leonardo da Vinci, vol. 2, trans. John Paul Richter, chapter XIX: Philosophical Maxims. Morals. Polemics and speculations. II. Morals On Foolishness and Ignorance. Maxim. no. 1180 (New York: Dover, 1970), 283-311, accessed March 19, 2022, https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Notebooks_of_Leonardo_Da_Vinci/XIX
Ode on a Grecian Urn,: accessed March 1, 2022, https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44477/ode-on-a-grecian-urn
. ()
62: " " ()
. ()
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ӡ ǡ ɡ . ()
Sermon on the Mount: Clifford M. Yearly, God Speaks to Us on Tops of Mountains/ Catholic Diocese of Little Rock (website), April 26, 2014, accessed October 30, 2021, https://www.dolr.org/article/god-speaks-us-tops-mountains
cloud nine: Paul Simons, The Origin of Cloud 9, The Times (London), September 6, 2016,
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catalog IDs: The field of astrophysics contains many catalogs of many things. Here we reference: PSR: Pulsating Source of Radio (pulsars) NGC: New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars IC: Index Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Starsan extension of the NGC.
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. ()
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extinct": Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser, Extinctions, Our World in Data, accessed October 30, 2021, https://ourworldindata.org/extinctions.
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. ()
Kilmers most famous poem: Joyce Kilmer, Trees, Oatridge, accessed November 2, 2021, https://www.oatridge.co.uk/poems/j/joyce-kilmer-trees.php .
debated in India: Simon Mundy, India Critics Push Back Against Modis Space Programme Plans/ Financial Times, August 27, 2018, accessed July 11, 2021, https://www.ft.com/ content/edeb 1846-a691-1 Ie8-8ecf-a7aelbeff35b.
live in squalor": Poverty in India: Facts and Figures on the Daily Struggle for Survival/ SOS Childrens Villages, accessed July 11, 2021, https://www.soschildrensvillages.ca/news/ poverty-in-india-602.
"T. S. Eliot once mused: T. S. Eliot, Little Gidding, Four Quartets, 1942, accessed July 8, 2020, http://www.columbia.edu/itc/history/winter/w3206/edit/tseliotlittlegidding.html.
voyage to the Caribbean: Columbus Reports on His First Voyage, 1493, Gilder Lehrman
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discovery of ideas: Neil deGrasse Tyson, Paths to Discovery, in The Columbia History of
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large collaborations: Daniele Fanelli and Vincent Larivire, Researchers Individual
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velocipede: History of the Bicycle: A Timeline, Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and
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no tolerance: For an academic analysis: Eli J. Finkel et al., Political Sectarianism in
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greatly restrict abortion: Guttmacher Institute, Abortion Policy in the Absence of Roe,
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the death penalty: Death Penalty Information Center, State by State, accessed December
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a fetus thereafter until birth: Healthline, Embryo vs Fetus: Fetal Development Week by
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abort the babies: See, e.g., Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle), Twitter, December 27, 2012,
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5 million pregnancies: Statista, Number of Births in the United States from 1990 to 2019,
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united-states-since-1990/. Note further: Reported births in the US for 2019 = 3.75 million.
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5.1 million pregnancies that year.
medically aborted: Katherine Kortsmit et al., Abortion SurveillanceUnited States, 2019,
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) 70, no. 9 (November 26, 2021): 129,
accessed December 12, 2021, https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/ss/ss7009a1.htm.
30 percent of all pregnancies: John P. Curtis, What Are Abortion and Miscarriage?,
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physiological chauvinism: Rosemarie Garland Thomson, Extraordinary Bodies: Figuring
Physical Disability in American Culture and Literature (New York: Columbia University
Press, 1997).
Captain on the bridge: Unpublished letter from Helen Keller to Captain von Beck, in the
private collection of the author.
" ": .
legs, feet, and toes: Matt Stutzman, interviewed for StarTalk Sports Edition, August 2021,
accessed November 24, 2021, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NipfdwGTUs.
Jahmani Swanson: Jahmani Swanson, interviewed for StarTalk Sports Edition, December
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influential people in the world: The 2010 Time 100, Time, 2010,
until his death in 2018: Stephen Hawking, interviewed for StarTalk, March 14, 2018,
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his own face in the mirror: Oliver Sacks, interviewed for StarTalk, Are You Out of Your
Mind?, accessed November 24, 2021, https://www.startalkradio.net/show/extended-classicare-
but was never true: Christian Jarrett, Great Myths of the Brain (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-
Blackwell, 2014).
no matter the stimulus: Daniel Graham, You Cant Use 100% of Your Brainand Thats a
Good Thing, Psychology Today, February 19, 2021, accessed November 21, 2021,
20 percent of our bodys energy: Nikhil Swaminathan, Why Does the Brain Need So Much
Power?, Scientific American, April 29, 2008, accessed November 29, 2021,
unwelcome anomalies arise: American Museum of Natural History, Brains, accessed
November 27, 2021, https://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/extreme-mammals/extremebodies/
brains see also Brain-to-Body Mass Ratio, Wikipedia, accessed November 27, 2021,
bottle in the street: Genius Magpie, YouTube, accessed November 27, 2021,
stars in the Milky Way Galaxy: Bradley Voytek, Are There Really as Many Neurons in the
Human Brain as Stars in the Milky Way?, Brain Metrics (blog), May 20, 2013, accessed
November 29, 2021, https://www.nature.com/scitable/blog/brainmetrics/
Rubiks Cube in 0.25 seconds: Why Its Almost Impossible to Solve a Rubiks Cube in
Under 3 Seconds, Wired, accessed November 28, 2021, https://www.youtube.com/watch?
traffic fatalities: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Road Traffic Injuries and
Deathsa Global Problem, accessed March 3, 2022,
born every second: Number of Births, The World Counts, accessed December 19, 2021,
two per second, on average: Worldometer, World Population, accessed December 19, 2021,
people in the year 1900: Max Roser, Esteban Ortiz-Ospina, and Hannah Ritchie, Life
Expectancy, Our World in Data, 2013, last revised October 2019, accessed December 19,
2021, https://ourworldindata.org/life-expectancy.
size of Mount Everest: Why Did the Dinosaurs Die Out?, History, March 24, 2010,
updated June 7, 2019, accessed December 21, 2021, https://www.history.com/topics/prehistory/
life on Earth almost ended entirely: Hannah Hickey, What Caused Earths Biggest Mass
Extinction?, Stanford Earth Matters, December 6, 2018, accessed December 19, 2021,
naturally occurs: The Holocene Epoch, UC Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley, accessed
December 17, 2021, https://ucmp.berkeley.edu/quaternary/holocene.php see also Gerardo
Ceballos, Paul R. Ehrlich, and Peter H. Raven, Vertebrates on the Brink as Indicators of
Biological Annihilation and the Sixth Mass Extinction, Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences 117, no. 24 (June 1, 2020): 13596, https://www.pnas.org/content/117/24/13596
Daisy Hernandez, The Earths Sixth Mass Extinction Is Accelerating, Popular Mechanics,
June 3, 2020, accessed December 19, 2021,
99.9 percent of them have gone extinct: Roundtable: A Modern Mass Extinction?,
Evolution, accessed December 17, 2021,
using many approaches: W. Kip Viscusi, The Value of Life in Legal Contexts: Survey and
Critique (originally published in American Law and Economics Review 2, no. 1 [Spring
2000]: 195222), accessed December 18, 2021,
Another sample calculation: Sarah Gonzalez, How Government Agencies Determine the
Dollar Value of Human Life, NPR, April 23, 2020, accessed December 18, 2021,
---$---233,000: Elyssa Kirkham, A Breakdown of the Cost of Raising a Child, Plutus
Foundation, February 2, 2021, accessed December 18, 2021,
twenty-one-or-younger: US Wings, Vietnam War Facts, Stats and Myths, accessed June 2,
2022, https://www.uswings.com/about-us-wings/vietnam-war-facts/ see also National
Archives, Vietnam War U.S. Military Fatal Casualty Statistics, accessed June 2, 2022,
half million people per year: World Health Organization, Malaria, December 6, 2021,
accessed January 2, 2022, https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/malaria.
at least 1030 variations: Likely a gross underestimate. See Quora discussion, accessed July 6,
2022, https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-maximum-number-of-genetically-uniqueindividuals-
never even be conceived: A concept articulately conveyed in Richard Dawkins, Unweaving
the Rainbow: Science, Delusion, and the Appetite for Wonder (New York: Houghton Mifflin,
I beseech you: Horace Mann, commencement address at Antioch College, Yellow Springs,
Ohio, 1859.